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Everything posted by cak46

  1. It'll remove just the files that are associated with nortons (the special unistaller for nortons, that is).
  2. cak46


    Cholla, no, not the prduct activation key. That is not what I'm talking about. I'm using "key" as a metaphor because that best describes the acl that you are assigned when you logon to an NT based machine. (XP, NT4.0, Win2000). ACL is Access Control List. It is presented to the NT authority services (I believe) when you try to run, access, view, etc. anything on your nt-based machine. I'm thinking if 69 Rat re-writes his ACL there might be an off chance that this is causing the access error. Doubtful, but worth a try. I would hold off on messing with silent hunter at this point so as not to potentially increase the existing issues further. I would wait until most all other options have been attempted. It is a good idea , but I'd wait at this point. Have a few other things up my sleeve and am waiting for 69 Rat to return with results from other fix attempts.
  3. It's all good.
  4. Yep,I have the same router and have been getting frequent disconnections too the past week,dont know if its the router,my modem a combination of both or my cable company.Anyway I hope you find a solution Smile [ BTW that was me And nope not yet Sad "The BTW, that was me" in your post. Was confusing. Sorry 'bout that.
  5. I would not go with Samsung........ Had one that failed after about a year or so....... Maxtor or Seagate, all the way, for me anyway.........
  6. With Ad-Aware, as soon as its done scanning the registry and when it finds entries, I always stop it and clean the registry entries it finds, then restart the scan. I've had a hell of a time when I let it go further thru the whole scan when there are bad entries in the registry. Hope this helps....
  7. cak46


    You don't want to find the file. (The filename extension should be .acl if I remember correctly) . NT based operating systems, of which XP is a member, has a whole security system involved with system, process, and disk access. 98, ME and below have none of this (that's worth mentioning). The NTFS hard disk file system, which is what XP uses by default, allows for file and directory level protection through the use of permissions. If you right mouse click on a folder and select the Properties option, there should be a security Tab. This is where the permissions (access) to that directory is changed. Your "Key" ,when checked by the security system, either grants you access to that directory or denies you access. This is why it is possible you don't have permission to run a particular program or open a certain document file. The Administrators group has access to most everything but there is an Administrator account that has special access that the Administrators group (of which your account is a member) doesn't have. BTW: Did you assign a password when you first installed XP? The true Administrator Account will not show unless you are in safe mode and if you didn't assign a password to it, go into safemode and add one (can be a security problem if no password exists, but just never lose it or forget it). More than you ever probably wanted to know, and I'm sorry if this is confusing, but the case o' beer you mentioned earlier is kickin' in........ :haha:
  8. cak46


    Yeah, I think you may be right. Did you try the group membership thing? When you're assigned to a group giving you permissions for "objects", you're given a "key" which you present to the security system (lsass) for access to "objects" (files, directorys(folders), etc.) and it grants or denies access based on your "key". I was thinking maybe your "key" got messed up since it's stored as a file on your computer.
  9. cak46


    Yup. that's it. Starting to run out of options quickly. It seems to me that lsass is looking for something that either doesn't exist or you don't have access to. By looking at the HJT logs and info, there are no entries that have missing files. You could try changing your membership by adding yourself to the Users group, applying it, then removing it. That might re-write your acl. Are you using a password to logon to your machine and have you changed any permissions settings on any directorys (Folders) on your system?
  10. cak46


    Cyclical :haha: Did you ever check your group membership under users and passwords? Make sure you are in the Administrators group, if you haven't done it already....... edit, edit; I forgot to tell, I finally go a reponse from MS a while ago. It's a new guy and he says "haven't heard a reply from you yet, if you have any other questions, blah blah,,,,,,,,,,,,, Well I turned right around and resent the same message that I sent on the 21st Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation They need to get on the same page in the same book.................. Instills a sense of security in me knowing MS is on top of it................... :haha:
  11. cak46


    With XP, it comes as default to allow multiple logins and the capacity to switch users. This leaves the other user(s) processes running and can bog a system down but allows fast switching of users. Saw that the process for this funtion was running on your machine but since you aren't aware of multiple logons on your machine so just disregard it. (Some spyware/malware will install in individual logon profiles but may not be detected if the profile is password protected). Hey, you';ve made Google: Check out the 6th entry in the search results: http://www.google.com/search?q=lsass.exe+objects&sourceid=mozilla-search&start=0&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official
  12. cak46


