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  • Speed Test

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Everything posted by j3grizz

  1. Your speeds make mine feel lower than a snakes shadow in the ditch!! Welcome to the forum!!
  2. The filter being in backwards wouldn't affect it much. (Depending on the filter) Before getting someone out to take a look at it I would check the temps. first!! A thermometer is cheap. And I hate to say it but there are some that would jump at the chance to replace the most expensive part they can think of for no reason! With it being 101 deg. outside that would put a considerable load on the unit. Depending on the size of the unit and the square footage of your house it should be able to do a little better than 81 deg. though. So get a cheap thermometer and check it out.
  3. Justinlay, check the temp around your return. Then check the temp. coming out of your vents. A general rule of thumb is that if you can get at least a 15 deg. drop it is operating normally. Most units will do a little better than 15 but it isn't a requirement. Check this and let me know.
  4. I guess that I have 31. I will have to count later.
  5. Sounds like you have a lot of great knowledge here Tommie. Thanks. I will go and get the owners packet from the local housing authority.
  6. That is exactly right. It's not what ya know it's _________ Guess.
  7. j3grizz


    Are you sure your cache was cleared before you ran the test! If so, dang,, that is great!
  8. Tommie, Section 8 housing is what you wanted me to elaborate on when I was talking about the Gvt. housing. Is it a big hassle to get involved with this? Oh yea, What do you know now that you didn't in the beginning!! PM if you would rather not say.
  9. I can't believe they do this legally without anyone saying anything about it.
  10. If R-22 is the refrigerant the tech used to charge your unit that is fine.
  11. I see you changed your name to expert tommie! It took a while ha.
  12. Welcome to the forum lumberjack88.
  13. Yea, i'll trade widga too!
  14. I agree with Van!! He should have went ahead and repaired the leak. Leaks are sometimes aggrevating to find but not that big of a deal once found. They are generally easy to repair. Even changing out a coil isn't too terribly bad, just time consuming. He should've repaired it so you wouldn't have to pay for the refrigerant twice!
  15. I bet it still scared the crap out of whoever wa around it!! lol
  16. Yea, I been needin a new Zero turn!! :haha: Thanks for the info Tommie.
  17. Gotta love a good Lawyer!
  18. Hopefully it will last this time!!
  19. Pinging allows you to figure out all sorts of things. You can solve internet connection problems, lan (local area network) problems, figure out the route you use when you send info to the net. and detect any problems along the way such as slow servers and such. These are just a few things you can do, but you can get a general idea. I hope this is a good enough answer for ya. If not I will get a little more in depth. Welcome to the forum sirius05!
  20. I thught I still had the DVD's but I guess I threw them away. Sorry.
  21. Happy Easter and God bless!!
  22. That would be my guess. You should look into upgrading your fan and heat sink. Gaming creates a big load on the cpu, therefore making it heat up. They don't cost much. Check out newegg.com
  23. I think I have computer nerd stamped on my forehead!! Atleast to the relatives. lol. I keep my mouth shut around most everyone else.
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