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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. WTF I got married 5 years ago and havent had sexual relations since. Is that legal?
  2. Yea, also if you boot in safe mode it will give you the option to boot into xp with the administrator setting I believe.
  3. Awesome man you look good and happy. Congrats.
  4. Thats because your DAMN word censor was fucking with me and no matter how I wrote TestMy.net it would make it testmy.net. :cussing: :cussing:
  5. Congrats man and yea I understand nervous, when I got married I almost passed out my best man had to grab me. Then I cried for a while and Im not a crier lol.
  6. You damn British with your gas and your cars... No you cant exchange it. You can only use it to get horribly dirty things from the mods. :lol:
  7. If that is what you like best I will add it as a option.
  8. WTF I thought we were soul mates.... apparently not. ASS. :cussing:
  9. Yea I had the word censor on and I viewed it the same way you did. I forgot that our word censor automatically changes certain words to what CA3LE wants. So with it on if you write TeStMY.NeT it still comes out testmy.net. But I want to know which you think looks best.
  10. You get 100 testmy bucks if that is it. Ok 100 TestMy bucks for you.
  11. Is that with lower case or upper case. For some reason you cant write testmy.net with caps... AHH shit I just figured it out. CA3LE has it set to always write testmy.net no matter what you capitalize. I guess this poll is pointless... ahh what the hell all my shit is.
  12. :iamwithstupid: I have suddenlink and I get 4 megs down all the time. Something must be wrong. Edit Just noticed your last post so Im glad to hear you got it figured out.
  13. Cmon now. I tend to write it TestMy.net. Well shit. It wont let me write TestMy.net with capital T and M. You get the idea though.
  14. Use the second link I posted for the CD version.
  15. Nah just used a cd. I have never used a floppy with DBAN. OOPS my bad here is the link for the cd/dvd version. http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/dban/dban-1.0.7_i386.iso?download
  16. Yea the name sounds great... kinda stern. Derriks Boot And Nuke, gottta love the nuke part.
  17. http://dban.sourceforge.net/ DBAN is a great program for what you are wanting to do. I run it before all my clean installs. It also makes it so no data is able to be recovered.
  18. Yea its a subscription service they charge to your phone bill each month till you tell them to quit. They allow you to DL so much then they charge you extra which all goes to your phone bill.
  19. I have actually had the exact same problem and it was after I ran DBAN. Ask him if he booted any Linux kernals before reinstalling. The way I fixed it (honest to god) was to reinstall 5 times. Once I reached the 5th installation it went through like normal. Good luck man.
  20. I thought of this thread when I looked at that video.
  21. I just googled ourthinktank and this thread is the 3rd hit. Dunno why that tickled me but it did.
  22. http://break.com/index/weird_al_white_and_nerdy.html :haha: :haha:
  23. :iamwithstupid: Go thriller. THEY TOLD YA DONT YOU EVER COME AROUND HERE...BEAT IT. :headbang:
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