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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Are you ever gonna take your wife off of your avatar. She has to hate that. :uglystupid2: Oh ps I love you.
  2. My boss has a printer just like that and it is pretty nice. Prints a lil slow but they like it. Check your pm box please.
  3. :2funny: Funny read man, have you ever dealt with AOL.
  4. Welcome to the site, glad you like it. This is a great place and we love to hear the positive feedback. :grin2:
  5. I have yet to have any trouble with the beta. I love it.
  6. We all want it faster dont we? Nice though.
  7. My first thought was it was killing a spyware type program from running but you said its finding nothing? Thats a pretty nice improvment. I would run it twice a day.
  8. I dont know why but I have GOT to buy my DVD's. Im ANAL as hell about em too.
  9. Oh lord I hope they dont let MS ruin FF. I mean aside from what they have copied from FF they got nothing new in 7 releases. :haha: BTW I dont know who "they" is in my first sentence.
  10. :haha: Thanks man, I loved it when he was writing the song in and the lady was getting pissed. It was rude yea and if it happened to me I would have said something BUT funny to read.
  11. :haha: Thats not good man. Pathetic. They NEVER check mine. Although it does make me think about getting a new tv, for free. NOT AUTHORIZED.
  12. Of course nothing is ever free, your going to do something that they cant easily do or they wouldnt give you jack for it. If nothing else they are getting free advertising from 1000 posts out there just like this one. They aint getting it here though. :knuppel2:
  13. Somewhat true, while at the same time no matter how friendly you are. If they could bankrupt and demoralise the competition they would do it in a heartbeat.
  14. I thought that was too dang cool. Would have never expected that. I bet both teams got a great laugh. I would have.
  15. http://www.zug.com/pranks/credit_card/ First off you cant start reading this unless you read all five pages. I promise it WILL make you laugh AND scare the shit out of you. And people wonder why identity theft is so easy. :2funny:
  16. http://fredericiana.com/2006/10/24/from-redmond-with-love/ :grin: I thought this was too cool. Nice.
  17. http://dban.sourceforge.net/ This program not only erases all information on the hard drive it also makes it unable to be recovered. In case he has any personal data.
  18. I just wanted to use this guy :uglystupid2: For the first time. He is my new fav. Sorry :haha: your old news. This one runs a close second.
  19. There are so many ways to resond to this.... I think I will pick... <--- this one, just because CA3LE asked me what to name this one and I said "What do you think?" He said "I hate Dlewis?" I said yes yes we all hate Dlewis but what should we name the emot?" He said how bout it we name it after Dlewis. I said hey your the boss.
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