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Everything posted by philp

  1. That is very cool!! Thanks, water!
  2. I'll give them them a shot tonight. Thanks, bro!
  3. I'm trying to rip music from CD's using WMP 10 and store them in mp3 format. According to what I've read, this should be no problem but I get an error message saying I don't have a suitable mp3 converter installed on my computer. I reinstalled WMP 10 and apparently there were some things missing because it now recognizes the name of the disc and the song titles instead of displaying "unknown artist" etc. But I still get the same error mesage. What am I missing? As always, any help is greatly appreciated.
  4. That's why we are all here. The people ARE so great. I have lost over 45 pounds this year by simply watching what and how much I eat. I exercise a bit too (not as much as I should) but it was mostly the change in my eating habits. I haven't been to a buffet in a year or so and I stop eating when I get full. Want a snack? Don't grab a bag of chips or a bowl of ice cream, have some fruit instead. Of course, I never was real junk food eater anyway.
  5. I deleted my account but then reactivated it. CA3LE is going to restore the count when he gets a chance. It doesn't bother me and I won't bug him about it. He's got a lot more important things to worry about, I'm sure.
  6. OMG. I don't know if you have kids, but that is the gospel right there. When my son was in elementary school (he's 22 now) they labeled him ADD/ADHD and told us we needed to start him on Ritalin right away. Told us it was just fine and would help him through his life. So we medicated him in the mornings and sent him on his way. When my ex and I saw his school pictures, when he was stoned on that crap, we knew right away that when the schools tell kids to "just say no to drugs", they should include all the zombifying crap they "recommend" as well. I t looked like he was doing everything he could to smile for the camera, but it wasn't quite working. He was high, and not in a good way. So, to anyone with young children, if the school system tells you to drug your child just so the teachers don't have to do the job for which they are paid, tell those duche bags to piss up a rope.
  7. Listen to this very informed lady. She knows what she is talking about. And the most important piece of advice, eat smaller portions. Eat slowly and stop when you feel full. You could also help that by drinking a large glass of water right before the meal. It will take up space in your stomach that too much food WOULD have.
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