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Everything posted by Dark_Matter

  1. If it takes that long why are dedicated server providers able to setup, and have a dedicated box ready with gentoo in sometimes an hour or less after verification of payment?
  2. Dual AMD Opteron 240
  3. If you really want to give it a shot give me a shout, and if you need any assistance i'll help you get started. If anything it's a learning experience.
  4. half of my customers are people i work with the others are actually people who ran accross my website from google ect. I make enough to pay for the server, and have a few bucks left over. I'm currently working on a new website which will be up soon i hope. The main reason i do is is because it's a passion of mine. For awhile i was hosting a few people for free just for the hell of it.
  5. For those wondering if i am worried about DDos attacks because i host ircd also? I'm not really to worried i have software in place to filter most attacks, and it doesn't hurt i'm connected to an unmetered gigabit ethernet switch.
  6. I have a total of 35 ips on the box i host websites on for people, and this allows me to offer website hosting, and ircd hosting. Ofcourse anyone hosting ircd i'll give a dedicated ip, although if i had people run their ircd's each off a different port many could just use the same ip, but the standard port these days is 6667 for ircd. Now on to the name-based virtual hosting with apache. I give the customers two options they can use my name servers on my dedicated box that way there dns becomes controlable from my box, or they can get a subdomain with the domain i use either way name- based hosting works better. This is the offical documentation for name-based hosting for apache here atleast the version of apache i use http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/vhosts/name-based.html . Right now i'm hosting 12 websites off of just one ip address, and none of the customers have had any issues. These two options tell apache which Domain Name, and secondary domain to look for so it serves the right website. ServerName www.domain.tld ServerAlias domain.tld *.domain.tld this option tells apache which DocumentRoot to look for so it serves the right files to go with that domain. DocumentRoot /www/domain As long as you have the proper ip/dns entry setup in BIND/DNS Server it will work flawlessly.
  7. Many of you might or might not know i run a small hosting company, and the method i use for customers for hosting websites is named-based virtual hosting. This is where one ip hosts many websites, it saves me from having to use ip based hosting where everyone gets an ip, and allows me to spread out my block of ip's a bit further. My question to anyone techy enough to understand what i'm talking about is how common is it for hosting companies to use this method, and maybe even some people here have a website with a provider that uses this method. BTW i do all of this through apache.
  8. Suppose to be 4 or 5 degrees here tonight. (Near Columbus Ohio) I have to say i like it, winter has been away to long nice to see it back again.
  9. Well here is a list of sites i visit alot. I visit these sites atleast once a day. http://unrealircd.com http://securityfocus.com http://insecure.org http://notebookreview.com http://www.neostats.net http://www.anope.org http://www.eggheads.org
  10. Also got this from http://irc-junkie.org William Genovese, 27 a man from Meriden, Conn. has been convicted to two years jail for selling source code from Windows NT and 2000. We reported about William Genovese on the 10th and 13th of November 2004. Genovese was selling chuncks of source code from Microsoft which were leaked and popped up on IRC and P2P networks from his website, www.illmob.org. He has stated he was putting the code on his website with only a button to donate to the website. "They're using me as an example, to show if you do something like this, they're going to [work] you over. Why go after me? Why not go after the guy who took the code? Why not go after the guy who released it on the net?" Genovese has stated back then. A security firm hired by Microsoft bought the code, and then relayed the information over to the FBI who again bought the code after which Genovese was arrested. Genovese heard his conviction last Friday, being two years jail. Mark Rasch, a former prosecutor at the Department of Justice he should not have pleaded guilty, which Genovese decided to do. According to Rasch, the source code was already widely available so no harm was done by Genovese. Genovese was convicted several times in the past for hacking computers and was at the time of arrest in probation. It is still unknown who actually stole the source code. It is most likely a partner of Microsoft as the company denies a hack in any of its servers. After a long rant on his website where Genovese explains he is convinced to come out of jail as a cybercriminal working for the mafia, he ends with "i'll see you guys in 24 months."
  11. Got this from http://irc-junkie.org And Another Bites the Dust - Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:39 am Santiago Garrido, 26 years-old, decided he would resort to DDoS after he was being banned from the Hispano IRC network. The DDoS generated caused such problems for Spanish ISP's Wanadoo, ONO, Lleida Net and other ISP's that 3 million users were left without connection. This equals to one third of all Spanish Internet users. Yesterday Garrido (nicked "Ronnie" or "Mike25") heard the sentence for his act; 2 years in jail, and a
  12. If you are linux savy, and can mange a dedicated box i would suggest getting the 30 dollar dedicated box from serverpronto. I first started off on one of them then after i decided the service was good i upgraded to the most expensive package, but yes you really can get a decent dedicated box for 30 bucks at serverpronto. If you are not very linux or computer savvy ignore this whole post. http://serverpronto.com/ AMD 2000+
  13. i already did them, and got my refund a week or so ago. I used TurboTax this year, and TaxCut last year.
  14. How old is your pc? Prehaps your CMOS battery needs replaced? That's another possible idea.
  15. Mail (IN) rebates suck!!!! I wish places would stop giving them. I had a mail in rebate on my cell phone i bought a few months ago, and i didn't even bother with the thing. I think thats what they are counting on!
  16. Glad to hear you like it!! You lucky dog. I'd be happy just being able to get FIOS internet at this point.
  17. LOL I'm aware of what's out there i went to college for 5 years doing programing, and network security, then after college spent 2 years doing pen testing for a private firm. We did pen testing on some high priority networks, but thanks for your concern i feel luved awwwwwwwwwwww
  18. I use SNORT IDS (Intrusion Detection System), and IP tables rules for my dedicated boxes, MY IDS is what actually picks up scans, and such.
  19. Most likely not, but atleast they know i have enough balls to say hey YOU!!! Department of Defense!!!! What's Up With That!!!! LOL
  20. I did some tests, and i know that it is indeed the DoD scanning me. I also emailed them with the info i have in hopes of a response if, and when i recieve that response it will be posted here.
  21. For the last 6 hours the Department of Defense has been scanning my dedicated boxes i'm starting to wonder wtf is up. I'm about to email them. Anyone else ever have this? webgeekshosting:~# whois OrgName: DoD Network Information Center OrgID: DNIC Address: 3990 E. Broad Street City: Columbus StateProv: OH PostalCode: 43218 Country: US NetRange: - CIDR: NetName: MILX25-TEMP NetHandle: NET-29-0-0-0-1 Parent: NetType: Direct Allocation Comment: Defense Information Systems Agency Comment: Washington, DC 20305-2000 US RegDate: Updated: 2002-10-07 OrgTechHandle: MIL-HSTMST-ARIN OrgTechName: Network DoD OrgTechPhone: +1-800-365-3642 OrgTechEmail: [email protected]
  22. also http://www.archive.org/web/web.php
  23. If i don't order this watch before the nights up it will be a miracle!! Anyone else besides me think it's a chick magnet? (LOL) http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/watches/6a17/
  24. Not to get off topic but how did that go with the IBM thinkpad T30? I think that was the first thinkpad to have a touch pad. I love old computers, and new ones i probably have 20 or so around the house new, and old. Just thought i'd ask.
  25. i have been checking out alot of notebook forums, and there seems to be a 50/50 split on people bitching about the price of the MBP. I personally think the price is around where it should be for a sweet machine like that. PLUS if all goes well you will be able to run it as a dual boot with Mac OS, and Vista. Ofcourse apple nor windows will care for that, but it's suppose to be possible.
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