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Everything posted by organ_shifter

  1. Happy Easter!! Better late than never.
  2. Well, Windows XP has a way to bridge your connections. To my understanding, you will need to have multiple lines (Internet Connections) connected to one computer in order for this to work correctly. Multiple NIC cards will be needed, or an onboard connection with a NIC installed, or any of the afore-mentioned combinations can be bridged with a USB connection. 1.) Open your Network Connections folder. 2.) Highlight two (2) or more connections you want to bridge. (Hold down the control key and left-click on each connection) 3.) Release the control key and right-click on either of the selected connections, which will bring up a menu. 4.) Left-click on "Bridge Connections" from the menu. 5.) Wait for Windows to create a bridge and assign an IP Address to it. 6.) Right-click on the network bridge and select properties from the menu. 7.) Check both boxes at the bottom of the properties windows (It will only be one box if you do not have Service Pack 2. Checking the boxes gives windows permission to alert you if you do not have connection, if a cable is unplugged, of your connection status, etc.) 8.) Make all properties changes to you connection from the bridge as long as it is active, as it has taken multiple connection and conjoined them as one. Speeds should be faster now! ******************************************************************************************************************************************** A 1394 adapter is a Firewire connection. The IEEE 1394 standard defines a high speed serial interface that can be used to connect peripheral devices, for example, printers, scanners, and cameras, to your computer. Some common features of the IEEE 1394 standard are:
  3. If it were FIOS, he would be clocking in higher than that on a residential line. See here: FIOS 30Mbps Test Result EDIT: Welcome to the site as well Split. Enjoy your stay and spread the word about Testmy.net...the best site on the web.
  4. Welcome to the site Relic. Tell your friends about Testmy.net and enjoy your stay. Those speeds are blazin'!! What kind of pipe are you on? Home or business?
  5. Being a die-hard PC gamer, I found this article to be a very interesting study as to why pc games don't hold their own against console titles. Lazy, money driven developers producing awful, watered-down ports to the pc sickens me. Why are pc game designers switching over to consoles and producing games there first, and then porting terrible versions over to the pc? It's in the article...and I couldn't agree more. excerpt taken from PC Gaming is Dying By Anthony R Brock PC Gaming is dying. How's that for an opening line from a die-hard PC gamer who wouldn't even touch a console if Buddha himself issued a Halo 2 deathmatch challenge? I despise console gaming
  6. Yeah, I got results like that the other day. At first I was trippin' out, but then I chalked it up as being a cached test. Although, I always clear out my temporary internet files and history before testing. I just couldn't come up with any other explanation for it. Looks damn good when the results page comes up! :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 9495 Kbps about 9.5 Mbps (tested with 3151 kB) Download Speed is:: 1159 kB/s Tested From:: http://www.bafserv.com Test Time::
  7. Welcome to the forums oleol. Enjoy your stay and tell your friends about Testmy.net. You posted the exact same thing under the topic "General Discussion". For future reference, and to keep the boards tidy
  8. Yes is should show you temps. I might depend on the motherboard having the technology...I'm not sure though.
  9. I never install the Comcast software, but techs have tried to in the past. Anyhow, download the last attachment (TweakUiPowertoySetup.zip) and install it. Navigate to where I am in the screenshots, and change it accordingly. That should solve your problem as far as stopping it from switching back and forth.
  10. Nice speeds timmers83. Glad to see Comcast getting it done. Doesn't seem as if you need any tweaks.
  11. If you completely purged IE from your system, you must be extremely vulnerable right now without being able to gain full access to Windows Update. How are you getting your patches and what not? Mabey you didn't completely get rid it after all huh?
  12. That was -Laugh Out Loud- funny!! Had me and my girl over here dying!
  13. Yeah, it's strange that they wouldn't upgrade the entire state at once. How much different could the condition of the line quality be? It seems like Comcast is just pussy footin' around. I hope they make good on being done by the end of this month. You definitely got 6000/768 comin'.
  14. Well, we're reaching the end of March, and I'm wondering if most of the upgrades (if not all) are finished. I've had mine since Jan. 26.
  15. Sometimes testmy.net's server hates my guts. Other times I get advertised speeds. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 6188 Kbps about 6.2 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Download Speed is:: 755 kB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Tue Mar 22 12:50:29 EST 2005 Bottom Line:: 110X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.36 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 92.41 % faster than the average for host (Comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-MJD8CAHS4 :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 709 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB) Upload Speed is:: 87 kB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Tue Mar 22 12:53:49 EST 2005 Bottom Line:: 13X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 11.77 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 111.64 % faster than the average for host (Comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-XRUYHPWNK I wish I were closer to testmy.net's server...like this one here at the University Of Michigan:
  16. We've seen great speeds. We've seen great desktops. We've shared it all with the world. Lets see some cases/towers!! Are you conservative, or are you more on the wild side? We'll see. System Pics OS: Windows XP Service Pack 1 | CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3700+ | Mainboard: DFI LANPARTY UT nF3 250Gb | GPU: ATI Radeon 9700 Pro 128MB | HD: Seagate Barracuda 250GB S-ATA RAID0 | IBM Deskstar 40GB Ultra-ATA 100 | Sound: Logitech Z-5500 Digital Speakers | NVIDIA®nForce Audio 8CH + S/PDIF (Coaxial) | Case: Logisys Arcrylic Clear | Cooling: Thermaltake Sonic Tower Heatpipe Cooling | PS: Logisys Glacier Aluminum & Arcrylic Moded Gaming 500 Watt | Monitor: KDS Visual Sensations 17" (VS-77) Without further ado, here are my pics.
  17. Firefox will be dead soon enough, due to the fact that it's barely holding on to it's 5% market share. Once IE7 hits, that open source garbage will come to an end. I always browse faster with IE as well as have higher test speeds. It's not just me though. It's all 90 - 93% of us.
  18. Nice speeds babydickonboard.
  19. IE7 is looking better and better everyday...all hail the best browser known to man!!! excerpt taken from story - Sources say that IE 7.0
  20. Here is the homepage link: Original Site And Prices. Here is the site to check for deployment in your area (very informative): Verizon Fios Check Site....I hit this one alot. For the second link, click on "Deployment Reports" on the left, select you region, and use the color key to see if it's coming to your area
  21. Download Everest Home Edition 1.51. Once you install it, everything about your system is detailed and even connected to links that will take you right to the site to get the latest drivers for chipsets, sound cards and a host of other stuff. This program was formerly named aida32. You can get the program at this link: Everest Home Edition 1.51 It's free
  22. Damn, KingCobra! You are killin' them out there...they need first aid!
  23. New feature is tight...adds a nice touch.
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