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Everything posted by Dark_Matter

  1. This is where Wireless networking would be ideal especially if you don't want to run cable all over the house.
  2. I still believe the release of Vista is going to shatter alot of peoples dreams i think Vista will not be as big of a success as many people think. I think you are going to see large numbers of users clinging onto XP for some time.
  3. LOL anyone seen this video? I love America, and don't want anyone saying i don't wouldn't want to be anywhere else just simply asking if anyone has seen this video. http://www.funlol.com/funpages/america-sucks.html
  4. Well before i start to offer technical, and more sneaky ways to get passed it let me first ask this. Usually when you purchased movie files or music files protected by DRM the place you got them from allows you to burn x amount of copies of the material you purchased, but the thing is you usually have to do the buring process through Windows Media player have you tryed to burn them to a disk via WMP yet?
  5. Dark_Matter


    In most cases this will be possible, and in fact very easy to do. Swaping HD's is very common place.
  6. I've ran into similar issues before, and got around them. It sounds like M$ DRM (Digital Rights Management) to me. Give some more info about the files types you are trying to burn, and i bet i can get you around the flakey DRM.
  7. I know a few of you run Ubuntu linux figured i share this. A security issue affects the following Ubuntu releases: Ubuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) Ubuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog) Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) The following packages are affected: sudo The problem can be corrected by upgrading the affected package to version 1.6.7p5-1ubuntu4.4 (for Ubuntu 4.10), 1.6.8p5-1ubuntu2.3 (for Ubuntu 5.04), or 1.6.8p9-2ubuntu2.2 (for Ubuntu 5.10). In general, a standard system upgrade is sufficient to effect the necessary changes. Details follow: Charles Morris discovered a privilege escalation vulnerability in sudo. On executing Perl scripts with sudo, various environment variables that affect Perl's library search path were not cleaned properly. If sudo is set up to grant limited sudo execution of Perl scripts to normal users, this could be exploited to run arbitrary commands as the target user. This security update also filters out environment variables that can be exploited similarly with Python, Ruby, and zsh scripts. Please note that this does not affect the default Ubuntu installation, or any setup that just grants full root privileges to certain users.
  8. Those are very good places to have credit cards through i'd put chase at the top of my list. http://www.chase.com http://www.bankofamerica.com http://www.capitalone.com
  9. Dark_Matter


    Linux plus apache is the best for serving websites. I 100% agree!
  10. Dark_Matter


    Are you using a CGI, or perl backend to submit the data from the form? Also if you are using CGI or perl is the path set correctly to the path of perl or cgi on your system?
  11. Not to worry when you go to install whatever linux distro you install it will ask you everything you need including patitioning the drive. If you follow the prompts closely all should be well. If you need any help just ask.
  12. Ummmm FAT32? and Linux? i don't think so try ext2 or ext3 the most used for linux.
  13. If you have an amd64 yes you will see the results from 64 bit.
  14. I don't think you can go wrong with debian it's my current distro of choice. Also Gentoo, Slackware, and Fedora are awesome distros i have used alot, and recommend.
  15. If i remember correctly there was an issue directly relating this issue to a ATI video card incompatibility. If you are using a video card by ATI this could be the issue if not ignore this as it's not your problem.
  16. i've been using linux for 15 years myself, and the distro's i've used never required any tweaking at all. Maybe there are some distros that require tweaking i dunno, but none that i've used.
  17. Unlike windows linux is already optimized for high speed internet connections.
  18. Can you imagine him behind the wheel of a car? OMG Road Rage i garuntee it!! (LOL)
  19. I'll see ya there i use the initals DM.
  20. Someone needs to wack him upside the head with that keyboard, and send him a clear message of STFU.
  21. Ever wonder what happens to online gamers after so long? (LMMFAO) http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/hissyfit.html
  22. been playing this for the last 30 mins pretty fun. Come beat me if you can!! (LOL) http://www.candystand.com/games.do?category=multi_player
  23. This might help you. http://www.anandtech.com/guides/viewfaq.html?i=118
  24. Although i'm almost 30, and haven't lived at home for almost 11 years now i could never have made it where i am today without my mother. Screw my father left us when i was 6, but as for my mom she is also my HERO.
  25. ehh first time i ever saw it myself.
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