ATI already admits that the new x600 PCI Express Card can send and receive data simultaneously at twice the speed of the current AGP 8x that we use now. These are just the first cards to launch. Wait until the x32 PCI Express cards drop in stores. AGP will suffer a limited life as the article "A Look At PCI Express" states. Why go out and get an expensive AGP card when pretty soon it will be even slower compared to PCI Express. Then you'll be faced with the issue of whether or not you should sell your current AGP Card for a far faster PCI Express card. PCI Express is going to take over and replace AGP soon enough being that it will be much faster and cheaper to implement onto MB's. PCI Express is replacing USB2, Gigabit Ethernet, Firewire, and a host of other pc interfaces because it's the new technology that's been a long time coming. We should embrace it. Pretty soon, this forum will be full of post about how much better PCI Express is and how we can OC this new technology to make it even faster - when it will already be blazing.
I don't have any problems running any game on max that I've played (including Far Cry & Doom 3). I ran the DoubleCross demo from ATI and didn't get shadows like others reported. The close-up on the female character's lips were not as beautiful as they could have been, but stunning all the same, and the entire thing played with minimum slow down.
Read this article and look at the stats of PCI Express if you are still skeptical. You'll change your mind soon enough.
A Look At PCI Express
Read this...PCI Express: words from ATI
With RADEON X600 graphics you have the ability to send and receive data simultaneously at twice the speed of current AGP 8X solutions.
The future of PCI Express is the best thing going on right now...and not just for graphics.