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Everything posted by ispgeek

  1. Does your modem have diagnostics that you can run...I need the following information: Receive Power Receive SNR P-ADJ Flaps Downstream Power Upstream Power If you can't get them from your modem directly, call your ISP and have them give this info to you and then post it here and I will tell ya what's up.
  2. My question.....inquiring minds want to know what kind of pictures were REALLY on it for her to be soo worried about them being cracked......
  3. I hit 1 terrabyte two days ago....never in my life did I EVER think I would need, have or even think about having 1 terrabyte of storage (and whats worse...most of it filled)
  4. You have a very good point....
  5. I am on the net pretty much a min of 9 hrs a day....cause iz meh job mang.....
  6. Sure sounds like a pwr supply to me....
  7. As for the branded router....you pretty much are hosed if they won't let you inside....the alternative (if sky provides you with a standard ethernet connection...one assumes they do) is to go out and get yourself a decent router for a few bucks...and then we can show you how to do it....or if you permit....I'm sure one of us can do it for you remotely without any problems.
  8. Cool beans..... I would never have even gone that direction....
  9. We have a very dedicated security department that is constantly reviewing logs for this, that and the other thing (so don't think for a second we don't read those logs...through a number of means the logs are analyzed constantly). Length of storage depends on the ISP but the minimum is several weeks almost across the board and in some cases they are archived off to perm storage. Although my post about the porn thing was half tongue'n'cheek there is substantial fact behind it. Due to the proliferation of child porn and the sick animals that prey on them, most ISP are now keeping related information much longer and under much higher scrutiny in preparation for expected law changes that allows for easier tracking of these sick freaks. Bottom line...you don't want to be found on ANY one of those sites...EVER...you will attract attention you don't want (even if you aren't one of the sick freaks) and for those of you with security clearances....welp....there are two surefire ways to kill a clearance in heartbeat...financial problems and deviant behaviors that could put you or our government in jeopardy.
  10. Speed....who??????? J/K
  11. Only problem for DSmellReports is that their speed tests aren't worth the html they are displayed with. If I were TMN I would feel flattered that they felt compelled to do that....too bad they look just as lame as their speed tests ARE.
  12. Yep....we do...and if the site happens to satisfy the needs of those who lets just say like them underage......you can be sure that is going into one big database that can and will be used against you. DOH!
  13. Okay...here is the skinny.... All ISP's in the USA log all traffic across their network. The key here is how long the information is stored and that varies. Your ISP does not log or keep any records of keystrokes, passwords or any other private information that may be passed from the user to the site and vice versa. Depending on the ISP type (DSL or CABLE), privacy laws very significantly. Generally speaking though, no ISP may release information about you, your browsing habits or any other information relating to you without a lawful court order. So far most ISP's have prevailed against the RIAA due to recent recent supreme court rulings (there have been many exceptions too...so be careful) that further muddy the water BUT it depends on your ISP. Some are sooo afraid of any lawsuit they willingly comply with no resistance. Then there are the others who frankly value your privacy as much as you do and fight tooth and nail to prevent RIAA and similar abuses (including overzealous law enforcement). I guess the bottom line is to play it safe but be assured that most ISP's value your right to privacy and will resist most efforts on behalf of others to obtain information about you. COX is a huge exception....they by far have been some of the biggest whimps when it comes to their customers privacy and the RIAA and others and are responsible for precident being set in court because of their lousy defense of their customers privacy. Okay...okay...Cox is not the only one but they are by far the biggest whimp in the bunch.
  14. One of these days I am going to be able to read a post without missing key information.....grrr....okay I totally missed the server software in your first post. Lets talk a little about which server software and lets just assume that it's Microsoft based and current which means it can be installed and operated in many different ways. By default (correct me if I'm wrong), Microsoft's install will literally install and operate virtually all services which is bad....how did you install it and with what I guess is the next question...and if you have already given this information...sorry for making you repeat it.
  15. One thing you have not mentioned is what the company software application is that uses the tablet pc. This is a highly specialized device and chances are there are some pretty hefty applications running which may be causing the problems you describe. If you could give us more information about what your IT department has loaded on them and what is currently running along with process information that would help much.
  16. I hope you also invested in AppleCare for your new toys or you will be vewy vewy sorry. Remember...unlike pc's, Mac products also come with exclusive repair facilities (not just anyone is allowed to fix a Mac) and once past the warranty period those who don't have AppleCare find themselves really regretting it.
  17. First off...don't buy el cheapo <grin> western digital drives. Their warranty policy is lousy. Spend a little more and get a seagate with 5 year warranty and NEVER have that paranoid feeling in your gut and empty feeling in your checkbook. Seagate has done quite well by their customers over the years and nothing seems to be changing there unlike Maxtor and Western Dig who have substantially cut back their warranty periods (what does that tell you?)
  18. ispgeek


    I personally use www.setnine.com for my streaming...reasonable price and they are pretty reliable. Also that means you only have to stream the one feed to your server at SN and they handle the major traffic for you. Good Luck
  19. Appears the article was debunked fairly well....I think that Microsoft has done a lousy job of PR on Vista and fear will prevent many from taking the plunge. I of course have no choice in the matter...Vista will haunt my life for the next 24 months whether or not I want it to.
  20. I am so not looking forward to supporting this mess called an operating system.
  21. Wow.....
  22. Sleep is highly overrated .....nonetheless glad to you have back....
  23. I can quit TMN any time I want....really I can....I am in complete control.....
  24. Nice to see things back to normal again...you were missed!!
  25. G Glad it all worked out okay....
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