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Posts posted by sparky

  1. Thats the problem, I do not have EVDO as I am unable to get sense out of Ntelos, none of there sales people know what the hell they are talking about.

    Its a shame when I have to walk in there door and ask for a demo, he tells me its 24Mbit and I show him the actual test results from this website 0.5Mbit Down and0.6 Up on an unladen system.

    All I wanted was facts, not fiction.... so as yet I still do not have EVDO, but I can get it if I want it, I just do not want to waste $35 on a connection fee that I will not get back if I return it in 30 days, otherwise I am committed to a 2 year contract, another reason I am not happy about it.

  2. You want to know how fucked up my turd is? right now I am downloading at 11.2 KB/sec... normal is around 110 but I have noticed it getting slower and slower to the point of complete bullshit, Any slower it will run backwards.

    I had to get a new turd, here it is in all its mighty, and for those whom maybe thinking of getting Hughesnet/Direcway, this is what the equipment looks like.


  3. Not to dig up and old topic, but EV-DO Rev A is in my area, Ntelos have it but I can't get answers from there knowledge less sales people, the same sales people telling me it will go at 24Mbits a second!!!!

    I tested it on there laptop with an unloaded system, I.E. no users on the system (NEW), and I got 0.5Mbit down and 0.6Mbit up! for an unloaded system boasting speeds of 1.5Mbit a second on an unladen network I would expect to see more then that, load it up and your back to dial up again!

    So what is this all about, is it worth the move from Hughesnet? for $10 less a month? is latency still an issue? ANYONE!

  4. I find it interesting to say the least that some providers do not want competition to service users that no one serves!

    The cable industry says it supports the nine-digit ZIP code idea, but there's considerable resistance from Internet service providers like AT&T and Verizon, who suggested the requirement would be burdensome, costly, and potentially "competitively sensitive"--that is, allowing rivals to target their operations based on where they see more or fewer customers.

    Its no wonder most of us are stuck with DirecWay when you have companies like this around!!!! that makes me mad!  :knuppel2:  :tickedoff:

  5. Yeah, I have been with Hughes for about 3 years, still waiting to put it out of the window!

    I have been arguing with Verizon, apparently I can get DSL but the slow package which is still faster then Hughesnet, my turn on date is the 29th, this will be the fifth attempt and according to the English speaking American woman I spoke with yesterday they have already been out and put a bridge on my line!

    Thats something new :)

    Fingers crossed on this on, I still may go EV-DO as I think it will still be faster then Verizon, I will see what speeds I get as I am a long way from my exchange hence the bridge.

    The bridge as explained to me will extend the line to allow DSL over such a long distance, sounds like a crook to me. LMAO.

  6. I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but it seems Verizon in this state is now selling their top package with the following now.

    (up to 768 Kbps) is the fastest and only package they now offer, Maybe they have oversold their allocated amount and are now having issues?

    We used to be able to get a 1.5Mb pack, not no more.

    Verizon suck balls.

  7. The state I am in does not see too much of anything, I am surprised I have electricity!

    I tried wireless and got ripped off from Cellularone for the connection fee, A-Hole told me I should get rpetty good speeds at or above 150 Kb/s Yeah right not even half of that, it was like being back on dial up.

    So I lost the $50 connection fee, back to Hughesnet.

    Anyway Ntelos owns most of the network around here and they will be here by July!

    Can't wait, and its only $29.99 a month.

  8. Well......looks like ebonics to me.....part of the new english language... :haha: :haha:

    But hey.....what the hell do I know........I'm just stuck with them......... :undecided:

    You and me both Bro !

    Wow I hate Hughes with a passion, but hey, EV-DO is on the horizon, been told by July 08! Woo Hoo.

    I will wait and see about that......  :roll:

  9. 98%, yeah right.... maybe 98% of New York New York is covered.

    Click on my signature and try them out, they stated I have 8 High Speed carriers in my area! LMAO...

    Yeah ok, now I see where the Government get their statistics.....

    98%, did you know the average speeds for high speed internet is 1.9mbits..... Wow, japan has some 15 mbits or something like that, India probably has 5 times more then what we have.

  10. 1 sat can't cover the entire world, you would need a series.  15gigabit might be the capacity, but everyone won't be getting those speeds...

    Not sure where I got the 15 Gbit...

    Here is the CNN post...

    [tt] (CNN) -- Japan launched a rocket Saturday carrying a satellite that will test new technology that promises to deliver "super high-speed Internet" service to homes and businesses around the world.

    A rocket carrying a super-fast Internet satellite lifts off from its launch pad on the Japanese island of Tanagashima.

    The rocket carrying the WINDS satellite -- a joint project of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries -- lifted off its pad at 5:55 p.m. (0855 GMT).

    If the technology proves successful, subscribers with small dishes will connect to the Internet at speeds many times faster than what is now available over residential cable or DSL services.

    The Associated Press said the satellite would offer speeds of up to [glow=red,2,300]1.2 gigabytes per second.[/glow]

    The service initially would focus on the Asia-Pacific region close to Japan, a JAXA news release said.

    "Among other uses, this will make possible great advances in telemedicine, which will bring high-quality medical treatment to remote areas, and in distance education, connecting students and teachers separated by great distances," JAXA said.

    The rocket was launched from Japan's Yoshinobu Launch Complex at the Tanegashima Space Center.[/tt]

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