Looks like your running 2 types of anti-virus: Nortons and AVG. This could slow you down a bit. Also, you're running zoneAlarm as well. Again, this could slow you down as well.
I don't see anything to get in a twist over but someone else may.
One other thing I found:, you are running DAP which, according to a lockergnome forum, "You are using DAP which is not technically malware, but it may include malware and allow it into your system. You can find safer alternatives here: http://www.spywareinfo.com/downloads.php?cat=dlman#dlman "
heres the link to above quote: http://help.lockergnome.com/lofiversion/index.php/t23620.html
Anyone else have more information on this log I've missed (spyware, virus, speed related)?