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Everything posted by Dark_Matter

  1. I think all in all he got a pretty sweet laptop, and he is not a gamer so the graphics card he has will be actually more than he needs BTW... LOL i should have my MacBookPro by Monday for sure.
  2. X300
  3. I forgot the processor? He got the Intel Pentium M 1.86GHz 2 MB cache 533MHz FSB
  4. Almost forgot he got a good deal on it also only paid $1,300
  5. Seems my best friend ordered a Dell 9300 laptop last weekend, and just got it yesterday. It's his first laptop, and he is very proud of it. I thought i'd post this since i still seem to be waiting on my MacBookPro!! Atleast someone got there notebook!! He got his with: 7200rpm 100 GB HD 128mb ATI mobility radeon video card 17inch screen always a plus Intel wireless a/b/g internal card 8x DVD +/-RW Drive 1GB of ram 2 512 Dimms Windows Media Edition of XP Not bad for a first notebook alot better than my first was, but then again my first notebook was in 93 or 94. It also seems he got the 9300 just under the wire as dell has removed it from the Home/Office section of their site.
  6. Yeah LOL don't believe that article it's alot of CRAP that's the reason i posted it to get some shi**, and giggles out of it, and for others also to..
  7. It seems if i really do get it today i'll be very lucky indeed, as many have experienced delayed orders until the 14th or so.
  8. MacBookPro is scheduled now for a delivery to my house later this evening!!! A day early
  9. Very Nice I might have to use this sometime.
  10. photo shop and sig making isn't my strong point. If you would like to make me something i wouldn't mind.
  11. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4560 Kbps about 4.6 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 557 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server2) Test Time:: Thu Feb 2 10:15:03 PST 2006 Bottom Line:: 81X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.84 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 36.04 % faster than the average for host (adelphia.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-I6PL8CNS7 :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 458 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Upload Speed is:: 56 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1) Test Time:: Thu Feb 2 10:16:28 PST 2006 Bottom Line:: 8X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 18.29 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 1.33 % faster than the average for host (adelphia.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-QR97FPK6V Those are my stats my advertised is 4/512, and i'm on a wireless connection. From my experience, and all the wireless routers i've used D-Link seems to be the fastest with wireless connectivity. I know the Netgear router i used breifly cut the speeds in half.
  12. Well i've been waiting long enough for it, and it appears i should have it atleast by saturday of this week. I'll be posting some benchmarks, and such when i finally get it, and get to play with it.
  13. http://www.samair.ru/proxy/ I use to use that site alot, but as someone else has already said be careful of using proxies like this. Don't put any personal info across them, but for just casual chat or surfing you should be ok.
  14. LOL i am actually a member of that forum also. It was one of the forums that inspired to me start mine. LOL, but then again their are probably 50 more other sites just like that one also. The internet is a big place.
  15. I dunno i tend to like Zone Alarm, but Za does tend to be a bit of a resource hog so an older machine it might hinder it some.
  16. Everyone post your forums. I'm curious to seehow many people run their own forums, and what forum software they use. Here is mine i actually just started it last night (LOL) I have a whopping 2 members. Notebook-Reviews http://notebook-reviews.webgeekshosting.com/notebooks/
  17. Pretty good find if you ask me. http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=2748
  18. richcornucopia is everything going ok? Let us know how things are going, and if you got things running properly.
  19. It seems the e1705 and the i9400 are the same notebook, but for some reason dell is using e1705 in the US, and i9400 in other areas such as canada. I'm not really sure what thats all about.
  20. There are many GNU/Linux distributions (e.g., Fedora, SuSE, Debian, Mandriva, Gentoo), but Ubuntu distinguishes itself with clarity of focus, simplicity of installation and use, and a development approach that is both transparent and welcoming. By default, Ubuntu includes a core selection of the best desktop software for typical desktop users. Almost everything else, the entire free software universe of applications, is available over the Internet for easy installation directly onto this basic desktop environment. Our package management uses the powerful "APT" package management system, which allows easy installation and clean removal of programs, as well as automatic download of any extra packages required. Ubuntu's core list of officially supported software packages is reduced to only the important applications. This allows for greater quality control. For advanced users, the "Universe" and "Multiverse" archives provide instant access to more applications that are maintained and supported by the Ubuntu community. By focusing on quality, Ubuntu produces a robust and feature rich computing environment that is flexible for use in home and commercial environments. The project has more time to spend on the finer details and is able to release a version featuring the latest and greatest versions of the most popular free software every six months. Ubuntu supports the PC (Intel Pentium, AMD Athlon, and IBM-compatible PCs), 64-bit PC (AMD64, Athlon64, Opteron, EM64T Intel Xeon) and PowerPC (Apple iBook, Powerbook, G3, G4 and G5) architectures.
  21. from the command line type apt-get install samba if i remember correctly ubuntu also uses the apt system in the same way as debian. Once samba is installed just type man samba to get more details and instructions learn to love the man command short for manual you will use it often starting out.
  22. Ubuntu is another good choice you will like it also.
  23. Last time i heard of this it had something to do with BIOS, i'll start thumbing the debian documentation for you.
  24. I'm curious to see what everyone here thinks of this topic. I've read alot of articles online about it, and it seems everyone has mixed feelings in general. Will 32 bit computing be killed off by 64 bit computing, and if so when would you see it really taking place? Some people say we have quite a few more years before 64 bit computing takes totally over some say a few years. What does everyone else think? Besides the larger mathmatics 64 bit processing can do, and the support for atleast 1 terabyte of ram what else does it boast?
  25. LOL you are priceless do you see your therapist often? You just might be out of that special medication again ehh? Either way this is my last repsonse to you because you have already wasted enough of my time with your idiotic ramblings. Have a great day!
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