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Posts posted by sparky

  1. Back on again at last, signal is still a poor 42.... thats not good, there is no rain at the moment either...... Will call TECH SUPPORT and see what they will do about it, probably want to check my IE settings again !!!

  2. Been raining on and off all day, service is in and out like there is no tomorrow, been down more then its been up! Signal is a low 40 at this time, been lower then 10 today, the rain cant be affecting me this much, I have used this in a bad snow storm and in heavy rain before..... the dish must have moved!

  3. Since a reboot, only way the thing would come online.....

    Satellite Statistics Summary


    Local Time: MON MAR 28 13:15:20 2005


    Adapter Main Statistics:


    Signal Strength.............. 47      Stream Msg-Ackd/Nakd........ 814/5

    Flags............... 0x00000020      NonStream Msg-Ackd/Nakd..... 12/5

    UpTime (d:h:m:s).. 000:00:06:16      Aloha Starts................ 11

    The Sequencer Timeout........ 0      Ranging Starts.............. 1

    Transport Alarm Bit.......... None    Frames Received............. 46967

    Addresses Open............... 7      Frame Errors: CRC/Bad Key... 9/0

    Carrier Info........ 127:W:1390      Miscellaneous Problems...... 1

    Rate Code.................... 1      No Receive Outroute Lock.... 10

    Inroute Group................ 103    No FLL Lock................. 173

    Inroute..................... -1      No Network Timing Sync...... 8

    IQoS ID...................... 0

    Ranging Reason: Ranging Done

    Inroute Group Selection: Ranged at inroute rate selected by IQoS

    Receive Status:  Receiver operational.  (RxCode 5)

    Transmit Status: Transmitter ready. (TxCode 8)

  4. We had some rain, since my last post I have been out, just posted the last one and replied to another and all lights out for me, Just got back online with a 47 signal......

    The ranging starts where in the hundreds according to the advanced screen...

    Look at this, this is the Transmitter stats page


    Local Time: MON MAR 28 11:36:26 2005


    --------- Allocated Inroute Message Statistics --------

    Stream Messages ACK'd......... 160465      Stream Messages NAK'd....... 5348

    NonStream Messages ACK'd...... 1935        NonStream Messages NAK'd.... 745

    Aloha Starts.................. 1848        Ranging Starts.............. 166

    DNCC Busy..................... 0       

    Allocated Stream Bytes........ 20482792    Used Stream Bytes........... 8230623

    ------------- General Transmit Statistics -----------

    Tx Superframes Count.......... 58840      Tx Superframes Size......... 6617401

    No Frame Information.......... 24015      Not Sync'd to Network Timing 60591

    No Receive Demod Lock......... 179073      No FLL Lock................. 15598

    No Transmit Synth Lock........ 0          Miscellaneous Problems...... 12115


                          |      CBR|Priority 0|Priority 1|Priority 2|Priority 3|


    Packets in AQM Queue          0|        69|        33|        39|      250|

    AQM Queue Size                0|      2299|      1056|      3370|      8056|

    Packets Received              0|    13950|      2730|      4082|    38078|

    Bytes Received                0|  3602812|    357177|    335028|  2325066|

    Packets Sent and Acked        0|    13823|      2653|      3972|    37363|

    Encoded Queue Flush            0|        13|        5|        30|      148|


  5. chatroom is lame on here irc applet is better  ;)

    IRC is the gateway to hackers, everyone know that, IRC is also know to carry viruses too, the chat room on here works fine for its intended purpose, this is supplied by one of the users on testmy.net, I see no reason to slam the user who supllied it.

  6. Had this DW6000 some 2 months now, I have noticed just latly that I get no service even in the lightest rain.

    When the installer fitted it we had a signal of 77 of which he said was good, now I am lucky to see a signal of 42, I think the dish has moved, because this worked fine in the snow storms we have had and in the rain before with little signal loss.

    I hate coming to my computer to see most of the lights out on the modem, question is..... what will DWAY do about it? will I end up paying someone to look at the dish? or will I end up doing it?


  7. $399/month for 200kb up?  For $10,000 i can have fibre ran out here and we can have 5Mbps dsl @ 54.9/month..  three years and it's paid for itself plus we have no latencey.. it's excellent idea for people who really can't no matter what get broadband, but i don't see it replacing DirecWay yet.. they don't have a field of installers even.. they need to make it so you can use DirecWay dish and hook they're reciever up as an added bonus for switching... something to make people pay $20/month more for 20kb more up.


    If you could get fibre for that price, you could network your neighbours and become your own ISP!  now that would be shit hot!

  8. Please post your funnies here, remember this is a family Forum! :)

    A man approached the minister at his church...."Reverend," he said" We have a problem. My wife keeps falling asleep during your sermons. It's

    very embarrassing, not to mention disrespectful. What can I do?"

