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Laser reacted to CA3LE in Why is Comcast saying they do not support your test site and results?
Good eve, I love your testing and results layout... Why is Comcast saying they do not support your test site and results? Thank you! Rebecca
Hi Rebecca, Thank you for the kind words. Oh Comcast... I don't get it, they were one of the ISPs that helped make my site popular in the first place. If you were to dig deep enough in my forum and others... Comcast techs used to refer people to TestMy.net. Their in home techs and telephone support. People used to start with, "Comcast phone support sent me here...", "I saw my install tech using TestMy.net when my service was installed", etc...) I had Comcast support techs tell me (well over a decade ago) that TestMy.net is not only their "go to" speed test, it's in their training manual. Then ookla and speedtest.net come out, giving ISPs a platform that not only works in their favor... I've been told by speedtest.net hosts it can be manipulated if you pay the company enough. http://testmy.net/ipb/topic/28902-why-do-my-results-differ-from-speedtestnet-ookla-speed-tests/ Anyway, so now they don't accept my results because their own BS Trumps everything else. There are still many techs that work for Comcast referring people to TestMy.net but not nearly as many. (Comcast is only one example) Not always the employee's fault. They're brainwashed into believing that any results outside of their network can't be trusted. It's not true. I've been testing Internet since 1996, long before ANY ISP had their own branded tests from ookla (or anyone else for that matter). My methodology is the same today as it was then and the same things apply today. My servers are extremely fast and hosted in the BEST places... and in real data centers where the websites you visit are hosted in. Data being served to you in much the same way as you'd download it from any source. The other tests are not made to benefit consumers. TestMy.net on the other hand was invented by a consumer. None of the ISPs really seem like me, anymore... but then they still send me emails asking if they can host a TMN speed test within their network. I tell them yes, but that the client will always have the choice to test against outside servers. And that I must retain full access to the server to ensure that none of the testing variables are altered. Funny... for some reason they never email back after that. Just silence. They don't like an unbiased opinion, they want you to test in a vacuum. Their vacuum. Thank you for using my service, please spread the word with your friends. TestMy.net has always been 100% word-of-mouth. - Damon - TestMy.net
Laser reacted to CA3LE in How can I get my passwords back?
Dang, that sucks.
Well, you bring up key-logging. If you think that's possible, you may be screwed. If your Mom has been logging your keystrokes and she's gone in and changed your passwords you should be able to do a password request from the place you're trying to log into. Unless she was smart enough to also change the email address and other account information needed to reset the password... then, well... maybe start up some new games because she's got you in 'check' with that one... 'check mate' if she supplied the credit card info used to pay for membership (e.g. World of Warcraft).
I feel sorry for you. That sucks that your Mom doesn't trust you. If she did log your keystrokes like that, SHAME ON HER! Seriously, I don't care if she's your parent. It violates your privacy! And I don't care how young you are, if you're old enough to use a computer you're old enough to have computer privacy.
Parents... Block sites or keywords if you have to but DON'T LOG YOUR KIDS. Give them the same respect with their computer usage as you would with a diary. ... if the kid can't be trusted on the computer, take it away... but DON'T violate their trust by logging keystrokes.
Laser reacted to CA3LE in Who testmy.net is
I'll work on a page that cites examples for you. They're here, just not compiled nicely for you.
I just go off of what many people tell me. There are hundreds of stories (just that I've heard) of people who test perfectly fine using other speed tests and testmy.net reports the correct... much lower number. They email me, often by starting out BLAMING testmy.net. I tell them to trust the results and they usually email me back later, "testmy.net was right." I get blamed whenever someone is slow. The other speed tests misrepresent the numbers so people think I'M the one who's wrong because I'm the outlier. Just because the majority comes to the same answer doesn't mean they do it right. --- testmy.net is often an outlier because it's a real test. And instead of focusing on what they're not doing right... how about we all just use TestMy.net and call it a day?!?! ?
I just posted one from the other day to a topic with some other examples I've shared in the past.
There are some in other topics in the FAQ / Ask TMN forum
When you're having issues and REALLY need testmy.net... that's when it works best and shows how it's truly proprietary. Why anyone uses anything other than TMN with evidence that the others fail when needed the most... makes no sense. Fact is, people just don't know.
I try not to be all in your face with the ads. Large portions of the site are purposely ad free (like the forum) and I'm also showing no ads to mobile users.
Laser reacted to CA3LE in Who testmy.net is
...not sure, never been there before. ?
Hi DJ, Welcome to testmy.net!
Yes, that's all still accurate. Millions of people still regularly use TMN, only a small percentage are members. An even smaller percentage of members actually use the forums here. Before facebook, these forums were much more popular.
To legitimize any of my statements all you have to do is search the internet. I feel that other people have scrutinized and legitimized what I'm doing over the years, my methodology and core principals never change. Many have put TMN under a microscope. In my development I put it under a microscope too. Maybe I should post more of those findings but if I focused my time on that... it would have to come from somewhere. I think it's better left said by other people.
