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Everything posted by j3grizz

  1. Don't worry tommie, they will get ya something faster sooner or later. Hopefully sonner!
  2. Your welcome. Maybe it will come in handy sometime later for you.
  3. jamaicarocks the name of the file is restoration. Google it, it's free. I have had great success with it. Let me know how it turns out for ya.
  4. Yeah when Wal-mart started, their claim to fame was that 90 % of their products were American made. When you walked in they had huge American made banners everywhere. Look at them now!
  5. Yeah, I'm just waiting to bite!
  6. I can't remember the name but it has worked well for me.
  7. I have a free one you can try but it is at home. I will try an remember to send it to ya.
  8. Have you tried tweaking your configuration? If not, then there is much you can do to help it out.
  9. j3grizz


    Yeah! LOL It is nice to finally get better speeds!
  10. Cool, well over your cap!!
  11. You either love your country or not. As far as I can tell no one here has shouted about how great this country is in this thread Miles_Smiles . EWO had some strong words but he is right. I love my country as does the rest of us here. If you don't like it you don't have to come here PERIOD. My family has been here for many generations and I am a true American Patriot! Sure G.W. has made mistakes but he is only human. He might make more mistakes but he is the president, and until someone else takes office we will have to get behind him.
  12. That upload is great! What package ya paying for?
  13. Dollar General for me baby!
  14. I think it would be pretty neat to have it. But agree with cholla about the your post sucks part.
  15. I'll check it out. I am very curious about things like this. Usually not legit.
  16. You can buy a subscription to DL files for almost no money. I say pay up and shut down!
  17. I think Wal-Mart will continue getting into everything until they are stopped similar to the way they put the brakes on Microsoft. But that said, I am not rich and if they sell the same parts that I usually buy for less I would have to buy it from them!
  18. Same here as well. The banner is a little blurry.
  19. j3grizz


    I was hoping that wouldn't happen to ya! I figured it was only a matter of time though. By the way, I have the 3Meg hooked up now and it is great! I never got the awesome 5 meg dl like you did though. I get around 3 during the daytime and about 3.6 late at night!
  20. Couldn't have said it better myself!! What about calling customer service somewhere and can't undersatand a dang thing the person says. Wonder why that is! I think you know what I'm talking about. Man that is annoying!!!
  21. I'm saying nothing! They may be watching!
  22. That sounds good rammolo. I think I'm going to rent them out first and then maybe fix and sell in the future. Damon, that guy sounds like he has his head screwed on right. I hope I can do half as well as he has done!
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