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Everything posted by ispgeek

  1. Okay...now you have to gargle for 10 minutes with salt water while standing on one leg while touching your nose with your left index finger. Oh...wow...almost forgot....don't forget to close your right eye (VERY IMPORTANT)...... okay okay.....I was just kiddin about the salt water part...but fun wasn't it? :2funny:
  2. Um...you probably don't want to say those exact words....that would be bad....actually very bad....most companies that deal with the public via phone now have these things called the "magic" button..... It's only used in times of threats, bomb threats and other neato stuff like that.....you would be honestly amazed at how quickly you can get a response to one of those threats when that button is pushed......in fact...you might want to change your underwear BEFORE you say that.....cause you might not have a whole bunch of time to do that afterwards.....
  3. Ha...you call those guns.....I have something far more dangerous than a gun...... you might have heard of it....it's called a Never leave home without it!
  4. oh hell I double posted....what a dork...sorry
  5. Splice is about $40 including labor...... Not making as much money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh ..... :knuppel2:
  6. Splice is about $40 including labor......
  7. I personally like it.....good choice on the Seagates...you won't regret that change trust me!
  8. Several of the Cpanels I use have expired certs.....so I have to manually go in and accept them...install them...ignore them....yell and scream at them...I know...I know....don't tell me....I have certain things that are priorities....getting all the certs for these updated is not one of them.
  9. When isnt it hard to get kids to brush their teeth? This is a problem of the ages...and today is no different. Even with the new "bubblegum" kid friendly toothpaste its no laughing matter (and that bubblegum toothpaste really tastes yucky too lemme tell ya).
  10. Me cheat? or use spell check? Meeeeee?
  11. A local resident here was shocked to find out that Verizon would splice the fiber that his wife cut accidently while in the garden.....what he didn't expect was the $595.00 bill that came with it! Cough...Cough...um....we have people cutting our cables on a daily basis...we don't charge them a dime to repair them.....anybody see anything wrong with this picture?
  12. You never use the smart test huh? Now I could say something right about now....but I won't....I can't.....eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek it's killing me.......ohhhhhh the pain.............I can resist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Are you by some chance using AVAST antivirus? If so disable it and try again and let us know....
  14. Dark...I'm beg to think that those dark mirrored glasses are interfering with your ability to see the keyboard. It's okay to take them off at night ya know....
  16. You have like 10 minutes to fix your terrible speeeellin Spart.... :2funny:
  17. The Seagate branded drives for the most part come with 5 year warranties whereas the Maxtor do not (go figure)....I have had wayyy too many Maxtor and WD drives die right at about the warranty time expires....whereas I still have an old Seagate ST225 thats just a purrin away with a specific task I gave it a long time ago....yes...I still have one....
  18. One can never have enough hd space....remember...as your drive fills up...your access to the information degrades...so its always best to keep your drive half full or less.... I have managed to fill 1 Terrabyte of space so far...so 500gb is a great place to start.
  19. Thanks... I try....actually I wanted to rephrase the post above a bit (but it was too late)...didnt mean to sound harsh if I did...
  20. Nothin wrong with that!!! :smile2:
  21. Okay...look at your provisioned rates....you are within specs with the provisioning you have given above..... This must be some low end plan that Cox has because their upper tiers rock. My suggestion is you call em back and see if they can let you try their normal speeds for a month to see which one you will stay with....they probably will. BTW your signal levels are also good...no worries there.
  22. I need some information about your modem levels. You can either get these directly from the modem OR you can call their technical support and have them give the following to you. Upstream Downstream SNR Receive Power Flaps/Insertions Once I get that we can try a couple of things...
  23. Welcome!! I need some information about your modem levels. You can either get these directly from the modem OR you can call their technical support and have them give the following to you. Upstream Downstream SNR Receive Power Flaps/Insertions Once I get that we can try a couple of things....
  24. New problem....grrr...the ActiveX controls are driving me crazy....
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