Anyone know of any?
Has to have the following;
500Mb File Space
1GB MySQL Database?
10Gb Traffic?
PHP & Stuff ready for use!
Or if anyone can host it for me.. then???
The Needs;
The site is going to be a discussion site.. so its gonna have a forum?
Any suggestions?
Also needs to be cheap? Domain not required? FTP is a must?
:::.. Upload Stats ..:::
Upload Connection is:: 629 Kbps about 0.6 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB)
Upload Speed is:: 77 kB/s
Tested From:: (Server 1)
Test Time:: 2006/11/03 - 2:19pm
Bottom Line:: 11X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 13.3 sec
Tested from a 1013 kB file and took 13.187 seconds to complete
Upload Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 31.32 % faster than the average for host (
U-Validation Link::
User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1) [!]
nice for oversees
The packages are as follows?
These are the stats on my 16Mb connection?
ADSL Link Downstream Upstream
Connection Speed 15451 kbps 766 kbps
Line Attenuation 35.5 db 19.7 db
Noise Margin 7.1 db 12.0 db
@ Post Author post your router stats?
ModFather, Welcome to the forums, Also im with Sky Broadband and im on MAX! the UPTO16mb!
I assume your on Connect because Sky havent unbundled your exchange!
Also Sky Broadband Connect is ADSL, Not satelite!
The website declined to show this webpage
Windows firewall is off? What message did you get? The ports are forwarded fine as i did the same for utorrent and that works?
lol, over a while people have probably known that iv been having some computer issues and thanx guys youv been brilliant in helping!
So iv set my site up with IIS and installed php! but it is installed on Ip Address on port 8080?
Why cant i access my site, Also iv set up an ftp on the same address with port 21?
Could someone check to see if they can access it and why cant I?
I am with telewest 10mb and im egttign spot on 10mb... seen as NTL & Telewest have joined and use the same technology something is going on...
They might have accidentally left you on 2mb or 4mb... bell them to find out what you really on.. hen we can help you more!