Funding comes from generous support from viewers like you... just kidding, PBS quote. I have ads. Maybe one day I won't have to.
TestMy.net has always been developed and maintained by one person.
Laser reacted to Sean in Wireless interference
Indeed they should definitely offer a lot mor ethan 30Mbps. I used to peak around 60Mbps with my former Huawei router with only 300Mbps over 802.11n (2.4GHz).
With my current set-up, a Huawei B525 with 802.11ac, I get around 110Mbps between it and my desktop PC (TP-Link Archer AC1900 USB) based on a load test between the PC and a laptop connected to the router. This is with the Huawei B525 in the loft at one end of the house attached to a pair of LTE antennas and my desktop PC on the ground floor at the opposite end.
Based on my experience troubleshooting Wi-Fi performance in the past, nearby power supplies can severely deteoriate the Wi-Fi performance. For example, I remember my brother struggling to get over 3Mbps over Wi-Fi, only to discover his router was on a shelf with its power supply socket directly underneath the shelf. Due to the shelf location, he couldn't move the router and there was just the one power socket nearby, directly underneath the shelf. As an experiment, he placed a sheet of aluminium foil underneath the router. His Internet speed tests over Wi-Fi jumped straight to about 76Mbps, the same as with a network cable.
Laser reacted to GreenLantern in Very high middle variance on wifi
I had a similar problem with Time Warner Cable.
TWC uses the 35 year old mechanical copper cable connections in my backyard to handle the up speed.
When I complain more than two times, TWC wants to send someone to my home to "check." They check and want me to check with a Flash Test. No way.
Odd how that when they leave it seems better, but not great.
Laser reacted to Pgoodwin1 in My internet is soo slow
Your English is OK. I can understand you fine.
maybe the best thing to do would be to see what other people in the village are getting for speeds on TestMy.net.
if their speeds are as slow as yours, maybe all of you can approach the ISP with the problem.
Laser reacted to thale58 in 4th gen iPad 35MB, iPhone 6 105MB?
Placing them side by side, running on the same wifi via AirPort Extreme on Comcast 105MB, iPad simply refuses to go any faster. Tested on different days and at different times, results are consistently the same. Any suggestions? I can't believe the processor in the iPad is that much slower.
Laser reacted to CA3LE in Need option to set upload directory and files
My upload test isn't perfect... no program ever is. But I think it may be your presumptions and conceptions that are flawed.
Why do you need to be able to select your own files? Why would I ask users to select a file when I can essentially generate a fake one for them that does the same thing? In development, I've seen no discernible difference in using real files vs the ones I generate.
There is no seek time variation. The data is generated and stored in your RAM, you can't access it any faster than that. Immediately after the information is generated in your memory the upload is initiated. The time it takes generating and sending you the information (you then send back to TMN) is not calculated into your final result. The clock doesn't start until your computer initiates the upload. And after it's all done the information does not persist in your memory.
Laser reacted to mudmanc4 in Why is latency/ping at such odds with other tests?
Question: Is the new cable 'cat5' connected to a LAN port or the WAN port on the wireless node? Your attempts to access the admin side might be triggering a 'rebinding attack'. So it will redirect to a nulled page or error out depending.
You'll most likely be required to connect directly to the wireless node to access the admin panel, depending on how it was set up.
Laser reacted to jackdashack in Why is latency/ping at such odds with other tests?
We got the above settled as it is impossible to peruse usernames before registering it was purely happenstance, there's no way I could have known there was a "jackinthehouse". That was settled between us all and all is well. As CA3LE said, it's kinda kool that there are so many members that names are starting to resemble each. In a private message to CA3LE I sincerely offered to change my username so no one was offended but he said, Nyet ... so we both keep the names and it's up to you folks who read to keep us separate! haha!
Laser reacted to jackintheshack in Why is latency/ping at such odds with other tests?
Think you should have chosen an original username mate. suppose immitation is the kindest form of flattery they say.
Related Topic: https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/32619-why-someone-choose-username-like-mine-i-am-the-original-jackintheshack/
Laser reacted to jackdashack in Why is latency/ping at such odds with other tests?
Well according to my friend Art Vandelay, an architect and his recent flame Nurse Paloma ... (LOL)
The Westell is connected as shown in the diagram above by direct shielded Ethernet wire. I guess that's what you are asking? The only things I use now wireless are the tablet from time to time and the Roku in either room. I always put the Roku's in inactive when done. Both TV's have a Chromecast connected. I'm not sure but they do show up in the Verizon Console I mentioned above as "connected." Of course I've removed the IP's from the images below.
MYPAVILION is the Windows 10 pc at the primary Veriozon modem/router
NP ~ are the Roku's
android-494~ is the Xoom Tablet
Wii and the android's disconnected are the neighbors that I have blocked access. Next question from you is why? We have not been able to find a way back into the Westell to security lock it. Even when we know the IP and log on with this XP which it is connected to is won't log in or we don't know the credentials. So I found I could use Access Control to stop them from logging on, which I believe was their devices searching not them logging on purposely. The LWP devices are brothers. Since he just left yesterday they have not gone away.
