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Posts posted by sparky

  1. Making changes to your browser will not speed up your internet, all you did was attempt to speed Firefox up!

    It is almost impossible to speed up your internet, you get what you get, if your getting lower then stated by your ISP you need to talk to them.

    If you want to reset Firefox back to where it was, go here... http://www.browserland.com/how-to/restore-firefox-default-settings-without-uninstalling-it/

    There is a saying out there, some people need to remember this... if it is not broke, don't fix it.

    You also have not mentioned what you have, Cable - DSL - Dial-Up - Heaven forbid Hughesnet.

  2. Wow, guys your speeds do suck!

    I am at the furthest point on our loop, I am so far out they put me on range expander's or what they call bridges and I am on the 3/8 plan.. I get 3.3Mb Down and .836Mb up.

    Recently I had issues with slow speeds and they came out and found wiring issues in my house, the previous owner threw wire everywhere and it was acting like an antenna and picking up excess noise which in turn was making my modem go slower and work harder.

    My modem was working @ 100% which they do not like, I was told it will cause them to burn out prematurely and after the Verizon DSL engineer removed all excess wire it is now running at 45% and told me I could get and he showed me... I could get 7.5Mb if they would allow it.

    Great improvement on my whole setup, yeah I thought it was nothing to do with my wiring, why would it be my wiring? its worked fine for over a year... now it works better.

    So this is not a rub your nose in it, but if your not using certain outlets for your phone, disconnect them, check your wiring and get rid of old unused wire, loops of wire, disconnected wire, junction boxes and anything electrical near the phone wires! Do not run phone wires along with power wires they will receive noise from them, separate them by about 12", if you have to cross make sure its at 90°.

    This may or may not help you, but it is all worth a try, if all else fails, have them come out and meter your connection, to the box outside my house it was 45%, inside it was 100%, now my modem is matching the box just because of a few unused wires.

    Hope this helps.....

  3. I have a verizon ProLine DSL modem on the 3Meg pack, what I am trying to do is get my router to use the IP address of the Modem and not its assigned IP from the router!

    I want to use DNYDNS service, but the router is reporting its IP and not the WAN IP.... when I go into set DMZ to the router, nothing is there, its blank.... any ideas anyone?

    Router is Linksys (Cisco) WRT160N V3

    Modem is

    Software Version:  VER:

    Transceiver Revision:

    Model Name:         F90-610015-06

  4. I'm already at Tier-4 Tech support In Florida, and at Executive Customer Care in Maryland. That didn't take but 2 days!

    Write     [email protected] .  Its an attention getter if you're fed up with Hughes.

    Been there also.... Not that they gave 2 shits either.... as Tommy said, good luck with it... I am going to stop back from time to time to see what progress if any you have made.

    Keep us informed ok... Best of luck to you.

  5. So your speeds are no where near as advertised right? they never will be either... but your contract and hughesnet will tell you that your within their specs! you are screwed buddy, for another 1 year and 11 months....

    Sorry to say that, but most of us on here are old pro's at the Hughesnet game, there is nothing you can do but put up with it.

    The game they play is very dangerous, trapping people in after the 30 days is bullshit and they know it... you could speak to a lawyer about it and see what can be done, after all they give you the 30 days to back out but then hit you after the 30 days with the crap speed.

    Keep all your stats, your going to need them to fight these fuckers, trust me and the rest of us, we have been there....

  6. Ditto. Glad to be done with Dway. It never hurts to look deeper till a solution besides satelite shows up. I'd just be finishing up my second ball and chain contract too. Thank god I kept looking instead.  :smiley:

    I got great pleasure in dropping my dish off of the roof at about 26 feet! it did not bounce to well and I sold the Transceiver on eBay for 99c LOL.......

    $500 in.... 99c out.

    Still I had to make repairs to my roof as well, seeing as the retard fitter decided to cause some damage when he was putting it in, it was also not secured to my trusses either, he screwed to to the decking of the roof!

  7. Pretty sad to look at the team stats just to find there is about 3-4 of us doing this and no one else.... go check out the dates on most of them users, some last uploaded in 2006, some in 2008 3-4 in 2009!

    Come on people, let get crunching them numbers, its not going to hurt you or your computer, you don't have to leave it on all night, just run it when your using the machine or move it to your startup folder so it start on its own!

  8. PEAK TIME doesn't seem to affect me (YET).

    So far, I'm pretty happy with no complaints.

    Yet being the word for the day, it was like that back in the day when I first got Direcway! then day after day they loaded more and more people on the same transponder as mine.......

    As I said above, if I did commit to a new contract I would still be there, and 3 months after this post DSL came to my house! I know I would have kicked myself.

  9. UM well I am pretty new to this so you will have to bear with me ok, no need for the sarcastic comment.

    I am using the version that runs in the taskbar, the version that is graphical in nature, the GUI version... all the other as far as I can tell run on a command line do they not?

    I am not looking at the screen with all the protein looking objects or what ever you want to call them, I know this slows the machine down, it is running in my taskbar doing its thing, I downloaded the EXE file from F@H's website.

    Right now I believe one of the commands that Mudman gave me has speed it up, so I am hoping that will fix the issue with the 48 hour 1 unit issue, the CPU on the Server is not running at full speed and it is an AMD dual core (not 100% sure of the specs), I am also folding on my play machine that is an Intel Quad core and it is not even peaking past 20% on any of the processors.

    I will figure it out, I will see if it is running any better now, if not I will go to the other versions, the command line versions.

  10. I'm trying to figure out what <<<<<< means, but maybe I'm not that quick,  you mean yourself ?  and your not folding, but you have a server that collects WU's  ?

    <<<<< is like pointing to my username, so yes that is ME! :)

    Folding or whatever, not sure what the lingo would be, all I know is my server is running the program and downloading stuff and things and bit and bobs and all that, but it is up and running since last night doing its thing.

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