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Posts posted by sparky

  1. Personaly I dont like there french fries, taste like a dried out tampon most of the time. And before you ask Idont know what one is like........ But if it is like there fries then I can guess.

    And yes, they mess mine up nearly everytime I use the drive through, question is..... How retarded are these people getting these days, no one wants to work for them so they have to take what they can get!

    How many times have you been through the drive through (24 hour) and been told the ice cream machine is broken? and it dont matter what time you go through its always broken!

    And why cant I get a big macofcrap at 2.00 am? I DONT WANT YOUR CRAPPY BREAKFAST JUNK, I WANNA BIG CRAPPYMAC....... :evil3:

  2. Anyone have a listing for ports on the 6000? my FTP speeds up are basicly SHIT, the speeds down are not all that great either.

    My FTP does not go through a proxy which I think is the issue, if I use the standard port 87 it will not work.

    I know FTP uses port 21, but I dont think this works either, anyone have an idea on ports for the shitty 6000?

  3. Looking into it the pricing structure is a bit messed up, looks like there talking about a 3 year contract too, I saw the first price and thought wow, $100 cheaper then I paid, but then I looked closer, still has 50kb up unless you goto the new starband unit with a nice pricetag!

    My fault, should have looked into it a bit more, thanks for pointing that out fikester!

  4. So do I with the suckyest speeds! LMAO

    :::.. Download Stats ..:::

    Connection is:: 496 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB)

    Download Speed is:: 61 KB/s

    Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

    Test Time:: Thu Mar 10 2005 19:00:36 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

    Bottom Line:: 9X faster than 56K 1MB download in 16.79 sec

    Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 58.63 % of your hosts average (direcpc.com)

    Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-H5ZO06JFE

  5. :::.. Download Stats ..:::

    Connection is:: 391 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB)

    Download Speed is:: 48 KB/s

    Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

    Test Time:: Thu Mar 10 2005 18:51:05 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

    Bottom Line:: 7X faster than 56K 1MB download in 21.33 sec

    Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 46.22 % of your hosts average (direcpc.com)

    Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-QNELCB2WZ

    Not good tonight, and I got a shit load of work to get uploaded  :angry5:

  6. Firewall is off, DHCP cannot be turned off....

    The way I had my router set up was like this....

    DW6000 was plugged into the wan port, so no DHCP was allowed past the wan.

    My router was configured to be, my wan port was and my default gateway was, seemed to work ok for me, did not notice any speed issues because the speed is never stable anyway.

    Then you can use your router to issue IP's on the 192.168.1.* range...

    The only static IP you will have is on the DW6000, not your puters, but you can set them static, but I would not, static IP is not a good idea, unless you like hackers, your always on connection and a static IP is an invitation for them to play with you, so the modem plugged into the wan port works best, dont leave your network open, remember, the firewall is not up on the DW6000.

  7. thanks for the info...i kinda browsed the vonage website & it really doesn't appeal to me even if i had dsl or cable....

    like i said i just skimmed over the site but the way i read it you have to rewire your home for it to work in all outlets...

    no way would i try it with dway unless i could not receive cell signals & for some reason had no phone line

    like the gentleman in the 1st post....out camping

    No, you dont need to rewire the house, all you do is go outside and disconnect from the drop box, then plug the voange into your home phone network, but anyway, it wont work with dish so no worries there.

    If I had Real BROADBAND not this junk DW6000 I would go for it, would save me $40 a month just by using vonage.

  8. Good deal, I cant send mine back, I sent in the damn UPC label for the $60 rebate, but I dont have service so I got screwed and no one will take it back when you send in a UPC!

    And when you get to circuit city, let them know they are providing you with the wrong answers and politly tell them in which hole they can stick it :)

  9. Wow.. haha, this is all disappointing. I've already bought the Dish, so I might as well just try it for a month and see what it's like.

    I was all ok with it until I got to the point that Flick said. The download just stops completely? Now that is complete garbage. They don't say that anywhere in their FAP. They say it'll slow down, but for it to completely stop is bullshit. Sigh.. I wish I would of read up on it before buying the Dish.

