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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. I started a new job a while back and today I was in a meeting with the big wigs. They are buying two new laptops to give away to our under privelaged students for Christmas. The budget is 1200 bucks but I am sure they would like to come in under budget. So I need help finding a good laptop for 400-500 bucks. I dont really want them to have mail in rebates. It doesnt have to be a beast, its not a gaming rig, its more for school but of course we want it to be as nice as possible. Thanks in advance guys.
  2. I have noticed way too much name calling and childish behavior in this section. Seems that if there is a problem here as of late it is comming from the Smart Bro section/user base. Please understand we don't allow the bickering, fighting and name calling here. If you must put something negative in every post of yours, you will not last here. Please guys and girls, shape this section up. I will be monitoring this section closely myself and if the name calling and arguing continues I will begin to ban people because obviously warnings don't work. I will also be monitoring the new members for a while as best I can and if a banned member tries to sign up I will ban the new account pronto. We are glad to have you all here, and we are getting a nice comunity of Smart Bro users but if you cant get along and are here for drama Go Some Where Else we don't want that crap here.
  3. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=21614.0[/iurl]
  4. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Other Stuff. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=21603.0[/iurl]
  5. Hell yes... that qualifies as "best of all". :grin2:
  6. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Other Stuff. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=21607.0[/iurl]
  7. This topic has been moved to Online Gaming Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=21597.0[/iurl]
  8. The bickering in this thread needs to stop, now. I mean it. Coolbuster and Smartbroken you two need to get along or just ignore each other. Stop acting like 5 year olds. If it doesnt stop I will stop it for you. So I suggest you pm each other, work it out and get over it. Your both good members here, but we dont need drama queens and stiring of the shit pot.
  9. ....... :undecided: ...... well... Ok.. Take it like a man.
  10. Momma T is very helpful. I wish I was around more, I miss it here. Well if any other member wants to tell you how to post just shoot me a pm. It wont happen long. We like happiness and peace here. Except for Dlewis... that guys a douche bag......
  11. :haha: When did you get dragged down? I cant remember a mod repremanding you for posting off topic. If you mean a user who cares? We dont do that here. Should you stay on topic? Sure, but if you get off your not gonna get jumped. If anyone but a mod is speaking about the way you post let me know, it doesnt work that way here.
  12. Shug7272


    Your hot and Im nekkid... and fat... Grrr.. and hairy.
  13. Shug7272


    Problem with this is if you act like an asshole you will get banned again under your new ip and username. We can usually tell who you are and ban your new name quickly as well. So unless you have NO life and tons of time on your hand to reregister over and over this is not such a great option. What in the heck is all of the ban talk? We have banned SOOO few real members (not bots or spammers) its not even funny. ....OHHHhhh yea I banned a whole bunch of people on accident. :uglystupid2: Dont worry guys it takes ALOT to get a perma ban here, and you will almost always at least get a warning first. If you ignore warnings or argue with mods you might get a week ban or 3 days. Depends. If your just a flat out asshole... well your gonna get banned from here sooner or later anyway. :evil6: Yea you guys know who Im talking about... no no not him... Dammit.. YES.. you know who I mean.
  14. Topic locked. The initial problem was dealt with and The Half has nothing better to do than sign up again and again and start trouble in this thread.
  15. Sorry about that, it was my fault gorge. It was a mistake and you were never to be banned. Glad it was cleared up. :grin2:
  16. Just to add on to what momma t and RTB said above me. DO not tell other members they broke a rule on the boards. This is not helpful and just spam. If you think someone broke a rule use the report button. This place is like a family and we welcome all new people to the family. We have many members here who have bickered in the past but the key is to do it WITH RESPECT. No low blows, no name calling, no childish BS. PERIOD. I have watched many of the new members that have been posting in this thread since they signed up and you all seem very cool and you seem to bring alot to the site. Please guys, repsect one anonther and above all else NO name calling and NO yelling that someone is breaking a rule/off topic. Momma T is too nice as I would have already locked the thread after one warning. Now get it on course, smile and be happy. Nothing on the internet is worth getting worked up over.... except for my nude pics... but thats a whole nother story.... Im hot. :azn: :evil6: WOW three mod posts in a row... we are slipping up on slacking off. :2funny:
  17. Hell yes... NCAA 08 sucks so much ass but I cant put it down. Heavenly sword was good... cant wait for uncharted.... :grin2:
  18. :haha: You would be amazed at how the ps3 folds. I turn mine on from time to time and shoot to the top of the 24 hour list for our group.
  19. Either you two are too drunk... or I am not drunk enough... :whaa: Ahh screw it.
  20. Ok now you gotta do it, because I cant figure out what you are thinking... :icon_scratch: Thank man.. damn. :flipa:
  21. Your hot. Huh?... What the hell is this shit... Whats a Vice Admin. Dammit. :tickedoff: To tell you the truth, and this is the truth, I forget I am VA all the time. Only time I remember is when a ban is needed. Other than that I try to keep a member mentality rather than a mod mentality. People like you and many others do far more good on a daily basis for this site than I or many of the other mods do. Thats the truth.
  22. I KNEW IT!!! I FUCKING KNEW IT.. YOU DO LOVE ME.. MWA HAHAHAHAHA. HEY.. Just because I got busy doenst mean I dont check in on you shit heads all the time. :kiss: Damn lil bro when did you get back... Been gone too long. No pms or nothing. :tickedoff: Yea well..... I am a jackass. :evil6:
  23. Google. What kept me here was that Swimmer, CA3LE and RTB treated me like a person and didnt call me things like noob. Others too, but those three made the biggest initial impression.
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