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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Happiness. Freedom. Real freedom, something not many know on this planet. Americans are included in that statement. Its really too bad more people from around the world dont know main street Americans. The type that will give the shirt off their back and dont care to wage wars for the most part.
  2. I was on the fence about the whole global warming thing until I watched a show on the History Channel about it. I think it was called "crude" or "oil" something like that. They really laid it out and explained it well. I do believe we are effecting our world in a bad way, but what the hell do I know. I am afraid this is going to be one of those things that we will not take seriously until it is a BIG problem. Again, who knows? Hell even the scientists cant agree and on top of that you know the oil companies have money to throw around and dont want a bad word getting out about burning fossils.
  3. Im eating Tommie first. Almost for got big Dlewdis. Hes dessert.
  4. Yea but the owner is a douche bag little girl that wears training bras. And the janitor is a real prick too. :azn:
  5. :haha: :haha: If your confused you havent been paying good enough attention to this thread. That is the last we will ever speak regarding the Genesis of of Biggles name on testmy. :azn:
  6. Meet me in the hog thread, cause im gonna make you squeel.. MWahahahaha.
  7. This topic has been moved to News. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=22880.0[/iurl]
  8. Biggles....Biggles... hmmmmmmmmmmm. Biggles... Roco... Biggles. And "Biggles" sticks the landing!!!! Yea Biggles just stuck. From this day forth, sir Roco of Rockingham shall be known as Biggles. :grin2: :grin2: :welcome:
  9. You too!! Never used this but if peep uses it, it must work well. Nice.
  10. Nice links, thanks for the help. Theres what I use. Very nice. :grin2:
  11. :haha: :haha: He deserved it. Good for you. No he never knew (too drunk) but mom did, she didnt like it but she is too nice.
  12. :evil6: Ahhhh, your a smart man. How did you know I like to run people down? :knuppel2:
  13. Hmmm... excellent point. Maybe I should have said "aging" or growing older.
  14. DAMN. I would say bogus but I dont know. I dont see how they could do it legally. You know what they say, if it seems too good to be true.
  15. If it is that bad I would say they need more than a book. Maybe a counselor or preacher. I am afraid of death too. Oh and welcome to TestMy.
  16. :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: Nah thats like just plain old, fresh out the bung hole, shit. My only escape was growing up.
  17. I know, I have been missing you fuckers. Nobody gives me shit in the real world.... Im WAY too fat to run. :haha: :haha:
  18. :icon_scratch: .......... hmmm.. W.. no... I would say it i... no.. What the hell is that? *points in opposite direction and runs*
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