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Posts posted by sparky

  1. thank you to all who answered my post.  this is a really good site and my speeds are 1.5 Mbps on a good night.  i use wildblue internet in the usa.  its faster then what i was used to and i guess i was looking for to much. there advertised speed is 1.5 max connect so i guess im doing good. altho on any given time it varyes from .7Mbps to 1.5 so im happy with it as long as it stays working.

    Watch for that FAP (Fair Access Policy), I heard wildblue knock you off for a month if you abuse your bandwidth allotment within the month.

    Its great to go fast, but going fast only makes you download quicker and quicker will get you to the FAP sooner.

    Sorry, you probably know this but I like to inform...

    Welcome to the forum by the way.

  2. Tracing route to testmy.net []

    over a maximum of 30 hops:

      1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  Gateway.mshome.net []

      2   137 ms   128 ms   105 ms  client-64-203-148-47.3g.ntelos.net [


      3   105 ms   107 ms   106 ms  216-12-9-177.unassigned.ntelos.net [


      4   113 ms   106 ms   106 ms  gw-tridata.sync.ntelos.net []

      5   117 ms   105 ms   106 ms

      6   118 ms   112 ms   126 ms

      7   116 ms   112 ms   112 ms

      8     *      123 ms   112 ms

      9     *      107 ms   106 ms

    10   143 ms   121 ms   119 ms  asbn-GE4-0-0.core.ntelos.net []

    11   123 ms   119 ms   121 ms  ge10-10.br02.ash01.pccwbtn.net []

    12   118 ms   119 ms   121 ms  theplanet.ge9-1.br02.ash01.pccwbtn.net [63.218.9


    13   150 ms   150 ms   148 ms  bd.fd.5746.static.theplanet.com []

    14   155 ms   154 ms   153 ms  te9-1.dsr02.dllstx3.theplanet.com []

    15   160 ms   154 ms   152 ms  te3-3.dsr02.dllstx2.theplanet.com [


    16   160 ms   172 ms   152 ms  po2.car06.dllstx6.theplanet.com []

    17   154 ms   152 ms   154 ms  a6.e2.364a.static.theplanet.com []

    Trace complete.

    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6001]

    Copyright © 2006 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

    C:Usersdeano>tracert testmy.net

    Tracing route to testmy.net []

    over a maximum of 30 hops:

      1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  Gateway.mshome.net []

      2   137 ms   128 ms   105 ms  client-64-203-148-47.3g.ntelos.net [


      3   105 ms   107 ms   106 ms  216-12-9-177.unassigned.ntelos.net [


      4   113 ms   106 ms   106 ms  gw-tridata.sync.ntelos.net []

      5   117 ms   105 ms   106 ms

      6   118 ms   112 ms   126 ms

      7   116 ms   112 ms   112 ms

      8     *      123 ms   112 ms

      9     *      107 ms   106 ms

    10   143 ms   121 ms   119 ms  asbn-GE4-0-0.core.ntelos.net []

    11   123 ms   119 ms   121 ms  ge10-10.br02.ash01.pccwbtn.net []

    12   118 ms   119 ms   121 ms  theplanet.ge9-1.br02.ash01.pccwbtn.net [63.218.9


    13   150 ms   150 ms   148 ms  bd.fd.5746.static.theplanet.com []

    14   155 ms   154 ms   153 ms  te9-1.dsr02.dllstx3.theplanet.com []

    15   160 ms   154 ms   152 ms  te3-3.dsr02.dllstx2.theplanet.com [


    16   160 ms   172 ms   152 ms  po2.car06.dllstx6.theplanet.com []

    17   154 ms   152 ms   154 ms  a6.e2.364a.static.theplanet.com []

    Trace complete.

    Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data:

    Reply from bytes=32 time=148ms TTL=54

    Reply from bytes=32 time=153ms TTL=54

    Reply from bytes=32 time=162ms TTL=54

    Reply from bytes=32 time=153ms TTL=54

    Ping statistics for

        Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

        Minimum = 148ms, Maximum = 162ms, Average = 154ms

    C:Usersdeano>ping yahoo.com

    Pinging yahoo.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

    Reply from bytes=32 time=115ms TTL=56

    Reply from bytes=32 time=116ms TTL=56

    Reply from bytes=32 time=121ms TTL=56

    Reply from bytes=32 time=119ms TTL=56

    Ping statistics for

        Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

        Minimum = 115ms, Maximum = 121ms, Average = 117ms

    I did the testmy.net ping and it as you can see is averaging 154ms, I also did yahoo which is an average of 117ms, I did this as to show that latency to testmy.net is higher then yahoo so using testmy.net as a benchmark for my latency would be unfair.

    The latency on most of my tests normally comes back low, not sure where testmy.net servers are but I did notice they are hosted on theplanet servers.

    Anyway, when I am on a call I noticed no issues at all, it was like talking on a regular phone and seeing as this is sort of new to me and EV-DO I did some tests on data usage as I know some of you have a cap at 5GB, I also have this supposed cap but they do not enforce it.

    Last night I left the EV-DO modem connected all night to see what usage it would do over night with just the vonage adapter using the service, I was surprised to see it sent out 1.2 Mb of data (Keep Alives) and received some 603Kb of data and this was in a 10 hour period. 

    Even when on a call it was using 30Kbps and really did not use that much data in 45 minutes, I am unsure of the figures but it was very little.

    No ECHO, No Dropping of packets, everything was clear to my surprise.

  3. Just in case anyone with EV-DO is wondering, you can run VOIP like Vonage over EV-DO.

    I have hooked up my Vonage and it is running sweet over my EV-DO USB modem, I have set the option to use low quality and it still sounds like a normal phone line.

    I called my Dad in England and talked with him for 45 minutes and he said it sounded like I was in the room next to him! I am pretty impressed with Vonage  :smitten:

    If anyone needs help setting it up, let me know.

  4. I am certainly going to try the antenna, if it works out a little better the setup may help others that do not get such a good signal, to tell you the truth, now they fixed the problem my signal does not move.

    That don't mean my card is not working hard to get that signal....

    The way I understand communications on Mobile devices like cellphones and such, they constantly communicate with the towers to increase or decrease output depending on signal levels, maybe I can get my card to reduce the output power this in turn may make my card last longer?! also would cut down on radio emissions created by this Microwave link I have attached to my server.

    Just a thought, I could be wrong and if I am could someone clarify this for me?


  5. LOL...

    Right now I am getting this

    :::.. Download Stats ..:::

    Download Connection is:: 856 Kbps about 0.9 Mbps (tested with 1544 kB)

    Download Speed is:: 104 kB/s

    Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main)

    Test Time:: 2009/01/20 - 6:52pm

    Bottom Line:: 15X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 9.85 sec

    Tested from a 1544 kB file and took 14.776 seconds to complete

    Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 28.34 % faster than the average for host (142.127)

    D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-HIM5D9NUX

    User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5 [!]

    I peaked at 1.3MB/s a while ago, should have snapped it then.

    My upload is..

    :::.. Upload Stats ..:::

    Upload Connection is:: 501 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB)

    Upload Speed is:: 61 kB/s

    Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main)

    Test Time:: 2009/01/20 - 6:54pm

    Bottom Line:: 9X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 16.79 sec

    Tested from a 1013 kB file and took 16.585 seconds to complete

    Upload Diagnosis:: 90% + Okay : running at 97.66 % of your hosts average (142.127)

    U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-0FEPA7I4M

    User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5 [!]

    Little low but still pretty good.... much better then Camelnet.... I mean hughesnet.

  6. Yee Haa, its back and in full force, they got it sorted out at last.... I am over the moon again.....  :smitten:

    Gonna call them and find out what was wrong, well I am going to try to find out.

    Thanks for all your help guys, I will post my antenna setup when I get around to buying it and let you know how well it works.

  7. Sorry Tommie, no I am not in the basement, I have a ranch style home on one level, I can see one of the towers and I know its just short of 2 miles, not 100% on the other one but I know where it is.

