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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Hey man welcome to the site. :hello: Nice speeds.
  2. Sorry thats all I got. :haha: If you pm the request to a admin they can probably assist you.
  3. Go to profile, then account related settings.
  4. :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: Fucking hilarious. I have seen a small part of that clip before, never knew there was this much to it. :2funny:
  5. Of all the people (100) I have at my nursing home there is only one. One and only one who comes to see his wife with alzheimers on a daily basis. This story is rare and sad. This is the love me and my wife have. :grin2: :grin2:
  6. Damn i dont know but it reminded me of the game Nightmare Creatures. What was the game for? PC? About how old is it. Sounds good.
  7. I have sent some like this in the past (me and the wife) I will send again.
  8. What do you mean it doesnt work? Explain how. Also have you tired the Dual Test?
  9. http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_summary.php?s=&t=44352 Looks like your slipping sister. :evil6:
  10. Whoever made the poll forgot the answer "A Coke and a Jaw Breaker"
  11. Hello Robin, welcome to the forum. :grin2: Im not sure anyone can help you with that, have you contacted paypal? What did they say?
  12. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Other Stuff. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=17067.0[/iurl]
  13. Very nice. Have you tried tweeking that fat bastard yet?
  14. My pecker is for sell for 10 bucks man. 54k I would cut off alot. :haha: You go girl.
  15. I call BULLSHIT on YOU not seeing it. :shock: Now dammit you know only Moe Larry and Curly count... none of that Shemp BS. Curly died didnt he, isnt that why Shemp took over?
  16. You two are turning into Moe and curly. Comedy duo extrodinair. :2funny:
  17. Ahh hell man I dont remember. I wrote it a LONG time ago, before I was a mod. I had horrible trouble finding help on setting up BT especially for a router. Once I got it down I decided to help everyone else out all I could. And of course my tutorial went to testmy.net, where else would I put it? :grin2: I have got alot of positive feedback from it. One of the most worthwhile things I have done. This was before BT became so big so guides where hard to find. They are a dime a dozen now.
  18. :hello: Welcome to the site, hope you like it and tell your friends. http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-890 Check out this tutorial and PM me with any questions you might have.
  19. Na youll know when Ryan gets scared... it smells like poop for some reason. :haha:
  20. http://computer.howstuffworks.com/spam.htm This is an interesting read on the subject. Not sure if it covers all areas you requested.
  21. :evil6: Well we have gone completely off track... but I guess the question asked here was answered. So who cares. Sparticus is screwed.. I mean prison screwed. :kiss: :azn:
  22. Im not sure if that is allowed or not. You give a fair warning so I will leave it for another mod to weigh in on.
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