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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. I laughed my ass off at this. Although it is true, we remove the asshole posts faster than I eat cake. But when I look at other forums and see all the assholes just pile on one person, then turn on each other, then turn on the site, it reminds me I am glad we do it. On a side note, for the person that put the 76-99 answer. I would love a link to a better forum. I dont think it exists...SNAP.. Shit I just broke my arm. :evil6:
  2. Yea that was a barage of threads. I usually say my peace and leave, but keep an eye out to make sure it stays under control. Really it is silly to debate these things because no matter what I say I will not change your mind and you probably wont change mine. All you can do is post your opinion.
  3. This aint baseball Tom.
  4. Yea I am always very proud of how the family at testmy.net (strangers though we may be) can discuss the stickiest topics better than ANYWHERE else. No name calling, yelling, getting pissed. Hell the people that get paid on the news channels to just sit and discuss cant even do it. Families cant do it. Very proud.
  5. I didn't get no bullshit like this in my BDay thread. Screw you "Mr Favoritism" Just because she is hot doesn't mean you should take sides.. Ass. :cussing:
  6. :iamwithstupid: S#!t, you just made a switch from a sensitive subject (abortion) to an even more sensitive (creationism). and such a smooth transfer.
  7. Your body consists of what you are born with, that is yours. The child inside a womans body is a egg (which you are born with) and sperm from a man (which you are not born with) therefore it cannot be a part of your body if it requires another person to make it exist. A person can have no respirations and have a pulse and at that point they are still considered to be alive (from a medical point of view, this I know as I have pronounced the death of people before). So once the baby has a heart beat it is alive and it is not a part of anyones body but the result of the joining of two parts of two different persons bodies.
  8. Its all that honkey shit your always talking. Acting all gangster.
  9. Meet me in bed at 10 O'Clock hun.
  10. Yea I guess I did dammit. I though my songs were over sorry...
  11. ASTROS SUCK... nah I dont even watch baseball, but nice topic change.
  12. I love my cox although they just changed to Sudden Link here. Did they change there too?
  13. Thank you sir, I was listening but I had to take the kids out back with the wife and play. Thanks alot to everyone for a great birthday. The wife made a badass pimeapple upside down cake. MMMMmmmmmmmmmmm.
  14. Yea man dont bitch about that. I wouldnt. :cry:
  15. Blegh.. so did you do a complete reinstall of windows? Have you power cycled your modem and have you tweeked.
  16. That is classic.. J Carey with that goofy hat and the ball n paddle. LMAO
  17. WWWooooHOOOOOO.. The dumb and Dumber song. :haha:
  18. Not bad man, have you tried tweeking?
  19. Thanks man.
  20. I bet we can keep it civil, we have kept religion pretty civil. I was impressed with that, no shit impressed.
  21. HOLY SHIT... [move]ROCK ME AMADAIS... I love that song.[/move]
  22. :haha: If I find some youll be the first to know my friend.. Have I told you I love you. I do. Oh and your never too old to flirt. NEVER.
  23. Good luck man, sorry we couldnt get it solved.
  24. :haha: Na man, no offense taken I was joking. My bad. Lets just say I am not jealous of her I trust her with my life and I would trust her in a room of porn stars. Shes hot, but shes mine. You can flirt with her all you want.
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