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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. happy birthday /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' />
  2. yeah this forum is great cause of all the members/mods/admins helping instead of flaming you for asking something dumb thanks CA3LE
  3. cool CA3LE hope you post more details soon!
  4. sorry for double post, but i just saw a pic of this on tiger direct and it says vista capable...if i run vista it wouldnt be that smooth would it?
  5. i have a cousin who has this, and he said it comes with a few programs that you dont need and are annoying, so thats why i figured on formatting anyways
  6. yes i read all the reviews over it, and it isnt that hard to format a harddrive so i dont mind it. ....5400rpm is fast enough...i dont want to spend like 800 dollars on a laptop that im just going to use for typing, internet, and an occasional movie...the only reason im getting this one is because its an acer w/ an amd (i prefer acer brand and amd processors) also my cousin has this laptop...and i like it... this is high enough specs. for what im using it for....
  7. one question. im getting another 512 of ram for it, so what do you think of this ram here ?
  8. lol wow...thats a pretty sweet system there. i bet that cost alot of $$$$
  9. thanks, i was pretty sure about the graphics, not that it matters since i have a second desktop system for games...which i barely play anymore. but thanks for the reply. starship_troopers
  10. i still havent gotten a laptop like i was supposed to and so now i know that i am finally getting to order one from newegg the end of october. heres the link, also i know the graphics sucks,,,,i need it for papers, and stuff....maybe a movie now and then, but no games except maybe the ones that are on xp like solitare. so anyways here is the link click here tell me what you think, i know that i am getting another 512mb of ram for it. and i will never be anywhere that i cant plug it in so im fine with battery life, the only thing i am not sure about is the graphics,,,if later on i want to put a new card in im not sure that i can, but thats no big deal. so what are you oppinions on this starship_troopers
  11. oops, i never thought of adding it in your sig. thats a good idea. edit// there we go, now i got my specs in my sig. also. lol check out my "top of the line" system....
  12. i was editing my profile for xfire and i got this idea. since there are alot of questions on this forum about system specs, and stuff. is there any way CA3LE could add a section in the edit profile where you name your specs so its easier for mods or anyone to help. because when i see a post almost always there is a question "what is your system" or something to that effect. tell me your take on this idea plz. i just thought it might help a little to add this, but maybe not, im just guessing. starship_troopers
  13. ok i was using the live cd for a while all working fine, now that i just finished a fresh install of linux it is working, but if i restart like after the updates are done download/installing or if i dont install the updates at all. then when i restart i wont be able to change my resolution. above 640x480. heres a screenshot of it now since its working right.
  14. ok, update from my last post....i am doing a fresh install because last time i booted up in linux was when i first installed it. the strange thing is, is that the first time i boot into it it goes straight to 1024x768 (my preferred resolution) but if i restart or whatever, then thats when it goes to 640x480. do you think if i went down to ubuntu 5.10 or whatever the second most recent version is, (or a whole different version of linux for that matter) it would fix it?
  15. k, i've been trying to change it in system, preferences, then screen resolution. but the only options are 640x480. hope not... lol after i get this fixed i have another question about the video player. but that can wait....but i cannot boot back into linux untill tomorrow afternoon. so i'll post back then. thanks for the help.
  16. its an nvidia 64mb. it came integrated in the pc (which is only like 3 years old). i was told this would run it, but obviously it cant very well. lol
  17. i have linux on a spare 20gig harddrive and for some reason it wont let me change my resolution from 640x480. it has no other options....i am running ubuntu linux 6.06....does anyone know how to fix this problem?
  18. lol and nice pic Indestructable
  19. ok i'll try to help. i'll answer all the posted questions A. no i dont get busy peak signals during peak hours B. im 100% satisfied (i get over advertised) C. yes very easy to set up D. i have had to contact tech support. it was solved in about 10-15 minutes E. only one billing trouble but was fixed next day. F. aspects im satisfied with = fast speeds good tech support.. dissatisfied with = nothing i can think of i hope this answered your questions. if not tell me what you need different and i'll post back.
  20. i'll sign you up for Kim Kommando ...her radio show is ok but if you sign up for her newsletters and stuff (i am signing you up now ) you'll get spammed out the arse. i forgot. you have to open the first email from her to activate your email to the list.
  21. yeah i liked them, but they kept doing the same thing over and over. they said their show is an hour long...if its an hour long then why dont they show something else from the show im sure the show cant just be an hour of changing clothes. (just my 2 cents.)
  22. i agree that peirce is a little over the top because i've seen 2 episodes. one was with a group that was the parents and kids together. peirce told the kids to get rid of the parents and go alone and they would be good after that. other episode i saw had nothing to do with peirce but did anyone see the one with the "rapping granny" ...she was a rapper at 73 years old. ! did anyone else see this?
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