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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Welcome back.. nice speed and is that avatar Fooly Cooly?
  2. Huh, I never noticed this. Cool.
  3. Who told you that I know you didnt know that.... your the only one here whiter than me. Hey man welcome. :hello:
  4. Hey man welcome to the forum. Hopefully van can come by and give us some good info. :D :hello:
  5. Tommi Dammit Son are you still trying to mount water? Play hard to get or something cmon man... your make all us players look bad. *Wishes that CA3LE would get off his ass, quit eating the pork rinds and make me a smile that stands there and licks its fingers then rubs its own nipples... That would be right here.
  6. So signed; Shug7272 i didnt read it... i just signed cause cholla agrees with it
  7. This topic has been moved to Online Gaming Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=15851.0[/iurl]
  8. Hey screw you JK... I wanted my post count to always read SPAMMER in red letters and he wouldnt do that for me.. Ass.
  9. Well.... honestly and your not gonna believe this, my computer at work just stopped working and I got a fancy new dual core. Ill be back... BITCH.. YEA. Seriously give me a day or two... to get ready... for all the tea bags Im gonna be giving you. And you know youll like em. Grrr.
  10. :haha: I dont know what the hell nutmeats is... but its funny.
  11. 40?? Your gonna break a hip.. Seriously get your walker and run... the other way.. Go on now. So seriouisly isnt the age limit like 42? No matter youll be alright..we got tanks n shit.
  12. Good luck man, your a great person and a brave soul. Thank you. Be safe.
  13. This topic has been moved to Programming and Website Help. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=15669.0[/iurl]
  14. Holy Shit that is a nice site.
  15. A chick that is addicted to porn... awesome. She can stay at my house.
  16. Yea hes is the Simon C. of that show. They really have some amazing people on there at times.
  17. :haha: Good idea, and entertaining too. I cant wait to see.
  18. Is that a smiley face? Thats what I look like when I eat alot of cheese and hit the can. I thought you were in pain about it, or at the very least constimahpated.
  19. You say that like it is a bad thing. Very cool illusion.
  20. I do have nice boobs... and I like you too. Big Boy.
  21. Yea so that if someone decided to jack around and give all their good players to one team we could stop it. Just wait 2 days and the trade will go through.
  22. Could never be mad at you. Thanks momma, but we started dating when she was 13 and I was 15. Other than that your right.. I am very lucky.
  23. People have been in this conspiracy mode since Reagan. It makes me giggle.
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