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Everything posted by j3grizz

  1. Did any of these help you out? If not let us know and we can give you some more!
  2. Yea, that is a great idea. I must have missed that one.
  3. Ok, I agree with thecableguy.
  4. I like R2-D2. I must be getting old!
  5. I see that I am associating with crazy people. Myself included. lol
  6. Man this is getting deep! I would like to say to not believe everything you hear! Politicians go to school to learn how to talk out of both sides of their mouths. lol
  7. I assume you are paying for 1.5Mbps down and 384 up. If that is the case just enter it into this calculator. http://www.j79zlr.com/cablenutXP2k.php
  8. Here is another link you can check out. http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097
  9. Have you tweaked your settings? If not you might try the link below and download cablenut. I use cablenut and it helped me a lot. First you need to backup your registry. If you have System restore this is a quick and easy way to do it. If not post back and I will tell you how to do it a different way. After you have backed up your registry go to this link and download cablenut. https://testmy.net/forum/t-1013.msg9346#msg9346 Choose the correct CableNut Custom Setting Files (CCS) for your connection, open it in cablenut and save it to your registry, restart. It will take a couple of days for the new settings to become optimal. I know I was impatient too. It will be worth it. If you have any questions just ask. Now it does look like you are getting very good speeds so it may or may not help you. Good luck, and welcome to the forum.
  10. Thanks to everyone that posted. Now I will know who I am talking to a little better.
  11. Yes that can be the case unfortunately that is very consistant with a bad winding, or maybe (but doubtful) a bearing. You don't want to take a chance on overheating your Chipset. Hope this helps you out.
  12. "thecableguy" is right, you can spend a little $ now or a lot later! Replace the fan.
  13. Wow, wouldn't want to be in there!
  14. Hi Van, I have been working on Hvac for about 8 years so ya got me beat. We use ALC (Automated Logic Contols). We can administer all of our equipment remotely as well. Hoping and prayig nothing tears up!! We do not get paid extra if we have to go in! lol Yea, I have started tweaking for a hobby as well and really enjoy it. Well, thanks for your post it is great to get to know ya.
  15. Make sure you have an up to date antivirus. If you don't already have them download Spybot S&D and ADAWARE. Their free, and they work really good. I have also been using CCleaner and it seems to work well. (It's free too.) Make sure you keep your harddrive defragmented and run disk cleanup. After doing all of this you can download the cablenut file and run it on your pc. When you get to this point and need help just post again.
  16. Yea, I guess I need to go get in the bed. It is too late to still be working!!
  17. I've noticed that too. Once you click the back button it starts the test again and gives you a cached result. Hope this helps.
  18. What exactly do you need help with? The speeds look good to me as well. What are your caps? Welcome to the forum.
  19. 1.The real question is should i risk losing my current speed by changing my cablenut settings? 2.Are my CN stettings wrong and thats why im getting high ping? 1.What system are you running? If yu are running Win 2k or XP you can use the system restore tool and create a savepoint before you try any new settings. Also I've found out from this forum that after saving new settings to your registry that it will take a few days to let the new settings set in well. I waited a few with mine and after the wait they are doing great. It is all about patience. If for some reason you do not like your new settings after waiting for them to set in you can always restore your system back to your earlier settings. If you don not have the system restore tool you can create a backup of the registry and save it to a file you specify. If you need to know how to do this let me know and I will tell you how to do that as well. Remember though if you don't feel comfortable using the registry DON'T DO IT because you can and probably will mess something up. 2. Post a tracert to this board and then we will be able to help you. (Go to start,run, type cmd, type tracert www.testmy.net) If you do not know how to copy the tracert go to the top left of the screen, click the icon, select properties, under the options tab check QuickEditMode, now you can either do a select all or use the cursor and drag it over what you need and press enter. Tadaa. Now paste it into your post.
  20. I know. I can only get the 1.5/384 package. It is all that is available.
  21. Some people do not have anything better to do than complain. He ran his wife off and now he needs a new hobby! So what to do....... uhhhhhhh......I know I can go file a lawsuit! This kinda ranks up there with sueing Mcdonalds because you eat too much of their food. I guess they twisted his arm.
  22. Hi everyone. I have been on the forum for a little while now and figured this may be a good way to get to know everyone. I have been in networking and electronic communications for a little while now and now a bit about that but have never really changed my settings on my home pc until now so I am learning like everyone else. I also work on HVAC, mechanical, electrical etc... All of our HVAC units are on an ethernet network so I get to play with them during work hours. So if ya have any questions about any of this fire away!! Now if anyone would like to post anything about yourself to help me get to know ya better that would be great! I Look forward to getting to know everyone. Post away.
  23. You'll never go back to dial up now. Welcome to the forum!
  24. Wow, you definately can't complain about that!! I just hope they don't catch on and lower them. Enjoy your very nice connection while you can! Welcome to the forum!!
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