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Everything posted by j3grizz

  1. If you haven't tweaked your system you can check out this sticky. http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097 Good luck.
  2. I've always ran intel without any problems. But I'm not overclocking. Maybe I will try it out one day.
  3. I bet ya didn't see that coming!! You I bet ya didn't see that coming!! You can get a rubber foam seal now! See, you can try it again.
  4. FallowEarth, I love to see when someone stands up and recognizes that the Lord is still in control of everything!! Even in the worst of situations he is in control of all things.
  5. Lookin good. Keep comparing your speed tests to actual downloads. When you download a large file make a point to check to see what your speed is, then compare to your tests. Testmy.net is usually more accurate than speakeasy is for me.
  6. I agree with mudmanc4, very profesh!!
  7. Sorry sandman. Just keep watching echoes may show up one day.
  8. Can't we all just get along!
  9. 1. Super Metroid (My favorite as well CaptainSauce) 2. Donkey Kong Country 3. Mortal combat 4. Street fighter 5. Theres many more for me!
  10. Welcome to the forum noodlz!!
  11. You are going to have a little slow down with the new wireless router. It just depends on how far you are away from it. Try getting close to it and see what your speeds are. Post back here. What are your advertised speeds? Also try the test early in the morning or late at night. That will give you your best speeds. Check out Van Burens sticky in the make it faster board. You can do some tweaking to help your results. Good luck, and welcome to the forum.
  12. What is it that you need sandman? Welcome to the forum.
  13. Did you happen to backup your registry? If you have the system restore function you could restore your settings to a time before you adjusted your settings that way also. Hope this helps.
  14. OK. thanks for the info.
  15. LOL.... :haha:
  16. I may try it then. I have the 1.5down/384up. But I have managed to acheive speeds around the 2.0Mbps mark. Thanks.
  17. I had one that gave me the same problem. It was a bad screen from the factory. If you do the checks that FallowEarth suggested and it still gives you problems send it back if it is under warranty.
  18. Tommie, do you think they would make it 5 miles up before asking?
  19. Wow, that might me a great new option for some. I am glad I have dsl though. The price is probalby going to be very high. I wonder if they will be able to keep the costs down to $60 per month. I guess we will have to wait and see.
  20. How do you like the Google web accelerator? Is it worth the download?
  21. I'd say 1, 2, and 3. I Love spending time with my family!Playing,tweaking,repairing, etc..computers. Also love being outdoors, hunting deer, dove, quail, you name it. Oh yea, resopalrabotnic I think you can go to the local mental hospital. They will give you drugs so you can be addicted to something else. Edit: Almost forgot I loooooooooove my guns!!!
  22. Does the pages load faster for anyone else? It is loading much much faster for me! Great job CA3LE.
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