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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. i found this article
  2. is it true that the integrated ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 IGP graphics on the ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 chipset can run aero effects of vista smoothly? i thought it would be to weak to do that? and run cs source and bf2 on medium ....just curious cause i was told by one of my friends that it can run fine. and i was curious, but i couldnt find a good site explaining it. thanks in advance starship
  3. lol na no thanks, i prefer firefox and sometimes opera, i only use IE when i need to edit// here are screens
  4. i changed my avatar from a pic of john rico on starship troopers to a pic about google, and it wont change in firefox...it will appear right in IE 7 but in firefox it still shows that i have my starship troopers avatar...any ideas how to fix it?
  5. i did that but im not sure which drivers i should download. btw, thanks for response i think it would be thsi one...but im not sure http://www.acerpanam.com/synapse/forms/portal20.cfm?recordid=3430&formid=3394&website=AcerPanAm.com/us&siteid=7293&words=all&keywords=&areaid=7
  6. i've been to the acer driver download site, but i cant find the specific model drivers for this. maybe i just overlooked it, but i need the The video chipset drivers for this right here help is appriciated, thanks in advance, starship
  7. it runs fine in firefox, lemee check with ie7 i'll post back in a few edit::: ok, it runs smooth in I.E. 7 and in firefox for me.
  8. i was typiing what i read from pc world magazine. before i had looked over the site fully.
  9. i just signed up for it after reading it in pcworld....its pretty nice.. its a site for free 5gb email with 50mb file limit to upload. (if im right hotmail only has 10mb) and if you dont want to use your browser its pop3 so just set it up in outlook, thunderbird, etc. not sure how long its been there, but i just found it and decided to share it here incase someone else wants to sign up, since its free. here's the link http://www.inbox.com
  10. ok, sorry about all these laptop questions, but this is the last question...ok, the graphics in this can be upgraded right? and if so what card is best to get for it? here's the site again, sorry for all the ??'s but im a
  11. thanks dlewis and swimmer, i just figured i'd update. newegg isnt the only place now that is available for us...cyberpowersystems is ok also...which we've already made a "gaming" laptop for 1251...without shipping, tax, etc. here's what it looks like, tell us what you think here's the link and since every time you open the link it resets the options here's what was selected under: 1.) notebook: MSI MS-1039 Notebook 15.4" Glare WXGA 1280x800 Pixel w/ Mobility Radeon X1600 Video, Turion
  12. yeah i know that the integrated cards share memory. but im not inot gaming on a laptop so that isnt a problem...and if there are games i will put on them it would be like cs 1.6 and maybe wolfenstein enemy territory, but thats it. that laptop is nice swimmer, i looked at that one as a close pick. but since there is limited $$ i think i will have to let that one go
  13. im still debating though, if i should get the one you posted here or should i get the one i had been looking at which is right here but either way i (and friend mark) appriciate the help alot!
  14. WOW dlewis23, i really like all those...i think that i like this one the best though http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16834115245 for price and performance. and did i read that right that it has an extra card slot? cool, i think i am actually going to get that one instead of the one i was going to get. Thanks man really nice suggestions.
  15. wow, that was a quick response, thanks i talked to him on msn after i posted and its ok to have anything but celeron. i misunderstood him when he said he wanted no celeron i thought he meant no intel pentium or anything...but pentium m's or pentiumd's or whatever are fine. and those laptops look good i may save up for one of those instead.
  16. ok, one of my friends is saving for a laptop (i am also but i already picked the one i want). but we are having trouble looking for some. (we can only use newegg since his parents have an account and dont want to buy from anywhere except at newegg or walmart). ok, he wants an amd processor at least 1.8ghz, 15 inch or bigger screen, at least 512mb ram, dvd burner drive, at least 40gb harddrive, and decent graphics (not exactly for gaming but maybe some for him if he cant use his desktop, and they would be older games like Enemy territory wolfenstein so not much power needed there). then the other basics like ethernet slot and ability for wifi.... oh yeah...max price is somewhere around 900 please..maybe 1000 but i am trying to keep it below the 1grand mark for him. thanks alot in advance starship troopers, and his friend mark ..since it is for him
  17. did you clean out your cache and retry? it may be a cached test. and what is your advertised?
  18. after halloween im getting a laptop, and for gaming and intense stuff i have another pc with amd 1.8ghz 512 ram, nvidia 6100graphics card
  19. sorry, i just thought it was a funny arguement and when you said that i used that smiley. i didnt mean to make it seem like i was mad or anything.
  20. its a long story but to make it short its because i need a new case and just havent gotten around to doing it yet.
  21. i know, but the file was deleted...so thats basically all i need. right now though i went ahead and put in dlewis23's file but i would like to have xp's icon instead of vistas. although i can live with this icon i just prefer xp's to vista's edit// ok i got it back and i can get my desktop icon to show but i cant get the C: icon in my computer to show up.
  22. i can go as far as system 32 but i dont have the VITrans folder...i even searched it. not sure where to put it now. thanks for the file
  23. i got tired of vista transformation pack 4.0 and just uninstalled it since i havent used it in a while. and after i rebooted it wont show my harddrive icon on my desktop or in my computer. when i try to go to cahnge icon under properties it gives me this error "Windows cannot find the file C:windowssystem32VITransosdrive.ico." here's a screenshot of what i see. hope you can help, because im at a loss right now. ive even tried system restoring it and uninstalling it again. starship troopers
  24. i figured that but i wanted to make sure but its not like i need it badly because really is my basically only storage computer (its so old and it even has the power supply outside of my case right now) Thanks for the answer
  25. i got this freeware program called speedfan and it masures your temp and fan speeds...it says my harddrive is 129F ...its supposed to be around 95-115F any ideas....i already read the other topics about computers temp but i cant seem to get the temp. to go down...and its my harddrive temp. not my cpu. thanks in advance. starship troopers
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