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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. I'm on linux right now. i just installed it and put an anti virus on it. thats all so far. just updating that i installed it.
  2. the laptop i want comes formatted in FAT32 and i was thinking of right when i get it formatting it to NTFS but keeping the partitions.
  3. i got to asking my cousin who has the laptop model i want and asking around with people i knew and they told me how to change some settings on the display and what-not to extend battery life to almost 2 hours (lowering brightness and changing the times when its inactive to shut down the display and hard disk). so i'm gonna save my money for other things i need. as for the dvd recorder, i think i can live without that as one of my desktops has a dvd recorder drive. ( i only wanted one on my laptop because if i'm gone i could burn data dvds and music onto dvds without waiting to get home...but i can use cds if i need to burn anything ) thanks for the advice. i am seriosly thinking of doing the same thing as you now....shadowing the drive (i am always putting stuff on and changing things) it's a 60 gig (comes formatted in FAT32 w/ 2 30gig partitions) and i doubt i will use more than 20 gigs. just one more thing...whats the major difference in FAT32 and NTFS? i always use NTFS. thanks, starship troopers
  4. at first i burned the unzipped file, but i re did it and burn the zipped file and booted with that...but i can't get past that...when i boot it goes into dos and when i try to boot it gives me an error. and i have to reboot. i gave up on it rather than ask a bunch of questions. but my friend is gonna give me ubuntu 5.10 and 6.06 cds that he's ordering...hes getting like 5 or so of them...i'll try then... i'll try again now if you have any suggestions how to boot with the burned .iso i have. please sorry for these questions but when it comes to an OS i've never done anything except format xp.
  5. thanks, thats what i did right after i posted but i didnt' come back and edit my post. thanks, starship troopers
  6. i have a spare harddrive and want to try out ubuntu linux 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) from this site http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu-releases/6.06/ i selected PC (Intel x86) desktop CD to download and it finished as a zipped file. my only question is when i burn the file to a cd do i burn the zipped file or do i unzip it and burn that? i knwo this is a noob question lol but i've never burned an iso before. thanks, starship troopers
  7. i like them both. the splash and rain effects do seem to get annoying very fast. but i still am thinking of putting suse on my spare hard drive. jsut to check it out
  8. i have been trying to find another battery for this laptop, you know so it will last longer than the 4 cell one it has. but not much luck. if anyone finds a battery please post the site. thanks, starship troopers
  9. yeah i've been looking for one to possibly get later. but not much luck for ones that last very long. sorry to hear that. looks like you'll have to wait for walmart to restock unless its on other sites...maybe tiger direct?
  10. yeah thats the one i'm getting. but the one from walmart.com since it's sold out here is basically the same thing on newegg.com http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?N=2030260032+4021+1039806694&Submit=ENE&SubCategory=32
  11. that sucks that was a good deal
  12. madtv? wow...i thought it was reno911 :S
  13. yeah that battery life is horrible but i'm almost always gonna have it plugged in.
  14. thank you for the answer. i didn't think that a new card would happen but i wanted to make sure.
  15. just to check ...you are buying the acer laptop from walmart.com right? or am i mistaking you wiht another poster? :s
  16. i have another question. i may want to upgrade some time later to a dvd burner drive...would that be easy enough? and also....i doubt this would be needed but would there be a way that later i could get just a bit better video/graphics card? the default one is integrated so i don't think it's possible but just trying to make sure thanks, starship troopers
  17. that looks like a good laptop. very similar to the one i'm getting. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16834115242
  18. i don't use all my messengers at once most of the time. mainly only windows live and sometimes i use the others, but most of my friends have msn so thats what i mainly use.
  19. i use it on my spare harddrive, but when i got this new one its big enough that i just put each messenger on it. lol i quit using it because it seemed to take forever to recieve a message and when talking to one of my friends it would not send messages right.
  20. lol i have yahoo, aim, windows live, and skype (nooone had google talk so i don't anymore) pm me if ya want to add me on a messenger
  21. ok i got skype. anyone want to add contacts (like the sticky in online gaming for x-fire names)
  22. quick question please. does skype cost anything? or is it completely free?
  23. i've actually never used it. i might try it out.
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