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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. :haha: For some reason CNN only has good things to say about me. They dont seem to like you boners.
  2. This just in.
  3. Way to go, that will go straight to her head. :evil6:
  4. I dont care if you are or not.. THATS funny. :evil6: Everytime I read it I find something else, its great.
  5. :2funny: HOLY SHIT, I had to read it twice to catch TMN kiss ass. :haha: :haha: Thats awesome.
  6. Come on guys, do some of your own and post em up.
  7. I found a trick to edit any web page on the net. It is pretty cool. Just input the following in the address bar and hit enter. javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0 Thought I would share, its fun when your bored.
  8. Midland Texas. 5 advertised. 600k average.
  9. Just thought you guys would like a preview of the next big testmy.net update. Enjoy. This was done very easily, first person to guess how gets 6 testmy bucks. I thought it was cool.
  10. She doesnt listen to a damn thing I say. I told her to get cable YEARS ago and she never did. Cox was the best in town here, but now that they are sudden link and suck ass Im sure she will change.
  11. Sweet. Thanks.
  12. HELL NO... I love -----> :evil6:
  13. Thank goodness, your probably not gonna believe me but my boss has DSL at her house and still has to use a username and password. I dont know what she has, but it is not ATT. I was just praying I would not have to have that.
  14. I just hope my kids dont suffer when and if we do screw up big. :haha:
  15. D you have been agreeing with me (although you do call me stupid everytime ) too much lately. You are seriously starting to scare me.
  16. I am dropping Sudden Link due to the fact that since the takeover of Cox here everything about them has SUCKED donkey balls. So I am signing up for ATT Yahoo DSL as it is my next best option. Is their service always on or do you have to do some sign in BS? I have a laptop and PS3 that is networked wirelessly and am wondering if this will throw a wrench in the works. Thanks.
  17. Like every other great nation in the history of the world our arrogance and corruption will be our downfall. To think we are the first nation in the history of the world that will remain a juggernaut forever is a lil naive.
  18. I have had thoughts like this in the past, especially with terrorist. If China is testing this already, then they know what they can do. I imagine many countries already know of MANY things that could hurt the US that our media wont know for decades. I am truly affraid Bush is gonna piss off so many countries at once that if they just pull their heads out and work together we could be in trouble. I dont know what it will take to teach America to stay at home and stop trying to police the world, but I hope it is not China that teaches us that lesson.
  19. I used to act tough.. does that count. Now Im too damn lazy to even act it.
  20. It seems to be breathing.. growing and shrinking over and over. I have noticed it a couple times. CA3LE's hand probably accidentally slipped to the update testmy button while he was watching... umm.... internet entertainment... for men... with one hand. If ya know what mean.. huh,,, ha ha... Mwa ha... MWA HAHAHAHAHAHAhahaaaaaaaaaaha.
  21. Im looking right at ya... and pointing.
  22. :2funny: I get the feeling you could pass one of those after a bad knife fight with a monkey after drinking a fifth of JD.
  23. I gave up on 16.... im using a touchpad. :haha:
  24. What computer are you using right now? Yea this would be a great way to do it if you can.
  25. Well maybe. If you can buy a decent computer in India for the price you want go for it. Im not sure about how pc sales work in India. If you were to buy from the United States buying a used pc would probably save you a good amount.
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