    I think it's tied to execution of IE, but am not sure...... Go to my computer, C: drive, windows, then system32. Look to see if the file is listed in there. :haha: Me too. Goin' to get one cause your computer is driving me to it! BTW: Are you running multiple logon id's and are you using the Switch user option with XP?
  13. cak46


    Free is good! Still going thru the large log file. ........ Go into the Services under control panel and set lsass.exe to autostart, then reboot. Probably not it, but......... Are you still running Alcohol? Looks like you have terminal services running.......... (Allows connection from a remote computer, can be disabled)
  14. cak46


    O23 - Service: Diskeeper - Executive Software International, Inc. - C:Program FilesExecutive SoftwareDiskeeperDkService.exe Did you reinstall diskkeeper? If not, runhijackthis and delete this entry. Could be a contributer if the file is missing........... Will edit as I go thru stuff. The userenv thing is nothing to get in a twist over. Seen this before. Back to you in a bit....... Edit: Heres another issue, potentially: In the attached log file you did...... StubPath = %systemroot%system32shmgrate.exe OCInstallUserConfigIE See link: http://castlecops.com/s3328-Shmgrate_exe.html Another diskkeeper entry.... Diskeeper: "C:Program FilesExecutive SoftwareDiskeeperDkService.exe" (autostart)
  15. now that i know is there anyone that knows which site i could get these off of out of the following : http://www.newegg.com http://www.tigerdirect.com http://www.crucial.com ? Crucial....... Order online..... :) Seriously, take the specs shown on crucials results and go to the other sites such as newegg and search there. Make sure the specs. match, just to be sure......
  16. So you were, in essense, talking to yourself?
  17. :haha: :haha:
  18. Nortons has specific uninstallers on their support site for each version of their annti-virus software if their regular uninstaller fails, which happens on a regular basis. Here is one: http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/nav.nsf/8d071816eedd7cac88256c0e005a96e5/33497f6e8a319ece88256ace0076cc02?OpenDocument&src=bar_sch_nam. Alot of good info here, and follow the instructions carefully.
  19. cak46


    No problemo! Get a bit punchy around 10:00 or so because I do this 8 or so hours a day at work too.... You are right! It should not require a format and re-install, only time to find the solution..... I have only had to reformat 2 systems in about 15 years of working with systems both professionally and privately. Also, I agree that MS should at least give you the driver name so that you have something to go on . Microsoft just keeps barrelling along to the next op sys (Longhorn) rollout which inevitably will be heavily bug-ridden, leaving a wake of buggy, mal-programmed, half-completed, massively patched operating systems for the world to endure. (Sorry, a bit of a tirade but MS has a long history of doing this ) I'll try to let it go and "enhance my calm"..... :haha: Here are a number of questions and things to do. Have a few more, but should probably start here. A.) Were the following entries in the Application log or the System log? **************** Details Product: Windows Operating System ID: 26 Source: Application Popup Version: 5.2 Symbolic Name: STATUS_LOG_HARD_ERROR Message: Application popup: %1 : %2 Explanation The program could not load a driver because the program user doesn't have sufficient privileges to access the driver or because the drive is missing or corrupt. User Action To correct this problem: Ensure that the program user has sufficient privileges to access the directory in which the driver is installed. Reinstall the program to restore the driver to the correct location. If these solutions do not work, contact Product Support Services. Version: 5.0 Symbolic Name: status_log_hard_error Message: Unable to Load Device Driver : device driver could not be loaded. Explanation The program could not load a driver because the program user doesn't have sufficient privileges to access the driver or because the drive is missing or corrupt. User Action To correct this problem: Reinstall the program to restore the driver to the correct location. If these solutions do not work, contact Product Support Services. ************* If they were both in one log, look at the other log to see if there is a corrosponding entry. That entry might give us more info on the driver. I can't remember, does it do the "object not found" error in safe mode as well? Hijackthis: 1.) Download and run Hijackthis and post the results (copy results and paste into a post) This will sometimes show if there is a missing file or at least the registry calls. We might see something there. Here is the link: http://www.majorgeeks.com/download3155.html 2.) After doing #1 above, click on the misc tools button and check off "List also minor sections" and "List empty sections" then click on generate startup list. The results will open in notepad. Save it to your desktop and attach it to your next post. 3.) Next, click on open hosts manager and take a peek. Are there any entries there? If there are, are there any that start with an IP address other than If you need additional help with these let me know.... Quite a bit to do , but these will give me a better picture of what is running on your system, what programs, etc. execute at startup, if there are any redirectors in your hosts file, etc. If this is too much crap to do, please let me know and we can try to pare it down a bit. Good luck and will be watching for your posts.
  20. cak46


