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Everything posted by j3grizz

  1. j3grizz


    I am laughing now but you will probably tell me that they are rolling out FIOS down your street next!! So I won't rub it in at all.
  2. Sweet, when do they go on sale.
  3. Yea, lol. I understand. I can sympathise.
  4. Yea that could be a better time to use it if you were already in need of an upgrade. If ya tried it and it worked that is great. If not, a new system would be the way to go cause the old ones can sometimes be Electricity Hogs $$$!! Don't get me wrong though, I am not one of these that recommends to have an upgrade after a few years! Just on very old systems. Maybe 16 years or older. What happens is it gets stopped in the small expansion valves (there are different kinds) that prepare the refrigerant for entry into the evaporator. When this happens it is hard to even blow it out with nitrogen and parts have to be replaced.
  5. j3grizz


  6. j3grizz


    I can finally get 3 Mbps now. They are supposed to be hooking it up any day now.
  7. Yea, they make it. I will tell you though that they can do more harm than good. In an ac system you have many places that can get stopped up from it. Then you will have another problem. I do now of people using it and it working, but also now of many that has messed up. So in short, I don't recommend it.
  8. Let us know if it doesn't.
  9. Maybe since you are waiting until the fall they will charge you a little less. Worth a shot to ask anyway.
  10. The guy e-mailed me and asked me to sell to the highest bidder. I was ready to sell so I did. The next day the boat was on its way to Florida!! :)
  11. Yea, I love selling on ebay! I am currently selling my truck. Just sold my bass boat. It sold in less than 24 hours! You should give it a try.
  12. Ya think I could write it off? lol.
  13. Come on ya gotta tell us now. What did you do?
  14. OUCH!! That had to heart. No injuries at all? If not you were very lucky.
  15. j3grizz


    Yea, those speeds are great!!
  16. What are the ranges disturbed?
  17. It sounds like the unit is operating ok for now. I'm curious to see how it does on another scorcher though. The unit seems to be sized correctly.
  18. If you are getting at least 90% of your advertised speed you are doing pretty good. In this particular case you are 341 Kbps over 90%!! That is good. Stick with Van he will take care of ya. Welcome to the forum erhan28!
  19. I can see it now!!! Packages starting out only @ $$$$5K$$$$ a month. LOL.
  20. If you didn't want to delete all of the unused fonts you could create a folder and put them in it. That way the pc won't scan them on startup. And you will still have them if ya need um!
  21. Yea, I thought it looked nice as well. Just noticed it the other day.
  22. I think they are rolling that out down my street right now. NOT!! I wish. Probably couldn't afford it though.
  23. I think it will get atleast 1 mile per gallon!!
  24. Since we are on the subject, my Daddy was exposed to tons of asbestos insulation on his job working @ the Kaolin plant!! He is fine so far and I pray that it stays that way!! He just so happened to take many incriminating pics though, even after the plant was told to get rid of it. So the bases are covered, hopefully that card won't have to be pulled!
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