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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Dont bother me... I would be willing to bet a warrant will never be served on me. If it was and I wasnt hiding anything I suspect I wouldnt care if they knocked. I would want them fix my damn door though.
  2. This topic has been moved to Make it Faster.... [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=14675.0[/iurl]
  3. Hey Neon welcome to the site. Im not sure the signal booster would do you much good. You say you live in a co-op so it is entirely possible that your speed is being compromised by the fluctuation in your neighbors usage. Do you test at the same time each day. I would say test late at night or early morning to see what you get when the others are probably not on. http://www.testmy.net/topic-1013 You can always try the tweek guide if you have not yet. Again glad to have you in the forum, hope you hang out and enjoy yourself.
  4. This is why I modified my post to "never mind I wasnt thinking" I dont think it will work. Once you reboot daemon will be gone so you need the dvd, and if there is a way to make it work buying a blank dvd will probably be better. Maybe if you wanted to go to the trouble of making bootable CD's from the dvd, but that would be WAAAYYYY to much work.
  5. This is exactly what I said. Although I recommended Alcohol as well. Daemon is free and I love it. But I figured you would do a fresh install so Daemon would do you no good on an OS.
  6. never mind wasnt thinking.
  7. Dammit I feel your pain.
  8. Tools --> Internet Options --> Security Tab --> "Custom Level" button Make sure "Internet" zone is selected on the Security Tab before hitting the Custom Level button. Now scroll down a bit, you should see a range of options for things IE can do with Active X controls. Check that "Download Unsigned Active X Controls" is set to "Enable" or "Prompt", not "Disable". Scroll down a little further and check whether "Run Active X Controls and plug-ins" is set to "Enable" or "Prompt". Have you tried this? Download the file OLEfix.zip available here (it is a registry file that origin from MS Support, and it has fixed the ActiveX problem for several people): http://patch-info.de/IE/Downloads/OLEfix.zip Extract it and double click the contained OLEfix.reg file. Click Yes on the dialog box that asks you if you are sure to add the information in OLEfix.reg to the registry. You may have to reboot your machine afterwards.
  9. :iamwithstupid: Why didnt I say that.
  10. I think he means the small bar that apperears at the top of the screen when an active x control is needed. In Firefox it is a yellow bar at the top. It also notifies you if you are missing plug ins and things like that. It just appears when it is needed.
  11. Hey man thanks for the heads up. I will give this a shot.
  12. Hey DasteeZ and welcome to the forum. You have done a good amount of trouble shooting so it sounds like you know what your doing. When using your router are you hard wiring it to the computer or using it wireless. Wireless will give you a speed drop especially if you are using some encryption. If you are using a wired connection try using another cat cable to run from the modem to router and router to comp. Are you running firewalls? The fact that IE and Firefox freezes up is a little odd. When you say freeze up is it just not loading the webpage or does the browser window become unresponsive?
  13. This topic has been moved to Networking and Hardware. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=14577.0[/iurl]
  14. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Other Stuff. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=14547.0[/iurl]
  15. I think that is a nice way of saying this topic has gone WAY off topic even for the usually far off topic topics created here at testmy.net Damn let me say topic a few more times.. topic... and ... topic..
  16. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=14437.0[/iurl]
  17. Yea but most gun shops offer facilities to help you get BETTER at killing. As far as the girl with stuff in her hair... well maybe if they had better song titles theyd do better.
  18. BWAA HAHAHA.. you got schooled Skanky poo.
  19. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=14497.0[/iurl]
  20. HEY... cmon how do you think CA3LE pays for his servers and porn and burritos. Give him some love clicks.
  21. Hes such a woman. Ahh well CA3LE deserves it.
  22. Who? Why was I not informed of this.. DAMMIT. its funny. Ill kill the thread then
  23. http://www.thatvideosite.com/view/1827.html Randy says so.
  24. Holy S#!t this is a hall of fame post. I love it. Although Van was the lone admin besides CA3LE at one time. Still I love this. Eat it CA3LE. Oh the members section was removed and CA3LE is the owner. Dammit dark I love you.
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