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Everything posted by ispgeek

  1. I would call your provider back up and have the tech return and get the issue resolved. Also....STOP removing cables etc...if the tech thinks for a second that you have been tampering with it...he will assume things he should not and the issue will not get resolved.
  2. Yea...firewall software will tell you what goes on between your pc and the net but wall watcher tells you what goes on all over your network regardless of what pc or network device it is. This is very handy if you run webservers or other types of servers behind your router or multiple routers. Another program is called Kiwi. Kiwi is not as easy to setup and gives a much more confusing display but both submit information to mynetwatchman.com which is really nice if you want auto reporting of hacker babies.
  3. I've been using this program for months with VERY nice results. Should work with almost any DECENT router and the info it gives you...well...is awesome. Some things to remember...it has some quirks....you will probably have to resize the display window and the router autosearch function...is frustrating and useless so just pick your router from the list. Installation can be a bit tricky so FOLLOW the instructions on the site and you will be just fine. If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them. I monitor 3 routers and all associated traffic with this software and trust me...my peace of mind at work while everyone has their way with my network has gone way up. Best part about this proggie....IZ FREE MANG!! FREE IS GOOD...FREE IS GOOD....FREE IS GOOD! http://www.wallwatcher.com
  4. Can you say...... SCAM!!!!!
  5. Okay....now ya really got me scared.....spill the beans bonzo..I want to know all...PLEASE!!!
  6. Um....this is a dumb question but do you have cable or sat?
  7. I had direcway in OK. The only time snow was an issue was when it was snowing VERY heavy (obvious there) and after snow built up on the dish throwing it out of alignment. I fixed that problem with some heat tape wrapped around the back side of the dish, feed assemb and pole....fixed that problem up real quick....
  8. I would laugh at this but it scares the hell outta me just thinkin about it....I know exactly what I spent for this beast...all told it isn't pretty....AMD had not lowered its CPU prices when this baby was aquired...that should give you a general pic of what the overall box cost.
  9. I don't know if that would be even a good idea to try and OC something like an HP. Esp if its in warranty...it's hard enough to get them to honor valid warranty claims let alone ones that are from ppl trying to make their system extra "special".
  10. Thanks....still playing with them....really tossed between two....
  11. Here is proof....after all because it's on the web...it must be true...right? http://www.catsthatlooklikehitler.com/ See what happens when you let a guy who's living is made from the internet have a day off.......sad isn't it?
  12. Template for what? You didn't exactly give us details to work with...... You aren't gonna like turn into the spammer from hell are you? (j/k)
  13. Will do....at this rate...I should be up there....sometime around 4am......yea...thats it....
  14. Yea well....hold on to yer shorts folks...I'm hot on your tails.....
  15. Um..... I take it you have no router? If you do...you need to port forward to the actual IP address behind the router...eg: port 8080
  16. Actually the 5mb package should be 384k up. Depends on your primary carrier...but that is the normal deal.
  17. I have yet to find a good OC primer.....but I am looking...
  18. ispgeek


    Nice TMN shot on the screen.....thats worth at least a few points
  19. Not exactly what I would call gaming bandwidth....you are lucky to be able to play at all with those speeds to be honest....
  20. What is your package advertised speeds supposed to be...because what I am lookin at up there is really bad.
  21. Um....I have this monkey on my back, its name is Murphy....if I dared to install water cooling I would be looking for a new mb and cpu really quick....due to some never before seen leak, meltdown...etc
  22. See thats what scares me about this OC'ing bit....messing with cpu vcc is no laughin matter...and core temps can skyrocket in seconds so you have to be on top of it....I am taking all this advice and appreciate your help...
  23. Oh yea...it was stable as hell...better than XP 32 will be...and it's pretty virusproof courtesy of how it handles things....BUT...the driver issue just got the best of me...plus we use a version of Citrix at work that is not XP 64 compatible yet....figures we would be down rev because xp64 citrix does exist...we just don't use it.
  24. Yea I have the latest BIOS courtesy of my flirtation with XP64. That lasted about as long as my embargo on buying USB devices (about a month).
  25. Messing up on overclocking is as simple as resetting CMOS back to original settings.....assuming I don't get stupid....fixing windows config changes prove to be far more troublesome...backup or not....it's not something I personally don't feel like messing with. Again...I guess I need to point out...this is NOT a current system performance issue...I work for an ISP...I have no bandwidth issues and this box actually performs quite well under stress. I just want to see what I can push the hardware to...not software...
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