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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Yea Satelite sucks no matter how you slice it. Good luck man. Glad to hear about updates to the site Boss. About time you got off your lazy fat ass and quit chasing women to come back to work. http://www.wildblue.com/ Lord I feel bad recommending satellite. Better than dial up though.
  2. /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> Better late than never.
  3. Welcome, no such thing as a newbie here. We were all born shitting our pants. Everything else we learned. This is a great place to do just that.
  4. I eat a ton of corn... You know, Chicken McNuggets are mostly corn!
  5. Sniff Sniff...Yea it does smell like man in here.
  6. :haha: Hes talking about rich ass NFL players too.
  7. Just wanted to say NIPPLE.... Areola... NIPPLE ...BIG BOOBIES... TIG BITTIES!!!! *runs away laughing with butt crack showing*
  8. If that is fake it is done crazy well. If it is not it is impressive. None of that couldnt be done with a ton of practice. Its the fact they make it look so easy. :haha: I love it.
  9. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2526516/unbeleivable_check_this_out_man/
  10. HOLY SHIT!! Thanks so much. That will do it! Fucking EPIC first post. :haha:
  11. Good luck man. I do know for a fact that in order to get 5.1 through optical it must be set on bitstream. While your trouble shooting you may want to have it set on that. Let us know how it works out.
  12. Oh ok. The problem you have then is that the PS3 will not send the fully decoded signal through optical. It will send the uncoded signal that can then be decoded by your reciever but if you have an older reciever you are screwed as far as optical. You can use HDMI to carry it already decoded but if your reciever is that old it probably doesnt have HDMI switching. You may be able to run HDMI from PS3 to the TV then optical from TV to reciever. I dont know that it will work though. The bitstream should work, your reciever should decode it.... Hmmm. I dont know, you may have to use the cables that came with it to move your sound. Good luck man. No, if your reciever is decoding the signal to 2 chan it should be able to decode it it DD I would think. Are you missing a setting on your reciever. Maybe it thinks it is recieving a decoded signal and is not trying to do it.
  13. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Other Stuff. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=25894.0[/iurl]
  14. You need to switch it to "bitstream" under sound/optical settings. It will tell you that with this setting some sound may not work but it is wrong. That is how to fix your problem. :grin2: The only way to get lossless is with HDMI but the 5.1 through optical sounds great!
  15. Thanks man, I already found that too. The weird thing is I dont have all of the same files, just a few. Will try, thanks. Thanks to all the replies.
  16. Already did it. Already used these links too. Like I said the Personal Defender 2009 is a little different. The removal tools for it dont work on this "Malware Defender 2009". I have tried every tried and true trick in the book.... DANGIT!!! :tickedoff:
  17. .... Well... When they are not being bastards.
  18. Well its not that simple, but I did delete everything I could from the PC and registry but it is coming back. Im telling you this one is a bitch.
  19. Dont act like you dont know that those girls will act just like you. They will.
  20. You know I have opera but I dont normally use it. I will try opera. I like my mobile phone browser better normally. I didnt think of that and I will try it. Thanks! :haha:
  21. So a girl I work with got some shit on her pc at work. Not sure what it is. It looks like a spyware removal program. Its called Malware Defender 2009. It looks just like a program that pops up and scans, its not though. Seems to be pretty new. I need help getting it off. I have googled around and it looks like it is a new version of what was called Perfect Defender 2009 which is also malware. Any help is appreciated. Link to solution - Thanks Tangle
  22. If thats what hes calling me now days. Used to be daddy.
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