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Everything posted by ispgeek

  1. Where'd ya buy it...that way we know to watch out as well.....
  2. Will try them when I get home tonight.....thanks
  3. I will try it tonight thanks....now...I have yet another problem. Walgreens did the conversion from 8mm to DVD but in order to use most of these programs I have to convert the video back to something useful, what is the best free program that I can use to convert the dvd back to editable video that keeps loss to a minimum. Any takers....
  4. Yuk phooey...that one was nixed at the gate. Actually using Pinnacle 10.....it's not the most stable program I've used....and appears to gobble memory and not give it back at times....so I am still looking....
  5. I'm taking old military movies that were converted to dvd and remastering them with titles, audio and some major editing.....seeing as I've had exactly 4 hours of experience with it....it's taking me a while.... I will dive back into IE7 tomorrow at this point....and yes you can roll back to IE6....things were so freaky with my installation though I just opted to do system restore....
  6. I won't...having a heck of a time with this other project...I have come to the conclusion this is going to be a ton of work....
  7. Still in process...I had to deter a bit and work on some movie conversion stuff for family.
  8. Well I am trying all of the above...so far none have proven very easy to use....
  9. I know this is a royal pain for you right now....but trust me....over the next few months you will not have any regrets....good things coming to those with RR
  10. Actually money is not an option....just the ability to turn these things into some really nice movies.
  11. Any help and ideas would be greatly appreciated. I have to edit, title and sound mix a bunch of old military movies for my father that we recently converted to DVD.
  12. ispgeek


    I would proceed with the claim process as planned until he comes up with the goods at your door and you are happy. At this point he has no credibility and you need to look out for you.
  13. ispgeek


    Good man....you are handling the scumbag just right.....just as I suspected this guy is your typical scumbag ebay scammer....he knows every little game by the sounds of it....too bad we can't see how many negs he's had withdrawn through feedback extortion.
  14. Cholla we have got to get you a PC that runs a safe OS. Wow....you are scarin me.....tell me seriously you are still not running ME?
  15. You mean my PC? Kinda...but pretty much top tier stuff....Asus 8N-SLI D, AMD 3800x2 etc etc etc...
  16. yup...got it from the direct IE support page at Microsoft. http://www.microsoft.com/ie I am gonna get it installed first one more time and then load office on top of it...and see what happens....
  17. I mean a total recovery. It was makin me feel real uneasy...I go days or even weeks without a reboot and after last night bam bam bam....Right after install and reload Outlook just went nuts.
  18. Well I installed IE7 final from microsoft.com/ie last night and the problems began almost immediately. Outlook started doing some really weird stuff and then finally the process locked entirely. Since installation I have had to reboot my pc for this or that weird thing 7 or 8 times....so bad...just did a full system restore to get rid of it.
  19. Very good read and for all intents factual to a tee. Thank you for posting that....it should clear up tons....
  20. Oh hell....I just blurted out my age..... No age jokes....I didn't get my first AARP invitation until this year.....albeit a year or two early....man they don't waste any time getting out the early invites.
  21. Oh my god....you sir need to put down the crack pipe. Pirates of silicon valley was the biggest crock of crap in my life I have ever seen. I grew up in Mtn. View, my father worked for Intel when it was a mere 2000 sf warehouse and they only dreamed of what we are doing today. I had the priv. of serving on several symposiums with both Bill Gates and Jobs and several other (at the time) nobodies in the who's who of silicon valley many years ago when everyone was still trying to find a way to make hard drives affordable for the masses let alone even dreaming of dual or quad core processors (yea...way before you were probably even a concept). One of my school age mentors and the sole reason why I took up a technology career in early 80's was the only true direct competition to Bill Gates when he courted IBM who was desperate to find an operating system for their new PC. I can assure you that there was no theft involved then...or when Bill's vision evolved into GUI based product that we now know as Windows. While I am not overly thrilled with Wozniak, Jobs and Gates both have hard earned their wealth and fame and neither of them stole a damn thing. I am by no means a windows fan nor do I like some of the things that Bill Gates has done over the years (I don't think that anyone does) but that man is not a thief. Xerox has only Xerox to fault for their failure to bring a product to market. To sit there and quote from made for TV docutrash just shows what little you really do know. You would have been better to stop while you were ahead about 12 posts ago.
  22. Yup....downloaded directly from microsoft.com/ie
  23. I can attest that I am already having issues with it since last nights upgrade. For some reason outlook has started doing some really strange snit. My advice is hold off.....I'll be removing it tonight if I can't resolve the problems.
  24. All of the above solutions have a high pucker factor......if I could only remember wth I did...its been many weeks and problems ago....
  25. ispgeek


    Also be careful even if he sends you a tracking number. He uses priority mail. The tracking numbers they issue are NOT tracking numbers....and you cannot locate your package progress by them so don't do anything with the paypal claim until you have the goods in your hot little hands. No matter how much he screams!!
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