    I have also been looking at an directional antenna with 14DBI gain, thinking of getting that but I don't want to over gain the equipment if you know what I mean.

    Will wait and see what happens, my signal seems to have gotten better yesterday, I am connecting with a good signal until it drops out but the browsing is still crap.

    I get a signal 6, then it dies and goes to 1 bar, weirdest thing ever.

  8. I got to speak to a level 2 tech, he told me there is two towers within 2 miles of me and I am between both of them, he see's no reason why I cannot connect to EV-DO, but did tell me they are having issues with several towers around me...... ISSUES?

    72 Hours and something should happen.... 3 days! hmmm..... he sent another trouble ticket out, but this time indicating the two towers around me.

    Its weird, I can watch the signal strength go from 6 bars to 3, 3 - 6, 6 - 1 and back to 6 an hold there for 2 minutes or so, but I still cannot browse using EV-DO, I have to tell the card to go 1x.

    This is getting to be ridiculous to say the least.

  9. Yep, the truckers works well. And speeds still depend on traffic and distance from tower. I have both antennae. I also have a yagi to switch to if one is not responding right.


    For the yaggi you need to know where the tower is though as it is directional.  :angel:

    How did you make the connection to the Yagi from your modem? I see the Yagi only has a 2 foot cable...

  10. I had EV-DO when I got the card for 3 days, then they had tower issues... so they say, ever since the signal for EV-DO is like 1 bar up to 5 bars, I used to hit 5 bars all the time.

    The unit has no external antenna but I was thinking of getting one to increase the speeds a little, but it used to work! I have the proof in my speed tests, now it keeps switching to 1x when it cannot surf on the low signal of EVDO.

    It feels like they have either switched off the EVDO on my local tower = 2 miles away or the moved the damn tower somewhere (Joke) or someone built some big ass building in line of my house and the tower, I am thinking the first option.

    I took the card to the store and we tested it on there test laptop, the card works fine and connected at full signal full speed EVDO and I tested it on here myself.

    Guess I will have to wait until tomorrow and make the call to tech support (AGAIN) and see what they have to feed me this time.

  11. I am so pissed off right now, for over a week I have had no EVDO service, I don't know what Ntelos have done but I am now at 1x, they keep sending me some signal to my card with no difference, they also have no technical support on the weekend, WTF?.

    2 miles from my tower and the EVDO signal is more unstable then Charles Manson, the signal goes up then down... and when I say that I mean it goes to full signal to very little signal. I am about to go put this Franklin EVDO card up the salesman's ass!

    To top it off, they did a check on the tower and was supposed to call me back within 24 hours, did I get a call?

    I was surfing for about 3 days on 1Mb/s or so, now I get speeds at about 160Kbp/s

  12. On another note, I am happy about the switch, today I had speed down that compared to Hughesjunk and speeds are that are surpassing the upload speeds, I am getting about 44 kB/s up as appose to about 5 - 7kB/s.

    In essence I am over the moon (no pun intended) with my Air Card that is $20 cheaper a month then the home package on Hughes.

  13. I am not saying I am any different from any other user of hugesjunk, but 4 different people asked why I wanted to disconnect and then when I finally got to the the woman that deals with the disconnects, she threw offers at me to stay!

    I have a funny feeling that so many people have left them, they are beginning to notice a problem and now they will do just about anything to keep you.

    Hughesjunk really don't have too much time left, as technology changes and more people get the options, the less we need them, of course there will be some who have no option..... for them I am sorry.

  14. Oh they tried everything to keep me as a long time (almost 5 year user), offered 1 month free service, asked if there was anything they could do to keep me and the best one was.... they told me I would no longer be able to access my e-mail account anymore and that I should think about that for a moment...... :uglystupid2:

    My latency went from 1100-1600 down to 106ms.

  15. I did it again, Hughesnet is gone but not without a headache! stupid people.

    4 different people just to disconnect my service with them, what a joke, every one of them I had to give my details and explain over and over again what and why I was disconnecting my service.... :idiot2:

    I am now on EV-DO Rev A and it is working great.  :smitten: very happy so far!

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