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Everything posted by cak46

  1. Dude, I don't think you know yourself, nor do you care to know anyone else............... Paladin: Ditto....
  2. billybob12345: billybo12345's right, though. Companionship is something that everyone needs. My 1 1/2 cents, keep the change........
  3. Fat Nope Smokes Yup Looks Depressed Yup Carrying a Six Pack of Beer Yup Wearing a Wife Beater T Shirt at the Beach Nope Driving a MiniVan Nope Sitting on a Bench Outside of Victoria Secret If there was one around here, suppose I would Eating a Cooked Turkey Leg while shopping at Wal Mart Never thought of this..... Good idea Says "Titmouse" or "Pussy Willow" without snickering like a school girl. Nope. Haven't made it quite that far out of adolesence yet Good test Shug! :haha:
  4. :haha: Good one...... You did a great job blending it into the wall. Looks like it came with the original pic.
  5. Man, that's just sad. BTW: your security peeps might not take too well to scanning you id...............
  6. Transfer rate is the speed at which you send or receive data from another computer. Upload speed(Transfer rate) is the speed at which you send data to another machine, download is the speed at which you receive information. There are alot of factors involved with overall speed up or down. When you first had your internet set up, they should have told you what your package caps (Maximums for upload and download speeds) are. If you can find this out, you can compare those with the actual tests you do here at testmy. There are ways to increase your current speeds, which are called tweaks. If you want to, find out what your max speeds are for your internet connection (maybe call your isp) then run a test and post your test and package information here. We'll give you a hand with interpreting the results.
  7. These words. Anybody know if there is a translation?
  8. Ouchy! Thats probably it!
  9. cak46


    Agreed. You can disable the funky registry entry in msconfig without deleting it. It would be a good idea to backup your registry first if you decide to do this..
  10. Power the mobo all the way down by unplugging the power cord, then hold the power button for 10 seconds, plug it back in and try the boot again. Also, does your POST screen come up? Could be the nic might be bad if your system won't even POST. If it POSTS but then locks, reboot and go into your cmos setup then just exit, saving changes and try to boot again. Could try a different PCI slot with the d-link nic as well.
  11. cak46


    Philp: That's a great resource! It looks like his lsass.exe is referenced correctly, only difference being that the lsass is not capitalized in his HJT list. Do you think that is significant?
  12. cak46


    It looks like that option was available as far back as win95, according to the MS KB article. Self-replicating viruses using RPC and other exploits are the worst. One virus I remember propogated between machines as fast as the virus could create random ip's and send itself out. In a matter of 30 seconds I went from 20 clean machines to 10 at work. Luckily, I had mostly '98 machines and the virus was built for nt2000 or above. Can't remember which one it was, but it was quick and efficient. Used Stinger to get rid of it, like you got rid of yours.
  13. what is a good transfer rate? (my last one thru my ps2 was 49.2) Hitting your CAP for the type of package you are buying what is a good ping test? Lowest number of milliseconds possible on the ping what is a good packet test? No or low packet loss Welcome to the forum, zulu79 For the packet and ping test, are you looking for a tester or just what to look for during a test?
  14. :haha: Not at all, Cholla.... I don't mind sharing......
  15. cak46


    Good deal. I've never seen a registry entry like the one 69Rat has. Very odd. All those .dll's on the end of the file name are very suspicious.
  16. Well, if what you say is true, you'll die rich with no heirs. Why not write me into your will? Better that than the Fed's getting it......
  17. cak46


    Cholla: I don't think lsass.exe per se is running on your ME machine. I think it's an NT only program. Yeah, if you delete that program, you would be in a world of hurt. It's what authenticates (authorizes) you for access to files, etc for your machine. See: http://www.iamnotageek.com/a/lsass.exe.php for details.....
  18. cak46


    69Rat: Since you're working with MS, might want to show them this entry HKLM..Windows NTCurrentVersionWindows: AppInit_DLLs=9vs7sxtxnn585u.dll.dll.dll.dll.dll.dll.dll.dll.dll.dll.dll.dll.dll Here is information on what the appinit_dlls does. Could possibly be the problem. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;197571 I'll continue to research...... Edit: Some viruses are know to use this entry in the registry to load on boot. Try searching for 9vs7sxtxnn585u.* with find/seach for files and see what comes up and where it is. Link for some information on viruses associated with this registry entry..... http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&q=AppInit_DLLs+virus&btnG=Search BTW: Make sure if you have rebooted since last hijackthis that you run it again and make sure the file name hasn't changed for this registry entry....
  19. He's a she..... Yeah, a bit off topic but we gotta have some fun sometimes
  20. What about tdawnaz???
  21. lol - Thought actually it was 'hooochy mama' now lol
  22. cak46


    If you want, download and run a scan with hijackthis then post the results. Might be able to see something running at start up. Edit: Link to download hijackthis.... http://www.majorgeeks.com/download3155.html
  23. cak46


    Thought I already said that....
  24. My mistake.... statement or question it still remains the same. It depends on the woman involved.
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