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Posts posted by sparky

  1. That wont be long :evil6: jk

    Dude, did you do that on purpose or what? you put a curse on my DSL right? go on laugh.... Verizon shut it off Monday and I still don't have it back on... why? maybe because they don't know there ass from a hole in the ground?

    I am so very  :tickedoff:

  2. Or maybe not! welcome to the forum Wireman, we are all here to try and help one another.... fire away if you have questions.

    But be warned, me may not have all the answers and if we do not know the answer..... well we will make one up! lol

  3. The only way I know you can do it is on this website, its not mine by the way....lol.

    Anyway, goto the link at the top for download speeds, if your logged in it will keep a record of the speed measurement.

    I do not know of any other way unless you want to run some software on your computer.

  4. goto a command promt and type in the following

    ping testmy.net

    you will get a bunch of numbers and it will give you an average, let us have the average.

    you may also want to ping yahoo.com and again, post the average, it will show you if your dropping packets.

    you will see something like this...

    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6001]

    Copyright © 2006 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

    C:Usersdeano>ping testmy.net

    Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data:

    Reply from bytes=32 time=83ms TTL=50

    Reply from bytes=32 time=81ms TTL=50

    Reply from bytes=32 time=82ms TTL=50

    Reply from bytes=32 time=81ms TTL=50

    Ping statistics for

        Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

        Minimum = 81ms, Maximum = 83ms, Average = 81ms

    C:Usersdeano>ping yahoo.com

    Pinging yahoo.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

    Reply from bytes=32 time=44ms TTL=56

    Reply from bytes=32 time=43ms TTL=56

    Reply from bytes=32 time=43ms TTL=56

    Reply from bytes=32 time=43ms TTL=56

    Ping statistics for

        Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

        Minimum = 43ms, Maximum = 44ms, Average = 43ms

  5. Yeah, your like many of us that had to take that route.... its not a bad system if you stick within your limits.  Many moons ago when the FAP was first implemented it worked like a bucket system, you use it and it trickled back over time, now you get worse then dial up speeds if you hit your limit and you get that for 24 hours!

    As you may realize, some of us are old hats at Hughesnet, if we can help we will.

  6. I have a laptop that does the same thing, but it is not on and off as often, as advised above, it may need cleaning out for many reasons.

    If you smoke in the house it is likely to build up a sticky film across the components and collect dust easier, it just may need to be blown out with some air, usually this is a sign of heating up internally, there is sensors on the CPU, maybe the GPU and very possibly the case has a temp sensor on the MOBO.

    It could also be restricted from getting enough air to cool with, check for spacing around as advised above, make sure all inlet and outlet ports have enough room around them to breath, feel where the exhaust fan is and see if there is enough airfow from it and see if it feels hot.

    Has it always done this? how old is the computer?  

  7. this hughesnet is going to drive me to drinking

    Join the rest of us, drinking, baldness, moments of complete madness..... did you not read the contents of the package, it comes with your setup, ohh and don't forget the endless calls to India for technical help, they start to call you after a while asking you for help.  :2funny:

  8. When you boot your computer! (unsure of your operating system)... when you see all the text on the black screen, just as it disappears start hitting the F8 key until you get to a prompt asking what to do, hit the number button or up down buttons and select safe mode only.

    When you get to your desktop it will say safe mode in all 4 corners, then run your anti-virus and spyware program.

  9. Remove the surge protector, as AAGR3 said, plug the UPS direct to the wall outlet and plug devices into the UPS, being careful to not overload the UPS recommended rating or it will serve very little purpose.

    I have a rather large UPS running 3 computers and networking equipment, remember this, and remember it well........

    If you have any networking, electronic equipment including cellphones, speakers blah blah blah connected to any component connected to your UPS, make sure they are all on the same source.

    If they are not and you get a lightning strike to something that is connected to your computer, you effectively went around your UPS, get my meaning?

    If you use DSL or a Cable modem, your going to need to protect them also, lighting strikes can come along phone lines, cable lines, power lines and TV antennas, but if your just wanting it to keep running for a few minutes during a power failure then don't worry about all the above.

    Get the biggest UPS you can afford, make sure in 3-4 years you can change the batteries as they will go bad on you, most you can change but ask the question first, ask what run time you will get with your load also, the longer the better.

  10. See how fast guys aid each other in their most anxious mouth watering time of need. such brotherhood amongst you. Dammit!, how come they don't have a woman's version of that screen cursor with a man ?? momma, you got one somewhere.?? I cant find S#!t anywhere . women are just so civilized!!

    You want to see a mans nipple rub across the screen? there is one mans nipple in that picture already! Ohh your talking about something else... Now that is disgusting..... lol

  11. Maybe as someone mentioned, mismatched memory? maybe even corrupt memory?

    Memory is just like a hard, it has allocations to put the information, if one of these allocations are bad it may crash your computer, I would find a program to scan and check your memory.

  12. Nice place to hang out. Personally I got lost in here years ago. :lost:

    Glad to have you aboard.  :welcome:

    We found him wandering around the old posts! We told you before Tommie, do not wander off, if you do take someone with you to help you find the way back, Don't head into the light.. :grin:

  13. So honestly would you do me a favor Sparky? Being UK decent and all and now saying you feel what here. Could you explain what patriotism is for foreigners? I have tried, but its so hard since I have felt it all my life to some that have never known it. Mostly in here with UK members. To me its love for my country and all that it stands for, not the government. But I thought you might have a better way to put it.    And thanks in advance. :smiley:

    That is exactly it, you said it already, the love for the country and for what the country stands for.

    I have seen how people that adore this country and over the years I have become to do the same, its about life and the way of life, principles, freedom and choices.

    I know I was not born here, but I really do not think that I could feel any different if I was, I have family over here that feel the same way, they have been here over 40 years now, they and I would do anything to help this country in a time of need.

    This is now my home, the best place in the world as far as I am concerned.

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