And my friend my neck and shoulders about had it and I don't think it's much longer for me tonight. But I will stay current if you are onto something. Many many thanks to you and CA3LE. Jack ":-Dx
Laser reacted to mudmanc4 in Why is latency/ping at such odds with other tests?
You have no idea! We've watched Seinfeld for years, repeat after repeat. Love the obvious. Which obscures the masses.
None the less, is the Westel wired or a repeater? I will say you point out the obvious as wired, but I have to ask, otherwise this could account for the high latency between the two , see?
Laser reacted to jackdashack in Why is latency/ping at such odds with other tests?
Pedantic? lol, you must have watched Seinfeld. One of George's dates used that word and he had no clue, but he repeated it just to feign knowledge. Me too ... I guess it means redundant or repetitive.
As stated above, "" Oh, the reason for the slave and the Ethernet not directly to the HP Compaq is the wireless is being used by a Roku about 10 feet away. ""
The Westell was just a left over from earlier days. Rather than throw it we used it to get the signal via the slave nearer the Roku in the FL Room. I call it the porch, , it started out as a porch before remodeled years ago. Now I should say this, the use of the slave is nothing new. It's served this purpose for a year or more. OK, the slave deifned ...
There's no doubt this is the one. Here is a link. I am lazy at the moment and the router is pinned up ceiling high, at 65 I do not feel like climbing up to look. However most the week with brother putting in dedicated lines in the basement I felt like I'd performed this 40 times a day. I'm resting. But this is a pretty certain thing.
Laser reacted to mudmanc4 in Why is latency/ping at such odds with other tests?
Westel model number please?
I don't intend to be so pedantic, but it is important to know what the device capabilities are to determine if there is a 'better' or more efficient or 'proper' configuration for the specific depth of the layout.
And why is the Westel necessary in any event? Unless it is acting as a 'dummy' or hub to connect other devices.
Laser reacted to jackdashack in Why is latency/ping at such odds with other tests?
Why thank you kind sir. I thought of it kinda crude! hahah! No CGI to enhance it!
Laser reacted to jackdashack in Why is latency/ping at such odds with other tests?
I hope this is what you mean. Crude but gets the job done ... again I hope!!! Oh, the reason for the slave and the Ethernet not directly to the HP Compaq is the wireless is being used by a Roku about 10 feet away. No, they are all off during all tests. In fact I try to have everything using bandwidth off during tests.
Laser reacted to mudmanc4 in Why is latency/ping at such odds with other tests?
Is it possible to get the topology of your network, in other words:
Modem---> switch --> windows machine
Or Modem --> switch --> switch --> XP windows machine
windows 10 machine
It all good, we should have the above before at least myself, has a better understanding of the layout.
Also, when referring to the 'node', this could mean any number of network 'devices' in the path, a switch, a router, to keep it simple, it's a 'hop' that must be traveled to reach the destination. Which is what the tracrt shows, each 'hop' from 'node to node' is showing the 'latency' or speed / time to reach there and back divided by 2.
Laser reacted to jackdashack in Why is latency/ping at such odds with other tests?
I'll be gone about an hour. But I'm not quite sure what you mean yet. As I mentioned to CA3LE I have an slightly above the average pc user understanding. You mean turn one pc off, I'd probably eliminate the XP on the slave router? That would mean disconnect or pull he Ethernet line from the D-Link Verizon Router which is/was to the XP? As far as nodes or switches I'm clueless. And then when one is completely out of the picture what then? Run the tracert test or ..... Back in an hour. Thanks so much for your time ............
Laser reacted to mudmanc4 in Why is latency/ping at such odds with other tests?
ok no problem, lets simplify this.
Take one machine out of the discussion momentary.
Is there one of th[e] two machines which can be connected to either or internal 'nodes' or switches as you are referring to?
If so lets use that one to test each 'switch or node'
Laser reacted to jackdashack in Why is latency/ping at such odds with other tests?
Actually, I mentioned I duplicated the images and confused you. The XP is the one reporting the ms in the 16ms area after the Timed Out's. The 10 box is the one with over 100ms after the Timed outs. I did remove the slave from the 10 box once and ran the same test without the slave being attached. Same results so my laymen mind said the slave has little to do with it. So knowing the 10 is reporting much higher ms after the timed outs what is it that concerns you. I really have no clue, it's a "no clue" question from me. lol
Laser reacted to mudmanc4 in Why is latency/ping at such odds with other tests?
The nodes that timed out are not always abnormal, it's simply the 'security' setup to not respond.
What is more concerning appears to be the XP box, where the 10 box has not this issue.
Yet you are getting the same test results from both machines, correct me?
Laser reacted to jackdashack in Why is latency/ping at such odds with other tests?
Sorry, I duplicated the images. 4 images, 2 of the same each. ":-\\