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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. I have been getting stoned and playing PS3... what else? :haha: Had to stop though, I have rules as to how long I smoke pot at one time and how long I take a break for... go figure, a stoner that thinks this shit out. :uglystupid2:
  2. :kiss: Aint seen you around much lately... is it cause you havent been here or cause I havent been here?
  3. Well Im not going to scold anyone but I will say this to everyone involved in this thread. First, there is no need to treat the forum like a pm system. This could have been pm'd or added to another post, we arent very picky about this and CA3LE is great about letting the members do what they want but I think we can all see what would happen if everyone here made threads like this. Second, please do not correct other members for their forum behavior, that is what the mods are for. I have been to many forums where everytime something is posted 6 people come in and say "lock this" or "you broke a rule" or this is the wrong section". It tends to just cause conflict and is not needed. Please use the "report to moderator" link at the bottom right of and offending post to let the staff know of a potential problem. Everyone in this thread is fairly new so please dont take offense to this, just a friendly heads up about how we work here. We want everyone to feel free to post ANYTHING with out being ridiculed (of course this does not include ridiculing others or being rude/offensive). There is NO such thing as a "noob" at testmy and no such thing as a stupid question. :grin2: Enjoy yourselves here and carry on.
  4. Someone has been in the Slip and Slide thread. :azn:
  5. :2funny: :2funny: Thats fricking hillarious.. never heard it before.
  6. http://www.penny-arcade.com/docs/internetdickwad.jpg :haha: Good shit. Definantly internet related.... and dare I say it true. :uglystupid2:
  7. It does, of course it doesnt do miracles... better than my old $500 upscaling DVD player did. Does a pretty nice job on old ps games too.
  8. Yup... 2 and 3 could have been better imo. I liked em, but I like Jigsaw, not the chick. Props to them for being different, I mean who changes the lead killer in a blockbuster hollywood series? They got balls and I like that.
  9. I watched this a while back and it is bad ass. Saw is IMO one of the greatest horror movies of all time. I dont think 4 will be as good but damn that scene was SICK. Nice find.
  10. I got your back. I dont think you could find a better program even if you paid. Its a shame there is such great freeware out there that we dont know about. Looks like Cok beat me to it actually but he doesnt seem to be as impressed as I am. I have never had a problem with it. Matter of fact when certain members here shot off at the mouth about how easy it was to break a password on a zip file, I made one with this program... it never got cracked by anyone.
  11. http://www.izarc.org/ Best one I have ever used, full feature and totally free.
  12. This topic has been moved to News. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=20656.0[/iurl]
  13. Thats not fair to rely on what you see... at your age cataracts must be a problem. :azn: :haha:
  14. F you.. F you.. and... F you .. im out.
  15. MS has always put it to the user. They could have sold their OS for half the inflated price and still be Billionaires...I cant say I wouldnt do the same thing, buisness is about money not friends. I think by 2010 Linux will have put a hurt on MS so bad they will do something... lets just say different.
  16. I dont know a thing about airsoft... but it looks cool. Hope you get it figured out.
  17. SHIT... I missed the damn draft. :haha: :haha:
  18. We have a couple of spots left and the live draft is tomorrow at 4:00pm central standard time.
  19. GREAT glad to hear it. Anymore problems let me know, I will do what I can. :kiss:
  20. Cmon guys only two more days before draft. Lets see some sign ups.. where are all the girls, is miss priss the only one that will play with the big boys?
  21. If your mobo has video you will do ok. I would say you COULD run Vista, but due to the fact you are building your pc and could have driver trouble anyway I wouldnt compound it with Vista. But you could run it fine.
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