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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by bryanlautt

  1. http://www.gateway.com/systems/series/529498113.php Check it out, i found one for 799 at Gateway. even comes with Vista Premium and your 17" that you wanted. Gateway
  2. Do you think thats good for a wireless connection?? I have always ues wired so i dont know to much about wireless.
  3. forgot this one
  4. http://cachefly.net test files
  5. Will you put some bigger files on maybe like 100mb file just want to see how fast my connection will goo because it was climbing and climbing and the test was done
  6. actually i just want Vanburens connection and i'll be happy. with a 100mb/10mb home connection would rock lol Vanburen I envy you!! You luck guy
  7. yeah the core2 duos are faster but is the naked eye going to tell the diference?? i dont think so. I myself dont even have a dual core i just have a single, i didnt buy this laptop for a desktop replacement i bought it for mobility and the price. and also because i know ACER's laptops are sound systems for the money. HP's are comming along along good. even compaqs have decent laptops but its all comes down to how much your willing to spend. I get about 2.5 hours of battery life with the AMD Turion 64 mk36
  8. i like to keep things clean im always using air cans and electronic anti static wipes to clean both laptops and my server. I hate clutter i guess you could say im a neat freak when it comes to my stuff. thats why i have a file cabinet unlike some people that i know that throw there bills all over there desks. i always shutdown the server once every three months and clean out the dust. doesnt take long 5 min and backup and running again.
  9. yeah at the end of my 11 hour shift i could pass for a black guy lol ok well maybe not that dark but close lol Whats also really fun is networking a large corp building running cat up the wall and of course along the ceiling where all the dirt and spider webs are lol
  10. yeah dont have to get dirty lol
  11. so another words if everydone tests at the same time, the pipe just gets bigger if it has to or is it a 100mb for each user that tests?? Is Ca3le going to provide larger test files?? What do you do for your main job? Im a welder, I weld up big construction trailors.
  12. I would have to disagree with you there, in performance benchmarks my Turion64 beats the Pentium Ms Ive benched mine at places like PCpitstop and well what do you know mines rated in the top 10 percent of equally configured hardware as mine. Acers are really good brands, you can get a decent one for around 700
  13. You know what i could do with 500 a month Possiblities are endless, My PC would always be state of the art lol are u married dlewis?? just wondering if u are and if she has anything to say about you spending that much money to have a web server hosted.
  14. So then if it only has a 100MB connection then that explains why the speedtests are not that acurate during the daytime or other times in the that matter because of all the users testing and with all the fast connections for instance you take my connection of around 15mb on average and then you take other connections like blunt with arond 28mb and alot of other folks with 15mb or better, pertty soon that 100mb connection is sucked up to nothing.
  15. I dont see how they can afford those kind of prices. Most packages cost around 300 a month to have a managed server. I wonder what kind of a connection testmy.net has??? You would think for all the people should have at least a Gigabit connection or faster.
  16. At lest you have a 1Meg upload, the fastest i can get with my ISP is only 512 up
  17. Actually here in South Dakota they take your yearly salary and devide that by weekly and then they take your weekly average gross and then give you a little more then 66% of your weekly gross. actually if it came down to being totally disabled i would get that 66% for the rest of my life. and yes by law they cant fire you for getting hurt at work. If they did well lets just say i would own at least half the company or have one hell of a retirement check Easter here we usualy go to our relatives or kins whatever you want to call them. and gas here is 2.59 a gallon now but dont know what your dollar is compared to the american dollar. LOL well that sounds like fun Let me hop right on over
  18. Nothing here, broke my leg a month ago so been on workmans comp for a while now. all i do is watch movies and surf the net all from my recliner Other then that, Easters really not a big holiday for me anyway not like Thanksgiving or Christmas is.
  19. sounds like you have some restrictions going on, make sure you router is up high and also away from power cables and magnets, Check for updates for the router and update the firmware. Im more of a Dlink fan. I have the Dlink Gamers Lounge 4300-DGL Wireless Router, Its a sweet router plenty of customizations.
  20. "The state of Wierd" lol
  21. Oh did i mention no tweaking either
  22. Seems to be working fine for me as you can see on my speed test sig I am running Win Vista Business OEM
  23. Actually your better off not to have any fans at all in the front of any case. I only know this from my over 15 years of experience building custom built systems for customers. If you just have the fans in the back of your case and also your powersupply thats more then enough to cool the case. the fans that are in the back are located behind the CPU which in that case will pull cooler air from the front vents over the top of he cpu and out the back. For those that dont understand the principle I'll draw up a diagram.
  24. Oh yeah I deal with ZipZoomFly when i purchase alot of parts at the same time found them at ZipZoomFly to be cheaper in the long run.
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