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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Ok lets not turn this into a flame post, Joeys screwed if he did it... you know it... i know it... everyone knows it.
  2. :haha: Poor Joey you are so screwed you dont even know. :haha:
  3. Damn CA3LE you sexy as hell. I want you.... :shock:
  4. :haha: ONE MILLION..... That sum bitch just got owned.. :haha:
  5. Alright, I just bought a new cell. Motorola V551 and i need some free stuff sites. I like the ones you can browse from the phone and direct download. I use to have several saved but have lost them. The things I want back most is Dope Wars game and Special Ed mail notifier. Any ideas or suggestions? Alright never mind i found them. Its www.fonpirate.com and www.3gforfree.com both can be browsed by your cell phone. Very nice.
  6. Welcome bshadow and dont listen to Stank Ho they are implants. Hope you like it here, do what Van says and youll be flying in no time.
  7. Sweet.
  8. Guy Ledouche..... MXC.... You know... AHHH never mind. :angry5:
  9. Just had to say CA3LE..... I love the new logo and font. Very nice.
  10. I wasnt that impressed, the first bud light was good and the two ameriquest were great but damn not alot of top notch ones.
  11. It hasnt even started yet and I already love them, I have never dsliked the super bowl commercials although last year seemed below par.
  12. Damn Swimmer, whats with you always starting fights. Jeez.
  13. I would say cable nut due to the fact that Van is a complete pimp with settings and can probably tweek Bill Gates connection with cable nut and make it faster.
  14. Swimmer you didnt have to make him look silly. Be nice.
  15. Nice and welcome to the forum.
  16. :haha: You seem to take this real personal... calm down. For me the proof is in the pudding. With IE i constantly get poups Firefox I don't, with IE I can surf for a couple of hours run spybot and ad aware and get hundreds of hits, I can use Firefox for months with none. All in personal preference though I guess..... Caaaallm Dooowwn, Say it with me GooosFabra... GOOOSfabra.
  17. I like my Moto.
  18. This topic has been moved to DIRECWAY. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=2222.0[/iurl]
  19. Yea the hug was fine but when you slipped your tounge in his ear, I threw up a little.
  20. Welcome.
  21. I use the Linksys Wireless G for my gaming and laptop and get very good results. I play Socom 2 alot on line and never have any problems even with the voice chat running full boar.
  22. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Other Stuff. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=2068.0[/iurl]
  23. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Other Stuff. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=2069.0[/iurl]
  24. Love the new look of the board. Very very nice man.
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