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Everything posted by ispgeek

  1. Tweeking OS is not an option here. This is used for a number of things work related and ANYTHING that should interfere with operation of the software I use would be very bad...even if I can prove that it isn't the cause...it would be bad...so I don't. Besides...this is not an issue of having a slow system (because it's not...by a long stretch)...this is me having some nice toys and wanting to see what I can take them to without bad things happening....kinda like having a Lamborghini and wanting to see how fast it will go without being nailed by the cops.....
  2. Thank you...that will help a bunch....so quick a response as well...and you saved me from spending tons of time on ASUS's site which I really do hate.
  3. Okay...got an ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe MB with 2GB of top quality memory and a AMD 3800+ X2 CPU. Display adapter is GeForce 7300xx and have two 19" AOC LM960 LCD monitors. Graphics is not my issue...I just want to pump some more speed out of the MB/CPU. Key here is you have to speak english and be specific in your settings info cause while I might know networking and technology in my sleep...OC'in g is something totally different. So have at it and a huge thank you in advance to those who can help me pimp a few extra cycles out of this box without melting it down. Oops...should add, running XP Pro...blah blah and blah.... My current passmark is 454.2 System information - This Computer CPU Manufacturer:AuthenticAMD Number of CPU: 1 (2 Core(s)/CPU, 1 Logical(s)/Core) CPU Type: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ CPU Speed: 2014.8 MHz Cache size: 512KB O/S: Windows XP Total RAM:2146934784 Bytes Available RAM:1505415168 Bytes Video settings: 1280x1024x32 Video driver DESCRIPTION: NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GS MANUFACTURER: GeForce 7300 GS BIOS: Version DATE: 03/17/06 Drive Letter: C Total Disk Space: 114.5 GBytes Cluster Size: 4 KBytes File system:NTFS
  4. I second tommie's post. You have something else going on that has nothing to do with your IP address.
  5. FAP=Fair Access Policy I'm aware of no cable companies that actually enforce such.....it would just be bad business all the way around. If this is indeed the case with OOL I see now why you guys hate them so much and I too would not be very happy with them.
  6. Okay....answer me these questions... Are you running a web server, game server, ip camera, irc server or anything else that would require your IP address to stay the same? If you cannot answer yes to any of these questions then there is NO benefit to your having a static IP...
  7. Tell me they don't have a FAP...please tell me...that I am reading all this wrong....and this is a cable service?
  8. Hmmmmmm.....how could I have missed that......
  9. I am not at all impressed with defender...thats my take.....
  10. Actually they do not route packets in the same way. Very different beasts and a switch affords you no protection from the outside world at all...whereas a router does a good job of keeping things out (if programmed correctly).
  11. Those are not bad levels....you should be okay....
  12. Actually, no it's not a router....sorry http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16833124005 http://www.linksys.com/servlet/Satellite?childpagename=US%2FLayout&packedargs=c%3DL_Product_C2%26cid%3D1115416836711&pagename=Linksys%2FCommon%2FVisitorWrapper
  13. That dynamically adds additional IP addresses to his account without having to call customer service. Of course there is a charge for that...for the price of those extra IP's for 6 months he can buy a nice router...does not make financial sense at all. PLUS the router gives him basic protection from intrusion from others.....the extra IP's DO NOT....
  14. ispgeek


    And still he charged you like twice what you would have paid for shipping....what a jerk.
  15. Here you go... http://www.applian.com/ http://www.sytexis.com/index.php?page=wsrecorderpro http://screenplay.huelix.com/
  16. You didnt say you wanted a video stream recorder....hold on a sec and I'll find ya one...
  17. ispgeek


    What did he use to ship?
  18. Here is another one... http://www.nch.com.au/soundtap/index.html
  19. ispgeek


    Have you checked the tracking number and what does it say?
  20. ispgeek


    eBay does not remove feedback for any reasons other than fraud, feeback extortion (which needs to be proven), seller interference or through the eBay MUTUAL removal process. This seller is a fraud....and his items probably are stolen by what I can see. There is a number where you can call eBay, they will not remove feedback by phone though...it must go through their website and it takes forever (assuming they do anything at all). Besides...the seller has far more to lose than he does by keeping the neg. All anyone has to do is look at the sellers private acct and they won't worry a bit about kam's neg....trust me....
  21. ispgeek


    You are a great example of why the eBay feedback system is flawed....the guy is a scam...and you have to take a neg because he scammed you....and eBay does nothing about it......personally, unless you are a seller....take the neg...that way ppl stay away from this joker....personally I would have left him with a followup comment something to the effect of "police just came to my door...all this guys stuff is stolen....buyer beware!!!!"
  22. The device is actually a exact replica of the triton device except the ADS device has the torrent client built in and Triton does not.
  23. ispgeek


    This guy is unreal....actually got one of his negs removed....prob through feedback extortion...anyway....if I were you I wouldnt remove the neg even if he delivers.
  24. Was wonderin about that....checked the site out anyway.....
  25. One should not be getting memory dumps during the course of normal operations. This is a significant error and he needs to find out why it's happening. If you are getting these errors all the time then you also want to be looking into the root cause.
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