    Is your windows firewall enabled? BTW: That message on IPsec came back with this (Win2000, but probably applicable) Event Message: IPSec policy agent changed: parameter PolicySource: parameter parameter Source Event Log Event ID Event Type Security Security 615 Success Audit Explanation: This event record indicates that a local group account has been created. Wait, my stupid. Your audit policy changed, not a local group creation. DisRegard. ************ I have to go offline now but will be back tomorrow about the same time. Will do some more research tomorrow (Back to work in 6 hours .) Could be a registry entry calling for a driver involved with that program you mentioned(Maybe) Before you reinstall it, try cleaning out dead references in your registry. If you have NortonSystemworks, run the WinDoctor and clean out the dead registry entries (could use one of the other regcleaners, maybe someone has a suggestion on this?)
  21. cak46


    Have you tried this scanner from microsoft? Looks like that last error might be related to the blaster worm. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=AD724AE0-E72D-4F54-9AB3-75B8EB148356&displaylang=en Do you have all of the newest updates, including service pack 2 installed? Thanks, I'm getting a little excited. It's so cool to get something "almost mystical" fixed, not to mention perplexing Me too, but, have a ways to go yet.
  22. cak46


    Looks like we may be getting somewhere. If you want, do a print screen of the information you want to post (print Scrn key on the keyboard, then paste it into mspaint, then save it and do a post and attach the file. Edit: goin' to do some research.... back soon..... Edit: Looks like a driver issue or a permissions issue, maybe. Did you update or install Anything that day it started happening, including hardware drivers? Another thing to check: Go to start>settings>Control Panel>Users and Passwords and check to make sure your Login id is in the administrators group Here is some info: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/support/ee/result.aspx?EvtSrc=Application+Popup&EvtID=26&ProdName=Windows+Operating+System&LCID=1033&ProdVer=5.2 http://www.microsoft.com/technet/support/ee/result.aspx?EvtSrc=Application+Popup&EvtID=26&ProdName=Windows+Operating+System&LCID=1033&ProdVer=5.0
  23. cak46


    OK..... The next time that it the "Object not found" occurs note the time and then go into Start>settings>control Panel>Administrative Tools>Event Viewer. Look thru each of the logs and note any activity in the logs for that time , + or - 5 minutes. Especially, look for errors and Security activity in the logs then post them. I can't believe that this is happening and no error records are being created. I can understand it with Watson, to a degree, because that is primarily used for Exception error debugging. If you are at the point of reformat and have had enough, you may want to consider this Final Last Resort: start uninstalling programs but do it Last in First out, meaning uninstall the most recently installed program first, then next most recent second....Etc. and reboot between each, giving it time after the reboot to error out on you with the "object not found". If it does error out, do the next program. Include service Packs, Updates, etc. to the operating system as well (Maybe one of those messed something up). I do not like to lose, especially to a machine, but it's your call............... BTW: To stop execution of Watson, since it is not helping, go into Start>Programs>Startup and right moues click once on the watson entry, then click Delete on the popup menu that appears.
  24. cak46


    I think if you just minimize watson, it will monitor your system until you turn watson off. A little icon that looks like a doctor should appear in your systray, if I remember correctly. Did you get Silent Hunter in successfully? If you did, might want to consider uninstalling it to see if that is somehow causing the object 'not found error'. Are the icons that cause the error consistent eg: whenever you click on MSWord, it happens, but if you click on MSExcel, it never happens?
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