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Posts posted by sparky

  1. Well thats nice to know you are not one of the less fortunate people that dont have any other option! so if I was you I would go somewhere else and brag about your cable/dsl.....

    Some of us here have enough problems with our equipment and because we have no other choice we had to buy the crap! so dont give us the "If you have any other choice at all, get rid of DW" if we had any other choice we would have, would we not?

    So in return all I have to say to you mr 14 year old is DUHHHHHH

  2. I consider Broadband to be 512Kbps or higher.

    If you have any other choice at all, get rid of DW.

    I am currently on a stable 1500/512 DSL, but I suffered thru 6 years of dial-up between 24k and 50k.

    In my opinion a 128K ISDN would be somwhat slower but much more stable than DW, also MUCH better latency.

    I dont mean to slam you into the ground, but D***, do you really think that we would stick with this crap if we had any other choice? come on dude!

  3. Bold for a first post, and welcome to the forum... cross over cables are not required, I do not own one cross over cable and I have 3 routers and a 16 port switch.

    Cross over cables are for connecting 2 computers direct, not for hubs nor switches!

    You also failed to mention that the router will need to be configured to access the dw6000, now your running two NAT layers also, which will confuse the issue!

    otherwise very helpful.

  4. :angry5: So the Saga continues! The installer came out and said, "yes, you have water in your LNB" thanks I told you that dude.

    So I said ok replace the part, he told me "I have a spare but cant use it, we are not allowed to use it. we have to call tech support and order it"/

    We was on the phone some 45 minutes with some level 2 tech who just could not understand there own equipment, anyway he said he will send out the new part, well not new, USED!!!

    Fedex came, but did not knock on the door and left with the part, shortly after the tech turned up and was ready to go to the roof and asked for the part, What part I replied! he told me we should have had a delivery from Fedex, I explained that I got a little note from them, but no part.

    Went to get the part after 6.00pm and I opened the box because I was confused with the size of the box, guess what, WRONG PART!!!!!

    So we start all over again......

  5. :::.. Download Stats ..:::

    Connection is:: 517 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

    Download Speed is:: 63 kB/s

    Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

    Test Time:: Sun Apr 10 2005 00:53:12 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)

    Bottom Line:: 9X faster than 56K 1MB download in 16.25 sec

    Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 64.46 % of your hosts average (direcpc.com)

    Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-XJOZ7UHKC

    But my LNB is bad too, got water in it!

  6. My pings times are something like 2 weeks on a dway 6000 !!!!! LMAO

    Reply from bytes=32 time=2wks TTL=123

    Reply from bytes=32 time=3wks TTL=123

    Reply from bytes=32 time=did not make it TTL=123

    Reply from bytes=32 time=you want me to do what? TTL=123

    Reply from bytes=32 time=holding with dway tech support TTL=123

    Reply from bytes=32 time=giving up, cant be bothered to wait TTL=123

  7. OK, with a DW6000 a switch or router will do.  Why ICS though?  Just another layer of un-needed S/W..  It is not needed at all to share a connection with the DW6000.

    Jim p

    Users with the DW4000 and 4020 I beleive would have to use this, they do because the old modems used to use USB as far as I can tell...... thats the only reason I can see, or someone is too cheap to buy as switch!

  8. try to avoid a router with a DW6000 if at all possible... i got mine to work, but they take a ton of configuration, and by the time youre done, the router is basically just a switch anyway... get a hub or switch

    I agree with that, I tried 3 different routers and ended up using a 16 port switch, a switch will be cheaper in the long run anyway.

    Just plug your switch into the dw6000 (I hate that word) and then plug your computers into the switch, let your computers get the IP off of the dw6000 (there it is again) and all will be fine.

    With the router inline I had issues like going to secure sites, it was a pain in the rear end but it sort of worked.

    Keep it simple, I guess your not an experienced networker so this would be the best solution for you...

    What you will need, 2 nic cards (network cards), 2 more streight through cat5e cables, one 10 or 10/100 mps switch and the cards should match..... and a little time.