    I hit the FAP at least 12 times already this month, and I could not count last month, it does come to a crawl, if not a standstill!

  10. Ok, now I got your attention, so you want to have a laugh? ok you will need to follow this link http://www.mydirecway.com/mydw/common/2way/dw6-upgrade.jsp

    There you will see something funny, and I am sure you will upgrade to the new [glow=red,2,300]DW6000[/glow], Click on the [glow=red,2,300]FAQ[/glow] for the funny stuff!

    Heres one thing I thought was amusing, and I am sure you can tell me if its true or not!

    Q: Is the DW6000 faster than the DW4000?

    A: No. Both the DW6000 and the DW4000 modems deliver the same DIRECWAY high-speed service experience. The DW6000 modem allows you to connect to Windows and Macintosh based operating systems, has no software to load on your computer and makes networking your DIRECWAY high-speed connection to multiple home computers easier (See 'Can I run DIRECWAY on a small network?' for more information on home networking).

  11. Hey welcome FullTimer ..I don't know anything about vonage but do have a 6000..what kind of UL and DL speed is required to operate it...???

    Ok, I am the king of Vonage on DW6000, dont bother, simple as that, it will work fine receiving, transmitting it drops packets like you would not beleive.......

    I still got my vonage adaptor if you want it, cost me $60 and never used! I got screwed, Vonage tells you it will work over satelitte, MY ASS!

  12. I agree with Fikester! If I knew then, what I know now, I would have told that Indian to stick the dish on his elephant!

    They told me my speed should average between 500Kb/s down, which it does most times and 50Kb/s up which it never has, I am using my FTP client uploading a 2.5 Mb file, you know how long its taking? so far 3 hours!!!!!! My damn modem was faster then this thing.

    As for the FAP, no one told me about that bullcrap, I signed up online and I guess Direcwaytooslow failed to point out anything about the FAP, I am sure someone will show me it but I never did see it on the sign up.

    $700.00 to buy the junk and $60 a month, dude I will drop this in a heartbeat if Cable or DSL comes down my road.

    This FAP is bull, why would someone offer a broadband (HUH) service if they cap you at 160 mb, do they realise how much graphics are in a website these days? flash sites consume a lot of bandwidth, thats the reason I left my dial-up service, sure it opens real fast, eventualy.

    I would do the same thing as mentioned above, draw a nice picture on the dish and point it at mars or something, you wont get much inteligent life talking with D-Way.

    Ohh your costs for an engineer to come out and set you up will hurt you, your looking at least $200, AT LEAST, and thats if they screw the thing to your roof! if its mounted elsewhere you got more costs, $150 I was quoted for a pole in my yard!

    They got you by the balls, and besides, if you come on D-Way that more of my bandwidth your going to steal, so stay with your dial-up! do not come on D-Way :) lmao

  13. Doing this at work, would love this at home!

    :.. Download Stats ..:::

    Connection is:: 9677 Kbps about 9.7 Mbps (tested with 12160 KB)

    Download Speed is:: 1181 KB/s

    Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

    Test Time:: Wed Mar 09 2005 07:45:48 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

    Bottom Line:: 173X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.87 sec

    Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 86.38 % of your hosts average (wvu.edu)

    Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-0T7XZFW6B

  14. I just did an upload speed test from work, we have multiple T3 lines here and this is my result, I cant beleive that your getting 111 on a satelitte...

    :::.. Upload Stats ..:::

    Connection is:: 1172 Kbps about 1.2 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB)

    Upload Speed is:: 143 KB/s

    Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

    Test Time:: Wed Mar 09 2005 07:43:34 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

    Bottom Line:: 21X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 7.16 sec

    Diagnosis: Looks Great : 11.09 % faster than the average for host (wvu.edu)

    Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-VD6EO9BXW

  15. DirecWay Speed Test

    1600 3/8/05

    Fast for this time day, what is up?

    ** Speed: 1300(down)/111(up) Kbps **

    (At least 39 times faster than a 33 Kbps modem)


    111 UP???? what are you testing this on? please test on the large upload file here, please post results, if your getting 111 up, I want something like that too, I do a lot of uploading to my servers and takes me for ever! lol

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