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Everything posted by ispgeek

  1. For now.....1 dual....because for the price of 1 quad you can buy 5 duals...in case you should cook the other 4....prices will come down in time.....
  2. I'm thinkin they should have all walking age children go to the voting booths with their parents and fill out candy ballots...they way they get into the habit of voting...
  3. DC is one of the most dangerous cities in America per crime statistics....
  4. That's no excuse!!!!! :cheesy:
  5. Not entirely true. Depending on processor speed and what he has loaded, the amount of available ram will have a substantial effect on browser performance. The speed tests utilized here and everywhere else are still dependant on actual system performance capabilities and system ram plays a key roll as to overall system performance. The bottom line is that 1gb is okay...but 2 is better for all aspects of using windows....the less windows has to swap to hd the better.....regardless of what app you use.
  6. I'm duplicating this from another post I made...because it really belongs here.... 911 changed everything for all of us worldwide, the planet human situation as we knew it is no longer exists whether we like it or not. The cancer that is fueling the terrorism fire is one that must be met with radical treatment...not holistic medicine and this means that we all have to make some sacrifices for at least the short term if we have any hope of a cure. Any weakness or failure in the erradication of this cancer could very well result the destruction of society as we know it. These terrorist organizations don't care who they kill nor do they care if they die themselves...death is not feared...it's hoped for....and they will utilize every weapon, every able body and every ounce of technology that they can lay their hands on to further their cause and there are those out there who will sell or give it to them. We must utilize every law, tool and ounce of technology at our disposal to combat them and if that means we have to give up a little freedom in the process to preserve our nation and our world then I am all for it. Its not all about the one....its about all of us....worldwide and it's about time that Americans understand we are but ONE nation on this planet amongst many and each of us has to give a little to protect the whole....we still remain and always will be the definition of freedom for the worlds people and if we work together nothing will change that...certainly not the Patriot Act I or II.
  7. I voted...now I'm in mourning.....
  8. Well lets begin with what type of webpages.....give examples of slow browsing...what type of internet connection you have...some speed tests from here would be nice as well.....and disregard Tommies spelling...he borrowed Sparticus's spell checker.....unfortunately it only has a dictionary of about 15 words...... :2funny: I'm gonna go hide now....
  9. Yea...what he said......
  10. Okay....for someone just wanting to surf the net and do really basic stuff...this is not a bad deal.... http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=IBG3500-AIR-2B&cm_mmc=geekmail-_-daily_html-_-08NOV06_CHEAPMACS_-CHEAPMACSmain I am a mac hater....don't mistake my intentions for a moment...but for someone who needs some basic things with little or no hassle this is a fine option for them and cheap too!
  11. Whats funny is I was responding to you so fast I had like 5 windows open and somehow duplicated them.....needless to say it was 101% rookie.
  12. Oh yes...Tommie did not let me slide one inch on that one....
  13. Some come with 10 some with 9 and none are intel based....
  14. You can get a real nice mac for $99.00 that will do the same thing...and be far less trouble for her.... (geeks.com)
  15. I did....and will tell you my results...if the Saint Petersburg Times wanted you to vote for it....I voted against it....that should pretty much tell ....THE REST OF THE STORY....
  16. Use real media player...
  17. Okay Okay....I tripple posted once...but I didn't inhale!!!
  18. He's making fun of my system restore I had to do after my last flirtation with IE 7. Evil...I tell you he is EEEVIL!
  19. Actually a good shopper can get better deals on P IV laptops at places like geek.com or newegg.com. The prices above are considerably higher than market value for those devices.
  20. Tell me that QVC did not have porn on their Dell.....please tell me it aint so....on live tv? NOW THAT'S FUNNY! :2funny: Maybe there is really something to that 17 virgins thing that those jihadists are always going for...... Or is it 23? I mean really...after that many....how can you keep track?
  21. Me too man....if you only knew what happened today....Just imagine all the technology in your office internally and externally failing sequentially during the entire day....now you know how my day went.... Might I add....all courtesy of Verizon!!!!!!! "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOOOOOOOOWWWWW?"
  22. Hey but Dells come with their own do it yourself jihad kits and exploding battery IED's (with geniune jihadist live technical support)...so there...neaner neaner neaner....
  23. Seriously though....follow Tommie....he will get you through it...even if he has to use Sparticus's spell check.....
  24. Oh that hurts.....that really really hurts....ya just had to go there didnt ya.....
  25. Heh...ever tried to find your actual Verizon office? When ya do they are like the pentagon....all walls, no visible doors and when ya do find a door its like 3 feet thick....what does that tell ya?
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