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Everything posted by cak46
Glad you got it goin'! I'm not sure what you are talking about with the toolbar though. Could you post a creenprint maybe?
If you want to, yank your memory chips out and clean the contacts with a dry cotton cloth. Long shot, but if it works, might save a few $$.
Did you select to use the "Use Welcome Screen"?
How'd it go? Have to sign off soon to get some zzzzz's.
Double click on the Administrators Group, not the Users group to see the results. Don't remove them from the Administrators group until you reboot to check and see if the error comes back or not. resi3js: Donations are ALWAYS welcome...
Where IS the "any key", anyway???
click Ok, as you suspected........ The two new goups should be showing in the listing now. If so, click Apply, then OK and reboot. If you have trouble, to remove them go back in and click once on one of the two we added, then click Remove" button. Then do the same steps with the other we added. then apply, ok then reboot again. ok?
Click once on the Authenticated Users, then hold the Ctrl key down while clicking once on the Interactive listing. If you did it right, only the two you selected should be highlighted. If this is true then click on "OK" button and post. You ARE in a group (the Administrators Group) which you are presently adding to. The reason the Administrator group doesn't appear in the list is that you are adding to it and you can't add a group to itself.
Now we're gettin' somewhere. Grab the little | between the Name (RDN) and In Folder headings and drag to the right till you can see the whole userid listing (Resizing the column) then ........... BTW: The ones with 2 heads are groups, the ones with one head are users.......
Ahhhh, nothing sweeter than the taste of pine in the evening...... :haha:
click on "find now" then.... well.... you know......
Leave it defaulted to Martine. I think the confusion might be that your userid is the same as your workgroup/computer name, maybe?
Ahhh,, I'm being predictable again.... :haha: Go ahead and click ok then click advanced and post results.
Click on object types and post the results.
Go ahead and click on the add button and post results....
:) Ok..... Like I said before, I hate this new users and groups interface. It's aboslutely convoluted. When i first started learning it, I had a helluva time figuring out what happened between domain vs. local userids and groups and the impact on profiles is a complete pain in the lsass........... :whaa: Anyway, 'nuff of my onging ms-bashing..... Get to this screen below and double click on groups "folder" now double click on the group "Administrators" and post what you see for buttons.
Pitbull, this might be a dumb question, but did you try removing all partitions, reboot, then add the first partition but add a bit to the size?
1.) Is it giving you a Domain Authentication Error? If you can, post the domain error thats coming up. 2.) You can check your membership to see if there is an issue there. Go to Control Panel>system>Computer Name. Workgroup should be checked with a name associated with it. If domain is checked with aname associated with it then this could be part of the problem. 3.) Since you do not have a Domain Controller you cannot be on a domain, only a workgroup but since you are using the Professional version of xp, its a bit different on its handling of security. From what I understand, you only have your userid (martine and all of the builtins. If you delete the builtins, you might just as well reformat 'cause the op sys won't run or will be severly damaged with some of them being removed. The guests id is the only one I'd even consider deleting, maybe the remote assistance one as well. Welcome to NT security 101......... Try this: http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/lsm_add_users_to_groups.mspx Domain is synonomous with workgroup for your machine so select whatever name appears but follow these instructions edit: use Authenticated Users for the id/group name then add another using Interactive as the id/group name If you click Advanced then Search or just Search, It should list all users for the workgroup (your computer) I really dislike the new "improved" user/group management tool..... Actually it sucks............ rather have the old nt4.0 version back....... very simple to use. edit: BTW: Those two are groups, not users. Sorry 'bout that. Must sign off for the eve! Back to the grind :wave:
When the search screen comes up, just click advanced, don't fill anything in, then click Go (Ithink) It should list all users on the machine by doing this. The users/groups access that you are using is a bit different than the Users and Passwords under control panel (Which is mostly used for local users/groups (Its a WinXP Professional thing). You can try it this way too: Go into the Users list then check the properties of the two users (authenticated users and interactive and add them to the group thru there: Folder above Groups:
Edit: These two logons are system based and should have high level access automatically. I've never seen them in the users group. They are system level logons used to start system related functions (This is why you can't stop some of the processes even though you are an Administrator). There are other system logons as well. Edit: Here is a bit more info on it. Hope it isn't in French..... http://www.windowsitpro.com/Article/ArticleID/14781/14781.html Edit2: Here it is: A list of most of the built in accounts, groups with sids. May not be xp, but you can get the idea about how they apply. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q163846/#XSLTH3127121122120121120120
Yes it does. Add the 2 NTauthority userids into the administrators group then reboot to test and see what happens. (Worst that can happen is that the error comes up again). Would not suggest leaving them there, more for just a test to see if this will impact the error. If I remember one or both are involved with those errors.
You figured it out??? Do tell!!!
Sorry I was amongst the missing yesterday. Tied up with clean up (YardWork) from being away for vacation. Try removing yourself from the Ordinary User Group. This might be affecting your ability to run what wants to run. Go to users and passwords, select your logon and it should give you options to change the membership. Here's a link on how to change group membership with XP. http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/usercpl_change_group.mspx Sounds like hash would have been the perfect pickmeup for those "next morning" vapors!
:haha: Enjoy your Hash.... never had that myself. What's it made from? Last movie I went to a theater to see was Start Trek Generations......... Many a moon ago...... Saw a trailer on Stealth a while ago.... Looks pretty good.... Probably wait for the DVD, though. Did you try to start the service or reboot after changing it to automatic? I just edited my prior post about your userid. Many of the security services, including the Security Accounts Manager, are tied directly to the lsass process. I must fly for the nite but will be back in the morn.
Sounds good..... Got hung up checking my email from work. Sorry for the delay. How'd the reboot fare? You may want to consider looking in users/passwords. I realize you are a member of Administrators but check to see if there are any other groups that you belong to. A prohibition for one of the other groups could be causing the problem. If you aren't a member of another group, add yourself to the users group as well, retaining membership in Administrators. Then click apply and exit out of the users/passwords then go back into it and remove yourself from the Users group. I had mentioned rewriting your acl (or XP's equivalent if it) a while back. Did you ever try that?