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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. I owe you a handjob... thanks.
  2. Bout 50... all at work.
  4. As cheesy as that it is. It made me giggle.
  5. Never seen that. Thats good.
  6. You smell old....
  7. Well shit, I just realized that we were at 29942 this morning and not 29842 like I thought. Im screwed. BTW CA3LE just cause your a big wig doesnt mean you dont have to answer my PM's. You could just send back a pm with one of these or something. ASS.
  8. What do you mean not working? How the hell can they all go down at once? :haha: You do a virus/spyware scan? What are they doing exactly?
  9. Im betting 700pm CDT today we hit the big 30.
  10. Do a speed test here and post the results. As for the BT you wont get any speed at all with your nat blocked and a firewall. Check out my tutorial here http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-890 I am trying to update it but very busy. I will try to help you through BT all I can but I am at work right now.
  11. WOW two new faces in one thread. Welcome Wouter.
  12. Are you trying to DL using BT? If not I am confused. What program are you using? Welcome to the forums BTW. Glad to have ya and we will help all we can. :hello:
  13. Thanks man I will look at em when I get home.
  14. I saw this video a while back and looked into because I felt the same way. She is atually a "performer" She considers this her routine. She apparently enjoys doing it. Believe it..... Or not.
  15. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Other Stuff. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=15089.0[/iurl]
  16. Cholla, I want a live radar of the weather in my area that comes on as a screensaver. I have found a few but they are low budget crappy and some you have to pay for. Any help is appreciated.
  17. I dont care that it is that particualr radar (wish it could be) any radar. Yea that is more of what I am looking for but free ( Im cheap) thanks swimmer I will give this one a shot.
  18. I use Firefox with the forecastfox enhanced plugin. So I have the weather in the lower right hand corner of my browser and if I hold the mouse over my lil radar icon a screen pops up that looks just like this. http://sirocco.accuweather.com/sat_mosaic_640x480_public/rs/isarTXW.gif So I want to make this animated up to date image my screensaver in full screen mode. Any ideas? Any help is appreciated.
  19. Make sure you have all your drivers before you do a clean install. Otherwise you may not be able to connect to the net to get the drivers. Good luck.
  20. Well sometimes (with emachines at least) if you use the install disc that came with it all that crap is gone. That is how mine is. I know if you have a recovery partition it usually has all that crap on there. I use Your Uninstaller to remove all that crap but that is not the same. I have DL a clean copy of windows off the internet since I already own it I dont view it as stealing. I dont know if it is or not but I own a copy of Windows XP and PRO that I paid for so I dl custom versions and use them. They are faster and have the crap I dont want taken off.
  21. Yea just like Blunted said you will have plenty of theoretical speed. What causes lag in on line games for the most part is server transfer not one persons connection, or if it is one person its just their connection dropping momentarily. Most on line games need very little bandwidth even with voice chat. Although everyone always loves to yell "He was LAGGING" when they get killed on line. Usually if one person lags everyone does.
  22. And 800% faster than Cox average. :haha: Very nice.
  23. :hello: Hey lalalaX3 welcome to the site. I have Cox (well its Sudden Link now WTF?) anyway I have had the exact same problem and it was not the modem it was the service. It was when they were upgrading my neighborhood. I called and they tinkered with stuff, reset the modem but it didnt help. It stopped after about 3 weeks. Good luck. Hope you stick around.
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