    You can get ready made kits, for the price I would go with a Cables Unlimited kit, comes complete with cables, cards and the hub/switch, detailed instructions and all for around $50

    Try tiger direct or click this link for the details on starter kits http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/category/category_slc.asp?CatId=204& or for a kit for under $50 try this http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=241741&CatId=204

    Hope this helps you...

  9. So I called tech support and explained to them the issue of water in the LNB! that guy done some diags and said I need level 2 tech support, told this guy about the water and he is sending someone out to re-point my dish!

    Can anyone make sence of this?

    Well when the installer gets here hes going to be changing the LNB like it or not!

  10. Ok, tech support is really lame..... One guy told me I had to wait 30 mins for my service to return, 5 hours later or so it did, I call again and I am told I need to call when my service fails so we can change freq, which I thought was odd!

    Anyway, I got up on the roof to check for alignment and obstructions, low and behold I find my LNB full of water,


  11. ive had things like your first picture there, after powercycling my modem everything went back to normal...

    Tried that, nothing, my signal drops at the slightest cloud and does not recover.... just got off the phone with tech support and they want me to wait for another outtage, then I call and go through diags with them and they will re-tune me, if no go re-align my dish again and or point me at another bird!

    Ohh I cant wait... :) lol

  12. Since my friends at customer support aren't ever any help, ever...  I figured I should ask the forums!  ;) 

    When my wireless router is connected, DirecWay latency will jump from 800-5000+ and will do that every couple minutes.  Sometimes connection will just drop.  But when it is unplugged from router and linked directly to my computer,  there is no jump and it runs fine... (er as fine as dway can which doesnt say much) ....  I went to Linksys ' website and went through their configuration and it said im running way above average for everything.

    Has anyone else had this problem with constant latency jumps while using a wireless router?  Any help would be greaaatly appriciated.

    Welcome to the forum Gusted, please try to search you will find a detailed post about how to do this...

  13. If it was nude. Would be willing to "inhance" the important stuff?? Sorry. Just thought that was funny.

    LMAO, I like a grat picture, but lets not post nude stuff huh, this is a family forum after all :)

    Unless Stank wants to go nude? LOL

  14. Agreed. I couldnt possibly count the amount of times i was sent a virus via "private file send" in IRC. Im not goign to lie to you, im a complete 100% NUBE when it comes to irc, so like an idiot i may have had it set to ' auto accept files' or something.. but everytime i used irc, i would end up with norton kicking me in the ass.

    Im sure Agrr3 ( and other DW members) would be happy to head up a DirecWay Room in TM's live chat, but if its too " lame " to help people, then you guys are on your own with the forums .. :rolleyes:

    Well said, help is free here in any form you can receive it, thats what we do, we try to help others at our expense, so take what you  can get and enjoy what testmy.net has to offer to all of us.

  15. The only time I experience problems is during bad weather.  When it goes down, I just sit and wait, it normally comes back up on its own.  If it's down more then an hour or so, then I call.  DWAY just sucks

    YEP, past 2 days has been bad, hardly any service at all, my signal is just at 60, last week it was at 72, whats up with that? today has been ok, not lost connection once, dway support did tell me they are having issues with Horizons 1 bird, so I would like to hear from users on Horizons 1 bird, any other on this bird with issues the past couple of days?

  16. :whaa:

    Sparky: Signal strength is one thing, but how are the speeds, ping stability and packet loss?

    Yep, signal strength is pretty low, speeds on the other hand are not so bad, I did manage to download one file yesterday at a speed of around 68 Kb/s which is not too bad for my signal, as for packet loss, as you can see in my previous posts, the re-transmits were up pretty high, not sure on how much loss there is, but I can tell you, I got maybe an hour out of my system yesterday.

    I called tech support, they did inform me there are having trouble with Horizons 1 at this time, so maybe this is the issue, seeing as some or most of the time I was getting a reciver locked to an unknown network!

    I would also like to take this time to appologise to anyone that may have taken offence to my language in recent posts regarding this, I am frustrated with this and I think you can understand, again, I am sorry, I know this is a family forum and my language is/was unacceptable, I will edit the posts and remove such remarks.

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