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Everything posted by cak46

  1. SB5100 is docsis 2.0.
  2. Sorry... was editing prior to your response... see above. I think the built in switches are not directly connected to the firmware. Just a guess, but could explain the pass through capability. Did you see the other article?
  3. are you able to ping it? Theres another article but don't want to waste space if you already tried the "red diag light is blinking" KB article. Edit: Just had a thought. In this article it suggest setting a static ip. May want to try that, setting it to the same subnet as the router: 192.168.1.X x being any number xcept 1 and then setting the subnet mask to could be the switches are still operating correctly somehow. This might be why you pulled an ip from your isp (dhcp, part of the primary "router" firmware is blown away though).
  4. Not sure whether this will help, its from linksys website. When I run the executable firmware for my router, it says it can
  5. mine has 172 with "cak46 testmy" Results 171 - 172 of 172 for cak46 testmy. (0.06 seconds) . Only saw 5 or 6 then selected to show omitted results....Google has a pretty thorough system by the looks of it.
  6. From what I read, they cloned an embryo and achieved efficiency in developing stem cell lines.... Full term baby is a whole different thing. Still, very interesting research which could potentially help many people! Very controversial subject, though...... "South Korean scientists achieved a leap forward in stem cell research by developing stem cell lines from cloned embryos that are genetic matches for diseased patients, it was announced May 19. The scientists needed only 17 eggs to procure a group of stem cells, as opposed to nearly 250 eggs required by the same team last year, The Washington Post reported. The British team, which also cloned the sheep Dolly in 1998, cloned a human embryo."
  7. This might be a dumb question, but would it be an opportunity for Testmy to host a few programs directly, like Ad-Aware, Spybot, Avast..... Direct links from the original sites? Might have an opportunity to increase membership that much more, having more people coming to get programs such as those. Just a thought.
  8. Do you have a link on it? That would be a truly interesting proposition.
  9. Sorry about that. Didn't realize. Your last download stat looks good!
  10. Don't know much about wireless except it will be slower than wired... no matter how much tweaking you do. Also, one post would be ok, intsead of four or five....... Did you follow the instruction in the stick for this topic?
  11. You can get into your display properties thru Settings>control Panel>display, I believe.
  12. If you're connected to the internet, you're exposed. Even the most sophisticated systems have been hacked or virused up. To minimize the threat, as you probably know, run a firewall router (not just a regular one, then have a good software firewall and anit-virus installed and kept up to date. Keep your ops. sys. updated with the newest patches, including your Internet software (IE, FireFox, etc.). I am unaware of any utility that can lock parts or your whole hard drive from potential infection, since most execute through your own login permissions (access). To minimize damage, you could set up a separate account on your system and just use that for Internet access. Set the permissions to the lowest possible access to your machine (rename the guest account(?) and put a strong password on it, maybe) giving no install capability, etc. and set the program access defaults to disallow access to all your programs, xcept ie or firefox. Not 100%, but might help......
  13. Had a fellow employee get hit by the worm, thought I'd let all you IM'ers here know about it, if you haven't heard. Heres one article on it. http://www.networkworld.com/news/2005/052505-worm-im.html
  14. I probably would not go that far, but Norton Anti-Virus is just as invasive and de-stabilizing as some viruses..... I've been running the free version of avg for quite a while and it has detected all incoming viruses thus far.
  15. RAM: Space where programs actually do their work and is temporary workspace.. When a program is shut down, ram is cleared (in a perfect world). Connection speed: Depends on what service you are on 4.5 stars sounds good for download 2.5 start upload may need a bit of help: Don't game so I can't help you there. Faster: Tweaking-Put a post in Make it faster forum and follow the instructions in the Sticky there first Actually, I think the color is just the oceans reflecting back from the surface onto the atmosphere.... could be wrong
  16. Didn't know that. Thanks
  17. Yeah, but to access the admin account, wouldn't he have to go thru safe mode?
  18. Ethereal..... It's a packet sniffer. Prior to starting the test I started ethereal then ran the test then stopped ethereal. Heres a link to it, but you need another program to go along with it... WinPcap. This is the link for ethereal: www.ethereal.com It can give you some insight on what really occurs with packet transmissions and the information contained therein.
  19. That would explain my problem with not using scaling. Watched it with ethereal one night.. and got ACKs up the ying yang at 65535
  20. Yeah, everybody loves a smart-ass. Kinda think I'm one myself.................. But, I would wait till Van can help you. BTW: What are your advertised speeds? Edit: for GrammAr
  21. fiddlin around I used an RWIN of (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 16 ). Seemed to work ok. Another question that comes into play for those mathematically inclined is why the scale factor being a multiple of 2 (?) or exponential of 2? I get huge acks when my rwin is small.......
  22. Shut down your machine then hit the power button to restart it. As soon as you do this and the BIOS post information starts appearing, start hitting the F* key. If you get a keyboard error, shut down, start powering up again but wait a second to let the hardware initialize. This should bring up a menu, one of which is Safe Mode. Do your scans from here, but make sure you update the definitions files for both adaware and spybot. After scanning, as a quick try, without deleting registry entires, rename you hosts file to hosts.bak and reboot then try google again. Looks like your requests for google, etc. are being redirected to a different server via your old hosts file. I'll leave the rest with PHP, since he seems to have seen this before. (If you have trouble with the hosts filename change,, just rename your hosts.bak file to hosts and reboot).
  23. Just a guess, but could it be a function of the way ethernet works, at the firmware, hardware layer? Has to be a standard of some sort. If I remember correctly, setting RWIN and mtu correctly alleviates fragmenting of packets. Cholla: Please correct me if I'm wrong. My response is a long shot, but what the hay.... Edit: Darn: Spelling AGAIN also replaced mss with RWIN
  24. Read Vans sticky for this forum and follow what he suggests.. Edit: Especially with the cablenut information. Hopefully this will help you. Not much on tweaking myself.........
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