    I've noticed this and have an idea if you're up to the task," said the minister.

    Take this hat pin  with you, I can see when Mrs. Jones is sleeping, and will motion to you, When I motion, you give her a good poke in the leg with the hat pin.

    In church the following Sunday, Mrs. Jones dozed off. Noticing this, the preacher put his plan to work. "And who made the ultimate sacrifice for you?" he said

    nodding to Mr. Jones. "Jesus!" Mrs. Jones cried out as her husband jabbed her in the leg with the sharp hat pin.

    Yes! You are correct, Mrs. Jones!" came the minister's quick reply.

    Mrs. Jones then turned and glared angrily at her husband.

    Soon, Mrs. Jones again nodded off. The minister noticed. "Who is your redeemer?" he asked the congregation, motioning toward Mr. Jones. "My God!" howled

    Mrs. Jones as she was stuck again with the pain.

    "Right again!" bellowed the minister, with a slight grin on his face.

    Mrs. Jones again gave her husband a real hard threatening glare.

    Before long though, she again nodded off. This time however, the minister did not notice. As he picked up the tempo of his sermon, he

    made a few hand gestures that Mr. Jones mistook as signals to sharply poke his wife with the hat pin again.

    The minister asked, "And what did Eve say to Adam after  she bore him his 99th son?" 

    Mrs. Jones jumped up and shouted, "You stick that thing in me one more time and I'll break it in half and shove it where

    the sun don't shine!"

    "Amen!" replied all the women in the congregation.

    I thought it was funny!

  9. You could also turn off the router and just have it set up as a gateway.... My Linksys is capable of doing that, just plug in the wired computers as normal and the wireless systems can connect to the wireless gateway.

    Dont forget to set the default gateway to a lot of people have a habbit of setting the computers to use the router as the default gateway, but the router does not know what the gateway is, and really the gateway to the internet is the dw6000

  10. Your default gateway is wrong, you have it should be which is the default IP for the DW6000, dont get this confused with your static IP, it has nothing to do with this, and you should not worry about the static IP in your config settings..... Just the default DW6000 settings...

    Your DNS server is incorrect too, that should be the DW6000 or the default DirecWay DNS

    The DHCP is fine, but you have to make sure that you set everything within the Linksys settings... the Wan port should be, if your Linksys will not go below then leave the address like that and the WAN should be default gateway again is

    I have a rather large home network comprising of both wired and wireless, I have 4 servers 3 win 2003 SB Servers and 1 Linux Redhat, 2 Windows XP Pro wired and a XP Pro Wireless laptop, my network is pretty confusing to most, But I know enough to strip it apart and have it all back up in a few minutes.

    The way mine is set up is as follows....... I dropped the Router becuase 2 NAT layers was an ass to work with... anyway, all of my computers, servers and all are connected to a central point in my house to a 16 Port Switch, the wireless router is connected to one of these ports giving me the ability to use the network and the internet.

    All ports are 100Mb, soon to become a GigaBit network, as soon as I buy the Cat6 wire, was thinking of going fiber between my servers, but thats a little overkill for what I need them for :)

    Anyway, I hope the information above can give you some ideas on how to connect your set up, Networking a DW6000 is not as easy as they say, I had issues and still do have issues, but I am working around them :)

  11. I am the king of this issue...... you will need to do the following to get it to work correctly, thing is I still had issue with my router and removed it and went direct to a switching hub.

    you will need to make the following settings to your router to get it to do anything.

    the ip of the router has to be static... will work, the Wan port will need to be set to and the default gateway should be set to

    see this post for more details https://testmy.net/forum/index.php/topic,2468.0.html

    you will either use your router for the DHCP or set each machine to a static ip, either works but you will need to enter in the DNS server for DirecWay, cant remember the IP address........

    Hope this help you out.

  12. Why the hell did we help Bin Landen anyway? We also helped Saddam invade Kuwate in 1991 I think? It seems like we like to start wars just for fun for some stupid reason IMO.

    Nope, the US kicked Saddam and his asshole out of Kuwate........

    Personaly, that place will never be stable, it will always have bloodshed becasue thats the way they are, they have nothing to live for, hate us for having money and living in a free world...... ONE BIG NUKE WOULD FIX THINGS!  :evil3:

  13. No cold nights for me  :shock: ............. Hey, whos up for watching? lol

    Ok, seeing as we are talking about my little avatar and sheep.... I am going to lay a joke down on you all just to see the reaction, I thought it was good, but got some strange looks at work today!

    here it is.... Q: Do you know why Scottish men wear Kilts?

                      A: Because sheep know the sound of a zipper!

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