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Posts posted by sparky

  1. Took a little getting used to, with the high highs and the low lows.... it is a little different then what I was used to I can tell yah.

    All in all I like it, give me lots to complain about.... its too hot, its too humid... its too cold, DAMN its cold....lol

  2. Of British decent I have only been in America for the past 8 years, for the past 3 years I have been an American by Citizenship and by heart, I love this country and love what it stands for, I hated the way Bush sent the country and made it look to the rest of the world.

    In a nutshell this country will be stronger from its mistakes (Bush) and will continue to be loved by all that reside within her, that love will grow and grow and make it stronger from within.

    For me, this is my home and will always be my home.... :smitten:

  3. You will need a program to download and compile the torrent, bit torrent is one program but I am sure people that use torrents on a regular basis can point you into the correct direction as to what program is best.

  4. The downloading issue using Limewire is down to Hughes network, they are doing something with the Peer 2 Peer users on there network, I had the exact same issue with them.

    Hey, don't worry about the DSL thing, I was messing with you but Hughes would like you to think it is Broadband when it actually is not, they have got class action law suits against them about that among other things.

    Let us know how things go, ohh there is a forum especially for hughesnet customers, it can be found here http://www.testmy.net/b-21

    Its a little quite these days but we will try to help out where we can, some of us are ex-hughesnet ourselves.

    Good luck

  5. Welcome to the forum, its a great place to be.... makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside... is that just the rum? :cheesy:

    Your choosing satellite over cable? must have one hell of a good reason for that move huh?

    I would look around for EV-DO first, I was on hughesnet and found I could get EV-DO, dropped that like a bad habit, then I found out within 2 weeks of having the EV-DO I could get DSL, go figure.

  6. I had hughesnet and please, do not even call it DSL, it has nothing on common with DSL.

    Secondly, hughesnet does not like peer 2 peer so they mess with the connection, I had the same issue with hughes.

    Thirdly, welcome to the forum.

  7. I am paying $31 a month plus taxes, its getting cheaper as I go..

    Sat was $63 and more

    EV-DO was $43 plus tax

    Verizon is $31 plus tax

    Maybe I can get cable now for $10? lol.... I would love FIOS, but I kind of figure I am about 15 years behind the big cities, so I am not going to hold my breath on that coming anytime soon.

  8. Verizon did what they called MidWays, they are basically range expander's and I did not believe them when they said I could get it, heard that one many times before.

    When we got home there was a message on the answer phone, I about fell over and ran to check the light on the modem, it was on!

    I am finally out of the dark ages, I just hope you will be too.

  9. Ok, I have to use the text version, the upload images are not showing for some reason or another.

    :::.. Upload Stats ..:::

    Upload Connection is:: 494 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB)

    Upload Speed is:: 60 kB/s

    Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main)

    Test Time:: 2009/01/31 - 10:01pm

    Bottom Line:: 9X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 17.07 sec

    Tested from a 1496 kB file and took 24.796 seconds to complete

    Upload Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 36.38 % of your hosts average (verizon.net)

    U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-UKAQD2804

    User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5 [!]

    My pack is a 3Mbps Down and 500Kbps Up.

    Upload is the same as the EV-DO but the download is like doing 1 Mb every 2.2 seconds or something like that.

    I am happy with it, but not my Xbox 360, I signed up for Xbox live and it red ringed of death on me YET AGAIN, man I am pissed off right now with Micro$oft.

  10. Guys, I am getting rid of EV-DO......

    I just got DSL!!!!!! 3.0 Mbps Pack!



    I am so over the moon, it's pretty fast, it was turned on today, I said nothing because I have tried 6 times in the past to get it...lol

    I am trying not to run anyone's nose in it, but I am excited, 8 years I have waited.

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