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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. actually. an expanded desktop would be better...i was first thinking of the same on both monitors but i want an expanded desktop.
  2. yeah it was fun though. later after i posted we lit off alot of night works...and lots of strobe light ones....they are good for starting fires in the yard lol. oh man that sucks ...it rained here in the morning. but for us it let up. starship_troopers
  3. ive been looking at cables that split for dual monitors, like this anyone got any ideas for other ideas or places to get one? thanks, starship troopers
  4. got a lot of firecrackers and blew up some model cars, pipes, etc. all morning....came in with burned fingers, and lots of peices of little model cars.
  5. and i thought i had alot.....
  6. i couldnt' hear any of the low frequencies but i heard up to 19000
  7. i'm sure that if that doesnt' stop them then the weather will. i haven't checked but my friends said that it looks like the same forcast as there was when they tried to launch sunday.
  8. Thanks for the stuff REV0LUTI0NIZED. when i get my other harddrive back in and stuff i'll upload some screen shots. thanks, starship troopers
  9. ok thanks. i was thinking it was at around 2;30 but didn't post it cause i wasn't sure.
  10. no. they are waiting untill tuesday. not sure what time though
  11. aim probly. thanks, starship troopers
  12. its in the first thread. it has something about the download in the thread link. right... lol hope so but only bad thing is i can't use the "eye candy" i dont' have a good enough graphics card to handle all that stuff LOL starship troopers
  13. doesn't WB5 cost money though? i like the vista theme but i wanna find one that i like...i liked vista transfomration pack 4.0 but it messed up my pc. so i'm still looking
  14. cool thanks alot. i'm gonna try it out
  15. is this a good site to get themes? http://www.topthemes.com/ i found it today but am waiting to see if it is a good site before i download stuff.
  16. they said they want to go ahead with it but now they are concerned about the weather. (i just got back and re tuned into the live feed from the link. they are checking everything but they are probly gonna hold at the T-9 minutes time. hope they can launch without problems. especially the weather concern well....they are going to try again t'morrow... they said that they will not launch today. they will try tomorrow at 3:26pm eastern time ...for me thats 2:36 central time. hope they can get it tmorrow
  17. awesome. im gonna keep check on it. thanks for the link but the link only has audio for me...is there supposed to be video? never mind. i got it fixed. cool link! thanks, starship troopers
  18. i used that before..vista transformation pack 4 i think. but when i tried to uninstall it from add/remove programs it messed up some files and i couldn't get my regular xp theme back.i still like the theme though looks nice btw here's mine
  19. yeah but after all that coffee and soda i didn't feel that well for a little while
  20. i've stayed up for 3 days when i had dialup ....guess why ....thats when i was getting some dvd quality movies transfered to me from a friend....i usually don't stay up for over 1 day that much so after about the second day for help staying awake i pulled the coffee maker from the kitchen and put it on my pc desk and drank that and lots of coke and dr. pepper i agree go with the nodoz and vivran
  21. what xp themes do you guys have and where did you get them? i've got the royale theme right now and im looking for some new ones. any suggestions on ones you've tried or are using?
  22. yeah i know reso. back up ...i do alot anyways so thats no big deal. and thanks all for the answers about NTFS
  23. ummmm....i rebooted and now i cant change my reolution from 640x480..there are no other resolutions. how do i get back to 1024x768 or something
  24. ok thanks. i have a problem with firefox ...it won't let me bookmark the pages heres a screenshot of the error message
  25. i have onlly downloaded it...didn't "install" it.
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